Tuscaloosa contest delayed for Joey
TuscaloosaNews.com has an article about today’s Krystal qualifier, which did not start at its expected time:
That craziness almost derailed the final Krystal Square Off qualifier Saturday. Scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. on the Quad, the event was delayed nearly half an hour as event planners waited for the arrival of world champion eater Joey Chestnut, who was stuck in game-day traffic.
The article also reports that Joey ate 83 burgers and not the 87 on KrystalSquareOff.com and IFOCE.com
If the contest started without Joey, Jim Reeves would have the wild card slot taken by Tim Brown.
TuscaloosaNews.com also has footage of the 2 minute prequalifiers (from Paul Barlow)
RollTide.com also has some videos (from Paul Barlow)
Annoymous said
October 21, 2007 @ 3:39 pm
Does anyone else think it was unfair to have the contest delayed just for him?
Anonymous said
October 21, 2007 @ 4:48 pm
Joey ie number one and thats how it is and supposed to be.
Jim Reeves said
October 21, 2007 @ 5:16 pm
I was told by someone in the IFOCE that 40 had a good chance of standing up because neither Shibayama nor Brown was resgistered for the Alabama qualifier, and they would have to do the 2 minute pre-qualifier to get into the Alabama contest. Were they qualified, or were they given a second chance that they didn’t earn? If they were registered, great job Tim. If not, I’ve been screwed.
I know said
October 21, 2007 @ 6:48 pm
Jim you always bitching about somin. You do one or two contests a year and you lookin fo some sneaky angle to get into the finals. Take up your case with the Shea’s . See how far that takes you.
Bubba said
October 21, 2007 @ 7:40 pm
I really like Gravy Brown he’s got alot of style (He wore a suit to Nathans for $hit sake). BUTTTT Jim may have a real point and No Jim Reeves is not always bitching like that anonymous tard said. Maybe with Sonya takin a nap or maternity leave what ever Jim Reeves will get in.
mike landrich said
October 21, 2007 @ 8:09 pm
I’m with you buddy. If there were any shenanigans, it sucks. If Tim won a qualifier, thats the way it should be and good for Tim. What I found absolutely amazing about the whole qualifier series was that no 2 top eaters happened to sign up for the same show. Each one had an easy win. You’d think the odds of that happening are pretty slim, unless……..
SuperPaul said
October 21, 2007 @ 10:54 pm
When I went down for the two-minute qualifier, they were on the list already as registered for the University of Alabama Tuscaloosa Qualifier. No other ranked eater showed up for the two-minute trials, which may explain why I was the high score!! There were plenty of spaces open for the Qualifier, one Alabama fan, an older gentleman jumped in at the last minute on Saturday.
To me, I tend to see the glass possibly half-empty, because I’m a cynical old fart, and even if I was told I had a “good chance” ( can anybody say Adios Las Vegas Chowdown?), I’d have been there securing my spot.
Actually, we were all surprised more people “on the bubble” didn’t show up….. It’s semi-impossible to travel, but isn’t it tougher to sit home, when you know you could have a darn good shot at a piece of $30,000 and be on ESPN ??? And come to think of it, even with not much of a chance of making the finals, I showed up anyway, despite all kind of spousal guilt, work manipulations, lack of funds, and SEC Football traffic…and of course, enjoyed the crap out of it.
Jim, I’m sorry 40 didn’t get you in – because that is a tremendous accomplishment, and I’d have liked to see you at the finals, but Tim and Juris were there, and gave it the good old college try!!
Tim Brown said
October 22, 2007 @ 10:14 am
I signed up for it but didn’t get anything from them till Wed. I had my ticket and was fully prepared to be there a day early to prequalify. I think because of the location change some people were unable to make it and I got cut a break.
Regardless of prequalifying or not those were the totals and I think I deserve to be in…the last thing I ever would want to do is take a wild card spot that I didn’t earn or deserve.
I know said
October 22, 2007 @ 10:28 am
Tim no need to cover yourself. We all know you deserve to be in hands down. Ill be damn if they pulled you out and inserted Reeves just because you werent officialy registered in the main qualifier . You had another one under your belt to begin with so they cant say shit
Jim Reeves said
October 22, 2007 @ 12:12 pm
Hey Tim, if you were on the list then, like I said — congratulations. I’ve never met you but others say you’re a good guy. My problem is never with the other eaters, but with the organization. I was waitlisted for Jackson, even though I signed up immediately after it opened. I was given my spot with only two weeks to go, after the plane fair doubled. For those who post anonymously, it may just seem like “bitchin,” but for those of us who spend our own money to compete rather just talking about it, $500 matters. Good luck in the finals. Jim.
Time Keeper said
October 23, 2007 @ 8:31 pm
Did anyone watch the linked video of the entire contest? It is a very high quality video and if you watch closely, it looks as though the contest actually goes 10 seconds too long. The contest starts at time marker :40 and ends at 8:50.
Philly Guy said
October 23, 2007 @ 11:00 pm
Jim has a valid arguement. Being we’re self funded for the most part, we should have ample time to book our flights. I know I spent a few extra dollars in my career, because of it to gain nothing in return.
October 24, 2007 @ 7:01 am
There’s no doubt…we need help ($$$) and information sooner to help with logistics. That’s the biggest problem we all face, and that’s the reason a lot of us are “regional” competitors, at best. The “pain” of spending a lot of money for probably no financial gain never goes over well with spouses. It’s like going to Vegas with guaranteed fixed tables…
I’m hoping that Kobyashi’s withdrawal leads to Buffalo Jim’s inclusion – after all, I’ve even put him in my predictions!!
Rhonda Evans said
October 24, 2007 @ 7:34 am
Jim, Philly, Tim, you all should have time to book your flights, because money is a BIG issue when an eater has to pay for his own air fare, and time is of the essence. I can say from experience, as one who travels up to a dozen times per year, that the later you wait to pay for the ticket the more expensive it is.
Surely, George or/and Rich read this forum, (I’ve seen their posts, as at least two have recently been addressed to me.) and perhaps earlier notification of an eater’s selection/approval to compete can become a higher priority of theirs. Anyway, I’d mention it again to them in person to reinforce the importance of this issue.