2021 Nathan’s Famous Field

The following people have announced they will compete in the 2021 Nathan’s Famous hot dog eating contest
Men: Nick Wehry, George Chiger, Adrian Morgan, Ronnie Hartman, Juan Rodriguez
Women: Michelle Lesco, Katie Prettyman, Jules Goldberg

The MLE contest page says that 18 men and 10 women will compete. Beard Meats Food says there will be no international competitors.

Comments (18)


  1. Anonymous said

    June 7, 2021 @ 11:20 pm

    Cough cough. Schuyler

  2. Anonymous said

    June 9, 2021 @ 6:36 am

    1120: Moldy Schuyler is so desperate to talk about herself!

  3. Anonymous said

    June 10, 2021 @ 11:21 am

    Molly would waste Miki

  4. Anonymous said

    June 11, 2021 @ 2:11 pm

    Let Wild Bill eat!

  5. Anonymous said

    June 12, 2021 @ 7:40 pm

    Wild Bill is probably the nicest man ever outside of badlands booker

  6. Anonymous said

    June 12, 2021 @ 9:17 pm

    Sad is the fact Miki’s pet dog Wehry is doing all of her media work. She got that chain right on his neck.

  7. Anonymous said

    June 13, 2021 @ 10:42 am

    So either he’s attention grabbing and taking over her spotlight……..or he’s bein forced to do her media. You guys really can’t decide wut he’s doing huh? Keep swinging at the air. Have you ever talk to him

  8. Anonymous said

    June 13, 2021 @ 10:44 am

    Isn’t their dog named Dennis? He does media work?

  9. Anonymous said

    June 13, 2021 @ 10:50 am

    Bet he will be taking care of the new baby solo

  10. Anonymous said

    June 13, 2021 @ 1:01 pm

    @9:17 I’m sorry to hear how lonely you are.

  11. Anonymous said

    June 14, 2021 @ 2:40 pm

    It sounds like you’re really bothered by other people’s happiness, especially with couples. When you’re working on your “clever” insults against Nick and Miki (Randy and Katina, or whoever you’re obsessing over for the day), do you ever pause to realize that the only time THEY ever think about YOU is when they laugh at you and the ridiculousness of your comments?

    Like 1:01 said, yours must be a sad, lonely, unremarkable existence. Sorry to hear. Hope things turn around for you.

  12. Anonymous said

    June 14, 2021 @ 7:39 pm

    2:40 is sad and lonely

  13. Anonymous said

    June 14, 2021 @ 11:29 pm

    Strange hobby. Strange comments.

  14. Dr Dr said

    June 16, 2021 @ 2:04 am

    Strange .

  15. Anonymous said

    June 16, 2021 @ 3:26 pm

    I a accidentally found this site. Weird group of folks here. Do you really think eating food in contests is healthy and why are you eating hot dogs owned by China on the 4th of July?I think the guy has a great point.

  16. Anonymous said

    June 16, 2021 @ 10:10 pm

    Miki has mle calling her the number one in the world. Her new found ankle biter doesn’t sleep in a box and can be taken out to show people when the timing works for her. Your life is over.

  17. Anonymous said

    June 17, 2021 @ 12:14 pm

    @10:10 what? She’s the most successful female in MLE history so what’s wrong with that? Going after people having kids now? Life is over after that? You sound like a great parent

  18. Anonymous said

    June 17, 2021 @ 11:16 pm

    Why do you hate miki and nick? Do you ever speak to their faces?

  19. eroom24.com said (Comment pending approval)

    July 5, 2024 @ 3:17 pm

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