Kate Ovens category

In Nela Zisser's latest video, she takes on Kate Ovens in a long distance McDonald's burger eating contest.
Kate Ovens has uploaded a video of her latest eating challenge: a 6 patty burger at the Fat Hippo in Newcastle, England.
Kate Ovens has posted a video of her attempt at the Dustbin Lid Food Challenge at Osbornes in Newcastle, England which weights 3.6kg and contains 10,000 calories.
The Clifton Chili Club youtube page has a video of Kate Ovens taking on Jay in the "Double Dares You" burger and cheesecake challenge at the Bristol Marriott City Centre Hotel'
Chronicle.co.uk has an article about Kate Ovens competing in a hot dog eating contest at GrillStock in Manchester yesterday. According to this video, Josh Wilson was the winner.
Kate Ovens reports that her attempt at a burger challenge was recorded. Emma Dalton also tried the challenge.
The Lad Bible has a post on Kate Ovens finishing the 24 ounce Gut Buster burger challenge at the Stateside Diner in Newcastle, England, which took place 11 months ago.
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