2006 Nathan’s finals articles
I will collect articles about the results of today’s Nathan’s hot dog eating contest in this post as they come online.
AP – from Newsday Kobayashi’s weight is listed at 160
NY1 article a video clip is also available
7/5 12:34 am Yahoo article, slideshow & video clip
Top 6 finishers Pat 34.5, Tim 34, Chip 33
(updated 7/5 5:49 pm Tim has emailed me and says that the article is incorrect and he ate 34)
1:56 am IronyMaiden has some nice pictures on her myspace site
Updated July 5 2:34
Liz’s gallery from July 3/4, also includes pictures from AICE hamburger contest
SJ Mercury article about Joey Chestnut, does not mention controversy
Megamunch eyewitness account blog entry
Gothamist blog entry
Another flickr gallery from before the contest
Sunset Parker meets Kobayashi & Kobayashi’s #1 fan
Vallejo Times Herald article about local boy Joey Chestnut
Picture of Sonya Thomas fans from SC
Liz reports back from Coney Island She does not expect to have her article up before the end of the week
July 11, 2:24 pm
North Korea Times on Kobayashi & Nathan’s
Montreal Gazette on Nathan’s finals
Houston Chronicle columnist attends Nathan’s finals
Claudine Ko (Jane Magazine) blog entry
Yomiuri (English) preview of Nathan’s
Bubba said
July 4, 2006 @ 5:44 pm
Who was that at the very begining putting Hotdogs in his pocket? Somebody who has this recorded look again and at the very begining shot a competitor is seen sticking hotdogs in his posket. Anyone?
Sister X said
July 4, 2006 @ 5:51 pm
It’s worth noting that Eater X had a stellar performance today… although it’s not noted in the IFOCE release of today’s Nathan’s results. X ate 34 HDBs – acheiving his personal best and tying Bertoletti for 4th place.
Food Fighter Fan said
July 4, 2006 @ 7:43 pm
Just to confirm Kobayashi’s weight, his official weigh-in yesterday was at 160 lbs. Here’s a link to the weigh-in proceedings. Kobayashi’s weight is announced at the 6:24 mark of the video.
Look Closer said
July 4, 2006 @ 11:15 pm
If you look close at miller and Big Brian wearing head cam you see both had tons of buns stuff in the middle cup
They are breaking the rules
did they break them to Win to get the the big show ?
i smell cheaters big time
July 5, 2006 @ 12:53 am
look closer is aice i would bet the ranch on that one. to answer that comment. who the fuck cares? all eyes and cameras were on kobe chestnut and maybe sonya . Everyone else is considered a non entity . basically bragging rights amongst the other eaters . qualifiers make no sense . Just have kobe and chestnut battle it out one on one and save everyone else the aggravation of getting on a bus that smells from farts.
The Tubesock Destroyer said
July 5, 2006 @ 11:18 am
George makes up the weights at the weight ins.
Rhonda Evans said
July 5, 2006 @ 3:35 pm
Truth I share your sentiment and have expressed it in longwinded fashion under another heading. Except I believe that qualifiers have too much weight. Hell, if Sonya had, for instance, gone to Florida and won with 22, she would be near the very end of the table.
But Nathan’s should be only a 2-person battle. The person with the highest qualifying total battling it out with the incumbent world champ. The rest of the US also-rans (along with qualifying round winners from other countries) should slug it out in a preliminary event. This might sound cold, but that way each eater could get the recognition he (or she) deserves.
L-Con said
July 5, 2006 @ 6:14 pm
Well the table placing is based on how good they think you’ll do. So if someone does 22 at a qualifier they’re most likely to stay in that range. Going by how many hot dogs eaten at the qualifier is probably the best judge to how good you’ll do at Coney. A head to head battle isn’t what people want to see. They want the slight chance to see the underdog come and take it all. Although that probably will never happen people can still hope they’ll have the contest of their life.
July 5, 2006 @ 7:04 pm
Get a freakin grip do you notice how much food he is able to stuff in his mouth and how it goes down in less than 10 seconds. You try stuffing three or four hot dogs in your mouth and then three or four buns in a steady rhythm of 12 minutes and see how long the average person can swallow all that shit. Some eaters it will take 5 minutes just to swallow the first four buns and dogs alone. Would not surprise me if he is experimenting with something that opens up the throat passages Practice my ass !