Joey Chestnut wins 2010 Martorano’s meatballs contest

update Nov 10 Las Vegas Weekly has a blog entry

Press release about the contest

DailyFiasco has a blog entry and video

Pokerworks has a blog entry

update Nov 8 #2A post-contest interview of Joey Chestnut is available

update Nov 8 A contest video has been posted

The Las Vegas Review Journal has confused the 2009 results with the 2010 results and lists Pat Bertoletti as the runner up.

update 4:05 The IFOCE twitter has posted the results part 1 | part 2

1) Joey Chestnut 43 meatballs
2) Rich LeFevre 37
3) Juliet Lee 35
4) Erik Denmark 33.5
5T) Kevin Ross 33
5T) Ron Koch 33
7) Chiun Peng 29
8) Matt Cohen 20
9) Jason Scarincio 19
10) Jason Erb 16
11) Guy Bertuzzi 16 11
12) Bruce Spotleson 10
13) Sean Kirby 6

The contest should start at 3 pm eastern.

Joey Chestnut did an interview for Las Vegas Weekly in which says that Rich LeFevre is the only competitor he considers a threat.

VegasCountry955 has a video of an in-studio meatball eating contest Joey Chestnut participated in.

Comments (50)


  1. beautifulbrian said

    November 7, 2010 @ 12:02 pm

    Wow he said that! what a character LOL . Shades of Reggie Jackson 1973 before the Mets A’s World Series. Jackson went on record as saying the only superstar on the Mets team was Tom Seaver the rest of the team featured second rate ballplayers

  2. Anonymous said

    November 7, 2010 @ 12:03 pm

    WOW,I didn’t know Rich is 74 or retired for 5 years..

  3. Anonymous said

    November 7, 2010 @ 3:08 pm

    Joey was being kind. Rich has about as much chance as Gavonne would.

  4. Anonymous said

    November 7, 2010 @ 4:29 pm

    way to go Rich, I thought El Toro was eating???? isnt Shawn Kirby ranked ???, 5 people i have never heard of smoked him, that’s sad.

  5. Anonymous said

    November 7, 2010 @ 4:36 pm

    You missed Erb also with 16, so there would be a tie at 10th place.

  6. ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)

    November 7, 2010 @ 5:15 pm

    Thanks, Jason Erb has been added.

    I am not sure where Rich Lefevre’s “five-year retirement from eating wins” is coming from. Rich won a Nathan’s qualifier in 2009. His last non-qualifier victory appears to be a jalapeno contest in 2006.

  7. Manny said

    November 7, 2010 @ 5:16 pm

    Wow Juliet got smoked

  8. Manny said

    November 7, 2010 @ 5:17 pm

    Is Kirby a pro

  9. Manny said

    November 7, 2010 @ 5:18 pm

    I think Rich did this contest last year

  10. anonymous said

    November 7, 2010 @ 5:46 pm

    anony 429 maybe if you visited once in awhile you could find out that toro pulled out of the contest but oh no eatfeats is the bible of all bibles

  11. Anonymous said

    November 8, 2010 @ 1:09 am

    Manny, yeah hes ranked 48th, but like we have all read many many times before the IFOCE rankings are a total joke

  12. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    November 8, 2010 @ 7:46 am

    Rich I have to hand it to you. You remain awesome. You (and Carlene) must be immensely favored by Father Time. Great to see you excel!

    Excellent work by you too Juliet! You are a hell-of-an eater.

    Erik, Kevin, and Ron—-so close!

    Chiun you may have a bright future in CE. Keep it up!

  13. Crazy Legs Mom said (Registered February 16, 2006)

    November 8, 2010 @ 9:37 am

    WHOHOO RICH! Always a huge fan. Eating talent and character of Rich and Carlene is to be emulated. It seems that Joey knew his competition well. And congratulations to all. The numbers were close in the top finishers.

  14. shawn kirby said

    November 8, 2010 @ 12:39 pm

    Thanks to Jason Erb, beer pong and everclear is was a tad hungover,, the last thing i wanteed to do was eat spicy meatballs,, lesson learned !!

  15. Mega Munch said

    November 8, 2010 @ 5:01 pm

    Good to see Rich back at the table and kicking ass. Also a good showing by the newcomer, Chiun Peng.

  16. huh said

    November 8, 2010 @ 5:46 pm

    Hey Shawn you are a embarasement to everyone associated with MLE.Why would you get drunk on the eve of a big contest.Just quit and dont ever show at another contest.Very lame.

  17. shawn kirby said

    November 8, 2010 @ 7:05 pm

    @huh,,, why are you hiding, its obvious you have no clue what goes on before or after an event,,, and for you to put down an eater and not put your name with it is cowardess, you are the one that should be embarassed by the fact you cant show yourself,,,,,

  18. Anonymous said

    November 8, 2010 @ 8:40 pm

    Kirby should loose his ranking due to this dreadful number.

  19. Anonymous said

    November 8, 2010 @ 9:45 pm

    Damn OJ, they updated it hours ago that Guy only ate 11. Where have you been?

  20. shawn kirby said

    November 9, 2010 @ 12:08 am

    Again, another coward, pitiful that you “people” hide….

  21. Jason Scarincio said (Registered November 9, 2010)

    November 9, 2010 @ 1:09 am

    meatballs are a very tough food. much dryer than i anticipated. looking at the video it really appears that all the competitors are eating in slow motion compared to the way i see them eat other foods. oh yeah this is my first ever comment, contest, … found eat feats on ‘eric the red’s’ links. i extremely enjoyed this contest and went through much less pain than i anticipated. my regret if i have any was not utilizing the water. you are all class acts in my book. the database here sure makes finding food easier. i was expecting to put up 3 lbs or more in 10 minutes, but i was lucky to get those things down. pure class.

  22. Jason Scarincio said (Registered November 9, 2010)

    November 9, 2010 @ 2:55 am

    i just read the pre-contest article interview with joey. i didn’t really know how to prepare for this competition but i took a trial run at home on thursday, wife made 7 lbs of meatballs, froze 3 of them. served the other 4 lbs to me and in 10 mins i only downed 18 or so, i then continued to drink fluids the rest of the evening figuring that my stomach is stretched a little this would be a good time to train it a little more with water. i admit i had a few beers and bottles of water before hand but in my experience that has helped me with the small burger contests around. ate regularly on friday and drank alot of water. on sat morning however i had acid reflux and was constipated. this was the day that i planned on fasting. friend gave me some laxative on sat afternoon. worked great. drank tons more water. and felt an acid type of feeling in my emptyish gullet. downed a few peices of bread and felt better. that night i had a couple small slices of pizza and fed the remaining pie to my dogs so that i wouldn’t be tempted by a midnight snack. it is nice of joey to share his training habits. next time, if there is one, i will do more of the same but in more magnitude. i really wanted to have an empty tank. the acid feeling of having a large empty belly with nothing but water going through it was new to me. well for now i got my eye on a local pizza challenge.

  23. Anonymous said

    November 9, 2010 @ 3:28 am

    Damn Shaun my tiny chihuahua eats more that that. Did you start a diet during the contest?

  24. Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)

    November 9, 2010 @ 11:45 am

    Lol – just watched the video! Juliet has taken on my style of wearing the contest shirt! Now if only I could take on her style of eating 🙂

  25. stephanie_wu said (Registered August 17, 2010)

    November 9, 2010 @ 12:17 pm

    From Joey’s interview before the contest: what is the point of dehydrating in a dry sauna before a contest? Does less water in the body means there is more space for all the water and food you consume in the contest??? Wouldn’t being dehyrdrated before a conest cause you to be sick or fatigued?

  26. stephanie_wu said (Registered August 17, 2010)

    November 9, 2010 @ 12:18 pm

    @Larell Marie: I’ve always loved how you convert the t-shirt into a tank!

  27. Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)

    November 9, 2010 @ 12:43 pm

    @Stephanie – thx! Wanted to come up w/a different look for a female eater to sport – perhaps it’s gonna catch on amongst the female eaters?!?!?! Plus, I HATE hvg restrictive clothing on my arms/shoulders when doing a contest, or working out. Waiting to see if MLE comes out with a line of women’s tanks 🙂

  28. Anonymous said

    November 9, 2010 @ 1:08 pm

    To Jason Scarincio and others…No pro eater is ever going to give his trainning secrets away in any interview,ever..I once did an interview in which I said I drink sea water……..Do you get it

  29. Jason Scarincio said (Registered November 9, 2010)

    November 9, 2010 @ 2:35 pm

    yeah the sauna makes no sense. digestion requires h2o, dehydrating the body seems counterintuitive. and tired? i agree some of his techniques seemed bizarre. not everyone is as pessimistic as you about how truthful some people are. it makes sense that conditioning methods vary. maybe joey was being untruthful about some parts of his conditioning. but even if they all disclosed everything that wouldn’t mean that you or anybody else could duplicate them with the same success.

    but point taken, i didn’t realize i was surrounded by liars 🙂 oh nevermind this is the internet.

  30. Anonymous said

    November 9, 2010 @ 3:34 pm

    Jason, Your not surrounded by liars but unless you practice with someone dont beleive any of the interviews.They would rather you get sick than have you give them any serious comp….Thats the truth”

  31. Fashion Police said

    November 9, 2010 @ 3:39 pm


    I don’t mean to piss in your cheerios but people have been rolling up their shirts sleeves for years now. J. Lee has done since she started.

    Steph Wu,

    Joey can do just about anything he wants before a contest (many times getting blasted on booze, one drink away from death at times) and he’ll still own the field, he’s a freak of nature, there is no certain secret to make somebody better, either you got it or you don’t. U can train to make your natural ability a little better, but with everything else, what might work for you won’t work for somebody else, you’ll have to find those tricks out on your own, still you can train till your blue in the face and you’ll (not you specifically, but speaking generally) never be at Joey’s level. There might be .00001% of the world that can reach the status of Joey or Kobi if they put forth the effort.

    not trying to mean here ladies, just sayin. 🙂

  32. Winning tip said

    November 9, 2010 @ 3:58 pm

    Just use the Kevin Ross method: Throw a couple of cups of water from the table on your nearest competitor during the contest. Really slows ’em down. Works every time! Refer to the video to get the real finesse of this technique. It’s a classy move – the crowd loved it.

  33. Anonymous said

    November 9, 2010 @ 5:24 pm

    Dear Winning Tip, were you there? Did you see the nearest competitor spitting water and food everywere? Did you see two half meatballs in the nearest cometitors cup and a major amount of chewed up food on the floor? I guess not because you too are also friends…

  34. Mary Lund from Vegas said

    November 9, 2010 @ 7:57 pm


    Here is my name

    You dont belong in this venue.I watched this contest and you suck. MLE stands for being a profesional.Do you think you act like this?

    Do you think all you piers are so very proud of you.My son ate 10 of these Meatalls and he is 12.Either act like a pro or jump ship.Only you can decide.Prove me wrong and I will change my opinion.

  35. Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)

    November 9, 2010 @ 8:01 pm

    @Fashion Police – Lol, I like ur name 🙂 Yes, people have been rolling their sleeves up for years, that I know. However, if you look at Juliet’s contest pix/videos, you will notice that she shreds her sleeves as well as the back of her shirt to change the appearance of the typical contest shirt. I, on the other hand, if you check any/all of my pix/videos, put my body thru the neck opening and tie the sleeves in back of me. I am not wearing any sleeves at all as they’re tied behind so am a lil confused over the rolling up the sleeves comment. Hence, Stephanie’s comment about turning it into a tank 🙂 Just thought it was kinda cool that she was wearing her shirt the way I always wear mine! When Juliet and I ate in Fishkill 2gether, she commented on how much she liked the style in which I wore the contest shirt so I was amused to see that she was doing this as well.

  36. Fashion Police said

    November 9, 2010 @ 8:14 pm


    I stand corrected. Maybe I’ll copy that style next contest as well.

  37. Anonymous said

    November 9, 2010 @ 9:44 pm

    Well said Mary Lund from Vegas

  38. Mary Lund from Vegas said

    November 9, 2010 @ 10:37 pm

    I am a fan and I attend as many Vegas events as I can.I want to see full out speed and dedication.Thats why I had to comment on Kirby.He needs to MANUP or get out.There is no excuse to be drinking everclear the night before.

    If I were MLE and I have met George and Rich (good businss sense Bros) I would be letting Kirby know that this will not e tolerated.

    Like I said Kirby Man up and I will give you a 200 Lb hug .All 6 Ft 2 of me.

    Carlene is my hero and think Rich is so sweet of a Man.Now thats detrmination if I ever saw.

    I applaud all of what you do.Its not easy what you all do.

  39. shawn kirby said

    November 9, 2010 @ 11:01 pm

    Thank you Mary Lund from vegas, its nice to know that YOU do not hide behind an anonymus name,,,, I have been doing this for 5 years now and have been all over the U.S.,, like most of my fellow competitors we pay to get where we have to go, $1000’s a year, with no complaints or compensation,,, And this not an excuse either, but I didnt get into this contest and made other plans with family and friends and at the last moment( Friday) was asked to be in, I tried a different training technique and it back fired,, the alcohol played only a minor part in it,, so I assure you that in my next contest I will change your opinion,,, Thank you Mary for calling me out….

  40. Anonymous said

    November 10, 2010 @ 12:37 am

    @Fashion Police – lolll, yes! That would be gr8. We could all just start a new trend in CE fashion 🙂 Thx!!

  41. Anonymous said

    November 10, 2010 @ 3:16 am

    “Winning Tip” sure ain’t handing out winning advice. Kevin Ross method? That’s pretty low. Obviously, you know who Kev is and you’re singling him out for a hard time on eatfeats… he came within 10 units of the winner. No one who focuses on soaking the guy sitting next to him could actually pack away the contest food… If he really did waste time he coulda used to eat, then hes a much better eater than you give him credit for.

  42. Jason Scarincio said (Registered November 9, 2010)

    November 10, 2010 @ 5:30 am

    I can’t dog anybody’s performance in this particular contest. The best eaters adjusted to the food in front of them. All the top finishers seemed to drink high ratios of water to solids.

    The reason you can’t dog anybody’s performance including Kirby’s is that you didn’t eat the food. I know that I didn’t adjust. I just kept cramming food in even though it was going down slow. Maybe it was nerves, maybe it was cause i didn’t want to get caught with “paralysis by analysis”, i could only imagine being humiliated publiclically in my first ever eating event. I was not completely full but food wasn’t going down well (was burping before, during, and after the event). Top eaters adjusted, that is why they are good eaters. I remember somewhere Joey saying he was going for 80 meatballs or something ridiculous. I haven’t been around long enough to know the politics but i have eaten many foods in the meat category and while these meatballs were not rubbery they were certainly hardish in the center. Had they been a little softer and required less drinking maybe he would have at least beaten his own record last year.

    In my very humble opinion/observation, the top eaters had the experience to know how to get these balls down the gullet the fastest.

    What was going through my own mind was to avoid being paralyzed by the moment.

  43. Jason Scarincio said (Registered November 9, 2010)

    November 10, 2010 @ 5:34 am

    if you watch the video, you will notice food falling back on joey’s plate and he needed a fork to hold them in his mouth until he could get enough water to wash it down.

    anyway, enough of me defending the contestants. the food was more difficult than i expected.

  44. Anonymous said

    November 10, 2010 @ 10:49 am

    This is, imo, one of the best threads on eatfeats so far. It is an interesting mix of eaters, fans, posts, the real thing as it should be. Glad to see that this website has done what is to be hoped, to widen the audience and share information. Mary Lund, Larell, Jason, Kevin Ross, Stephanie, Kirby, perhaps others, Wrecking Ball, not re-checking here. Even some of the anonymous comments are a fine interchange, and there are the usual suspects (in a good way), Mega, Rhonda, CLC’s Mom.

  45. Anonymous said

    November 10, 2010 @ 12:30 pm

    To anonymous 316..I dont get why your giving Kevin a hard time..Anyone of the 13 eaters would have done the same and maybe more..what would you do if the eater next to you was spitting water and food on you? Food should be in the mouth not onyour opponent..

  46. Damon Wells said

    November 10, 2010 @ 1:10 pm

    well for once Kevin Ross can say he got a girl wet.

  47. Milly said

    November 10, 2010 @ 1:59 pm

    Mary that was a very good comment and Kirby I think that was a nice comeback.I think Kirby is a fine young Man that will have a bright future.

  48. Anonymous said

    November 10, 2010 @ 2:37 pm

    I posted as anony 316. I was actually defending K Ross. Even if he did what he was accused of, rules are never enforced across the board. Just think back to Escondido Nathans earlier this year. Besides, I dont believe Kev was really engaged in any shenanigans. Hes too good for that. He couldn’t have eaten 33 meatballs without focusing all of his attention upon actually eating. Do you think I’m putting him down? Hell no. How many people in this contest did better than 33? How many in the whole IFOCE could have done better?

  49. Milly said

    November 10, 2010 @ 7:37 pm

    Kevin did very well in this contest.

  50. anonymous said

    November 13, 2010 @ 3:06 am

    Vegas has alot to do besides drink and go to strip clubs..Before a contest….Really……It depends what company you keep….Evidently not to serious about the contest…No excuses…..What..Wait until next year’

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