The South China Morning Post announces that Tomoko Miyake won a ramen contest in Hong Kong to claim a first prize of HK$50,000 (US $6448). She was the only woman in the finals; Johnny Wu tied for second. Tomoko will compete in a ramen challenge in Singapore on November 14. (video) update Nov 14 Tomoko also won the contest in Singapore (video)


  1. anonymous said

    November 13, 2013 @ 9:33 am

    I don’t know how they prepare Ramen noodles in Japan but the 3 for $1 packs in the U.S supermarkets have enough sodium in just 3 of those packs to give you a stroke. The Asians seem to handle it quite well though

  2. Anonymous said

    November 13, 2013 @ 10:24 am

    9:33 assumes incorrectly that people in asia eat the same ramen instant as here. completely false. plus the contests in japan especially famous ones use homemade and not instant. plus all ramen instant is not the same. too much salt, too much poor food all sugar and preservatives makes for high blood pressure and obesity.

  3. anonymous said

    November 13, 2013 @ 11:32 am

    9:33, that’s like equating actual Mexican food to Taco Bell.

  4. anonymous said

    November 13, 2013 @ 6:26 pm

    Hey genius what type of ramen noodles did MLE use in their ramen noodles contest 5yrs ago? Certainly not homemade Asian cuisine. PACKETS!

  5. Anonymous said

    November 14, 2013 @ 12:03 am

    Actually 6:26, at the MLE contest THEY USED FRESHLY MADE RAMEN NOODLES not the packet kind. I was there. I know.

    Nice try, though. You had no idea what you were talking about. You made a blind assumption. And you were a total jerk about it.

  6. anonymous said

    November 14, 2013 @ 2:03 am

    Who left 1203 comment odds
    Tim Janus 3-5
    Wing Kong 2-1
    Steakbellie 6-1
    Allen Goldstein 10-1
    CLC 8-1
    Justin Minh 90-1

  7. Anonymous said

    November 14, 2013 @ 7:37 am

    Have to agree fully with 12:03 am. Lots of instant jerk comments here. Anyone who really cares about food itself would know that not all ramen is created equally. Trashing MLE and individuals through the back door seems to be the norm here. Any competitor of any rank, any organization, independent or not can know about and enjoy good food away from the table. Or they should be able to. Otherwise it is just stuff your face. Not very interesting.

  8. Anonymous said

    November 14, 2013 @ 9:18 am

    @2:03, Who cares who left that comment? Who cares if it was Janus, Kong , Livingston, etc.? The point is the same. They clarified the details of the contests and took issue with some jerk who didn’t know what he was talking about. (Were you the jerk?)

  9. anonymous said

    November 14, 2013 @ 10:04 am

    You seem to think you are some kind of expert. You know nothing about preparing real ramen Noodles . How do you know the noodles were home made and not the packaged ones? Hmm? Freshly made ramen noodles? Did you witness the actual preparation in the kitchen? Cheap ramen noodles have many negative attributes attached to them . Even if the noodles were prepared from scratch do you honestly think the chef cares one way or another if they are sodium laden or if he adds the ingredients himself? Right off the bat you insinuate a dig on MLE. The comment had nothing to do with MLE . It was more about the chef in charge of preparing the noodles which can have serious health consequences if not monitored properly

  10. Anonymous said

    November 14, 2013 @ 4:02 pm

    10:04, I’ve been talking to the guy who said MLE used ramen packets. If that’s you, then you just admit you were wrong. I never said either ramen was healthy or unhealthy.

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