Mr. Dash's facebook reports that Tom Gilbert won yesterday's burger eating contest in San Diego by eating 18.5 burgers in 10 minutes, defeating Stephanie Torres by a half a burger. Johnnie Excel came in third with 16.5 burgers.


  1. Cutter said (Registered November 9, 2010)

    December 6, 2010 @ 1:21 am

    Great job by these two challengers, which i have kind of become a bit of a fan of considering their online presense on here. The Goose might be the best burger eater out there. So close.

    Question for Steph or Johnnie… did you notice if you have improved rapidly recently? I am wondering if there is an “eating curve”. Some or your recent feats have appeared to have become more impressive. You two are certainly very active eaters.

    I wish i could have gotten in on this burger action myself. I love burger challenges. It is the only way that i will eat more than a dozen slices of cheese. Maybe if they have one closer to home.

    Awesome stuff. Both of you i believe are less than a year removed from beating Thomas Gilbert in an event like this.

  2. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    December 6, 2010 @ 10:43 am

    Excellent job Johnnie—-and especially Stephanie. When you come that close to Goose in any contest you’re doing something.

    Goose’s talent has probably leveled off just a bit, compared to what it was 2 years ago, and this is normal for just about everyone, but still, I’d say Goose is one of the best 12-15 eaters in the world, including Major League Eaters and independents.

    To address question, which is most thougtful, people improve at varying rates and over varying amounts of time (different strokes for different folks).

    It took Bob Shoudt about 3-4 years to really hit his stride. Joey and Pat took less time. Sonya was relatively better than most in the IFOCE from the outset, though it took her a year to get her technique down. She has improved ever since, but at a much more gradual pace than the rest of the IFOCE top five—-Joey, Pat, Bob, and Tim.

    Koby hit the ground not just running, but like a freight train among a convoy of trucks.

  3. Johnnie Excel said (Registered October 5, 2010)

    December 6, 2010 @ 11:23 am

    Thanks for the words of encouragement guys, I was happy to have the opportunity to compete against Goose again. It was about four months ago that I did my first eating contest against him in Mission Viejo and he beat me by nearly 10 hot dog and buns (my 20 to his 29.5 in 12 minutes). The two hamburger spread this time was better, but I feel there is still plenty of room for improvement.

    I’m not sure if there is such a thing as an “eating curve” but I think you learn more with practice. Seeing my progress as an eater, it definitely drives me to try harder and improve for the next competition. I can’t wait for the next contest. I sincerely enjoy competitive eating.

  4. anonymous said

    December 6, 2010 @ 11:50 am

    I see stephanie and Johnnie as two new brightspots in MLE for 2011

  5. S.Torres said

    December 6, 2010 @ 12:01 pm

    I didnt know I could eat fast until I ate some hot dogs in San Diego (thanks to johnnie actually), everything before that was just casual and didnt really do may challenges anyway. These things have been done when someone asked me to do them. The challenges I did want to do and that I did ask to go to was the Red Devil with Aaron (hence, that was the only one I personally took footage of) and the Pregnant Burrito record. So, I really cant say how much or how fast I improved, when I just go into something and just chow down not fully paying attention to what I just did, well, not understanding the significance yet. Im not gonna lie though, I have been more into it than before when someone I know asking “Steph, I think you can eat this, can you try eating this much food or this spicy meal?” (casual dares just knowing I can eat alot and eat really spicy things)

    What is really enjoyable to me is bringing people together that are roughly in the same area, or even visiting, to go do things as a group and get to know one another, get to have fun before during and after.. hype each other up and encourage all. You find the other talents of each individual other than just a common interest of eating. Its starts becoming more like a night out with yours buds instead of .. I met this person before, maybe they will meet up and do this with me too. More relaxed, as well as, you are not going against, but encouraging to one another 🙂 Better outcomes! More fun! and getting more people involved!

    Sorry, I went completely off target and let my thoughts run freely. Didnt really address anything. Ive been active eater for fact Im in socal with these cool people. When I shortly depart cali, Im not sure how active I will really be. Even though Ive paid attention to what Ive done, honestly, Ive paid attention to what Ive gained.. friendship, knowing more about new people, having fun, stirring hype not only in myself… and what I havent gained (surprisingly) weight!! hahaha 😛

  6. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    December 6, 2010 @ 2:01 pm

    You have a wonderful attitude Stephanie. 🙂

  7. Anonymous said

    December 6, 2010 @ 11:15 pm

    If either of you two come to vegas for competitive eating, i would be happy to do a stunt, i can pull my own weight. eating is pretty boring when doing stuff alone. tonight before the football game a friend bet me that i couldn’t eat a triple king in 4 minutes, my previous best was right around 4 mins so i took the bet, and blew it away with mark of around 1:50. vegas is chuck full of contests including those rich with pizza and burgers. If you want to beat goose’s time on a burger he has a record of about 12 minutes at the chicago brewing company, the burger is named after him currently. i went to do it a few weeks ago and they told me they weren’t prepared with enough meat for that burger and their regular demand.

    i admire both of your eating abilities.

  8. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    December 7, 2010 @ 7:50 am

    Unless MLE changes their rules, both Stephanie and Johnnie would likely be best served staying independent.

    Again, I state my case: Money wise, unless you’re in the top half dozen or so, you can probably make as much or more outside of MLE as you can a member.

    Regarding recognition, unless you WIN an MLE contest, people/fans won’t know who you are. And it doesn’t help being female, IFOCE contests are gender-nonspecific. An eater is an eater is an eater. Being the top female in the world, or pound-for-pound the best eater in the world, is merely a 30-second conversation piece.

    (Good for guys to shoot the shit about when at adjacent urinals.) 🙂

    Outside of that, I guess if folks are satisfied just saying, “Look at me, I ate with Joey Chestnut,” then maybe the aforementioned conditions don’t matter. These days, you can’t even eat with Kobayashi if you’re associated with MLE.

    ** With utmost sincerity, my recommendation for Johnnie and Steph is to keep doing what they’re doing and don’t sign any contracts. Be your own man, woman, and not a piece of property.

  9. Cutter said (Registered November 9, 2010)

    December 7, 2010 @ 3:10 pm

    good thoughts Rhonda Evans.

    I am anonymous@11:15. Just in case any of those california eaters want to eat with a vegas eater.

    Guys don’t talk much at the urinal. I don’t know why.

    Actually i did compete in one MLE event, and that got me interested in doing more challenges and seeing what my body can handle etc. While i don’t feel that my performance was completely representative of what i can eat NOW, I do feel that it is an experience people should have (with or without eventually signing a contract). I don’t know what would happen to a 2nd tier eater if he/she didn’t sign a contract after being asked to do so. I don’t know if they would be allowed to compete in stuff like Nathans qualifiers after refusing to sign a contract. I do not know if Xanadu and Johnnie are just starting or how long they been eating, i have seen their feats on here for the past month or so.

  10. S.Torres said

    December 7, 2010 @ 7:57 pm

    Dude, Id be down to do a challenge with you. Just a matter of when.
    I dont plan on signing anything, Im happy with just doing group efforts. If Its pushing someone to go out and do what theyve been meaning to do or wanting to do, by all means, I will be the support (and this just doesnt mean eating challenges, its whatever goal is desired to accomplish). Some find it more fun to do these things with another, some are happy solo. Im fine both ways. It can also liven things up, calm nerves, hype you up.. whatever eases the challenge.
    SO, if you have something you want to tackle, Cutter. Let me know!! =]
    Im far from great, BUT I ALWAYS have a great time!! 😀

  11. anonymous said

    December 7, 2010 @ 8:33 pm

    I don’t believe what I’m reading? Hey look at me I ate with joey chestnut name one eater that ever said that

  12. anonymous said

    December 7, 2010 @ 8:43 pm

    Be careful who you eat with in Vegas..What turns out to be a social dinner turns out to be a war

  13. Anonymous said

    December 8, 2010 @ 4:58 am

    I said that but later realized it wasnt a big deal after all and quit.

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