The Bert Show has podcasts (the bottom two audio clips) of Grace Lee's appearance this morning where she talked about her experience at the Nathan's finals. Grace says she was not aware she received a 20 hot dog deduction until July 5. In the second clip, Larell Marie Mele's comment about Grace is mentioned (without providing the source) and the show tries to call Shea Communications about the decision but cannot reach George or Richard. (The person answering the phone said someone from the IFOCE would call back later.) update Grace has posted a video from New York and The New York Daily News has a short article in which George Shea stands behind the deduction, but says that Grace is welcome in future IFOCE contests. update July 12 Gothamist has a blog entry about the deduction.


  1. Anonymous said

    July 11, 2011 @ 12:35 pm

    Grace doesn’t dispute that she doesn’t deserve credit for 24. She just seems upset about getting credit for 4. But what’s the point? Clearly she didn’t eat close to 24 and she knows it.

  2. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    July 11, 2011 @ 12:58 pm

    They do not provide the source of her comment, eatfeats, but their spin is interesting. She is far from naive, in fact she is a slickster worthy of the Sheas schtick. She is simply sticking to her story and probably will come away from all of this with a great plus for her business in Atlanta since the radio station is backing her 1000%. She will always say she got robbed etc. while knowing full well exactly what happened. She is maneater and all that. Quite the story in an of itself, she will disappear from MLE having outfoxed them. Here it is July 11th and she is still taking center stage. P.T. Barnam would be proud.

  3. anonymous said

    July 11, 2011 @ 1:13 pm

    I love it someone will call back later. Ha ha h h a

  4. TruthBeTold said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 1:14 pm

    Seems like Laurel Marie is pissed cause Grace is getting more shine than her. @StallionItalian, PT Barnam would definitely be proud. Grace has the city of Atlanta behind her back! This world always has room for haters, so keep hating!

  5. Not HardLee said

    July 11, 2011 @ 1:17 pm

    Oh that’s really classy. Grace “The Grifter” encourages these radio hacks to ambush some IFOCE receptionist live on air? At this point, MLE should just go ahead and do what they should of done in the first place. Disqualify her perforance for blatant cheating, violations of the rules with excessive debris, and unsportsman-like conduct after the event. Story’s over. Go away Grace. Does she really think she’s the Cinderella story? Hi Grace meet Stephanie? Grace is more like the evil stepsister. Looking for an explanation Grace? Why don’t you ask youself? Was there someone else stuffing your hot dog debris under your plates until the plates were stacked several inches high?

  6. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 11, 2011 @ 1:31 pm

    No she doesn’t she has a douchbag radio station behind her

  7. TruthBeTold said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 1:55 pm

    Keep the hate coming…don’t be mad cause Grace is getting more shine than you.

  8. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    July 11, 2011 @ 1:59 pm

    I guess that some people do not recognize sarcasm. I have always been a huge supporter of Larell Marie. Hating……definitely not. The radio station is as full of puff as Grace Lee. It just shows you how ridiculous media can be. Larell will go on with a great career in competitive eating, anyone who doesn’t have her back is not a true fan of competitive eating. All of the hate and jealousy which goes into some of the comments on here add absolute nothing but same, just pot spoilers. Larell Marie spoke out as she should have, absolutely. It took a lot for her to do that, being a cheerleader, just like Grace said on the program. Grace Lee will disappear back into Atlanta only. For Larell, the world is her oyster.

  9. TruthBeTold said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 2:06 pm

    WTF are you smoking? Grace has made it very clear than she doesn’t want a CAREER in competitive eating. She’s stated that from the very beginning. Nathan’s Hot Dog Competition was an opportunity to maximize her website and career as a Foodie. Therefore what makes her such a bad person if her goal is to succeed in life. Instead of hating on her, applaud her for finding different ways to market herself. People like you are worthless to me. But then again if you can credit success continue to hate. You’re putting yourself in a box with the rest of the haters.

  10. Not that hard... said

    July 11, 2011 @ 2:23 pm

    There is a difference between eating aggressivly and trying to cheat. Even single celled bugs now how to put food to mouth. Bertie had a large amount of food fall out of his mouth and what did he do, he picked it up and ate it… From the Video it appeares Grace blantly lets food just fall from her mouth, without an attempting to consume what has fallen. Like LM said, she may have touched 24 HDB’s…

    Why they gave her a 20HDB deduction does seem a little unfair, but she did take advantage of the system and tried to further do so by “overly aggressively eat/cheat” and tried to win some money. MLE finally did something right and embarassed her for her actions, so the more disserving girls could walk away with money… J. Lee is a commodity (even if it’s on a small scale) to MLE, which is why she continues to get away with bending the rules, Grace, not so much.

  11. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 2:27 pm

    It’s funny that you all have so much negative energy to put out there about Grace, but NONE of you know her personally, nor were any of you standing on the stage counting her hotdogs, so do you know how many she ate, NO YOU DON’T! You all are so blinded what the radio station did, that you totally ignored GRACE’S portion of the interview…she DOES deserve an explanation. I want all of you doubter to go pile20 hotdogs and buns up on a plate and then tell me how its possible to hide all of that substance from ESPN’s cameras and everyone else that watched…SMH

  12. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 2:29 pm

    As far as Grace disappearing back to Atlanta, you are sadly mistaken…she has returned to Atlanta, but will never disappear…I assure you her existence is one that will be remember and she will continue to succeed beyond these petty/hateful comments that you so easily spread about one of the most generous, giving and caring people in world. The funny thing is that you are so hell-bent on her disappearing, but NO ONE knows who you are…too funny! It’s ok to diagree with the fact that she ate 24 or to think it was a mistake, but to attack her is hardly necessary.

  13. anonymous eatah said

    July 11, 2011 @ 2:34 pm

    Someone should tell her boyfriend, Bruno Mars, that she was clearly “Juliet-ing”.

  14. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 11, 2011 @ 2:46 pm

    She really seems like a nice lady and I wish her the best but she had her shot. She can eat a hell of a lot of food but she is not a speed girl. End of the tale unless it gets dragged out by a crappy radio show that does bits on puppies and the octomom. Grace is not a bad person but if anyone believes her company is goign to blow up because her making it to Nathan’s then they are smoking crack. I live Atlanta and outside of a handful of people no one knows anything abotu her company.

  15. Not HardLee said

    July 11, 2011 @ 3:03 pm

    No one “hates” Grace Lee for wanting to succeed. However, people do rightfully disapprove of her for cheating (more than 20 hot dogs and bun deduction) and displaying a lack of character for not admitting it. Among other things, her previous, less than truthful resume padding claims such as being undefeated, phoney contests, and seeking money from others for things already paid for, does not speak well of her character either.

  16. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 3:05 pm

    Nunonabun2, this is probably one of the smartest, most human things anyone has said who disagrees with what’s going on…everyone else seems to be spreading hate, negativity,etc… Everyone seems to be ignoring Grace’s portion of the interview…the radio station is upset because they were her sponsors, so not only does she deserve an explanation, but they also want to know what happened, and since you live in Atlanta, you know what the Bert Show does. They’ll get more fame off of this than Grace will…this “scandal” is not about making her famous, for her, it’s about an answer. If she was respected enough to get there and be sent to the competition, wouldn’t a fair analysis of the situation be expected? If this is a professional sport, then they should be able to provide the truth. She was told by the execs, that that’s just what he gave her credit for…nothing else….wouldn’t you want more of an explanation?

  17. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 3:13 pm

    Nunonabun2…her company will thrive…it’s new only 1 year with any business it takes time to sky rocket to the top…you may be right, this situation may not catapult her company to the top, but MAKE NO MISTAKE, Grace Lee and Atlanta G-spots will thrive!

  18. GetItTogetherHATERS said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 3:20 pm

    Soooooooo you’re saying the Official/Voluteer Judge that counted the number of hotdogs Grace ate just made up 24?! Seriously? That makes A LOT of sense! I guess ESPN was lying too?! They usually make mistakes like that on major networks, right? Grace never said she was trying to establish herself as a Major League Eater. GET IT TOGETHER HATERS! Let’s not be angry and jealous because she is getting publicity for her interesting journey/story. She has been extremely polite and kind-hearted about the entire incident and has shown an incredible amount of class throughout the entire experience, which is clearly much more than most of you can say for yourselves. But not everyone has class.

  19. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 11, 2011 @ 3:45 pm

    The counters do not make the call on how much food an eater has eaten. They are not the offical judges.

  20. Not HardLee said

    July 11, 2011 @ 3:46 pm

    Get it together, quit showing your lack of knowlege. The “Official/Voluteer Judge” just counts the dogs taken off the plate, perhaps not eaten and in Grace’s case hidden under her previous plates. When excessive debris is clearly visible after the contest the call is made by an IFOCE full timer. TV goes on the ongoing count of the “Official/Volunteer Judge” with is often changed after the contest. Class? Grace knows she cheated, she admitted so when she said she didn’t eat 24. Every eater at the table knows she cheated. The IFOCE judge ruled that she cheated. She is getting publicity for being a liar and cheater. No one’s jealous of that interesting journey/story.

  21. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 3:54 pm

    Not HardLee said….you said no one’s jealous, but that’s what it sounds like…everyone’s talking about cheating/lying…you all are spreading so much hate for NOTHING…she just wants a real answer, not some half attempt to blow her off…She said she may not have eaten 24, she doesn’t know…she knows what she was told, and there is such a huge difference, and it deserves more than was given. As Nunonabun2 said, the girl CAN eat, and clearly she would have eaten more than 4 hotdogs. I’m no where near a competitive eater, and I can eat that and she’s eaten me under the table several times…I mean…seriously….everything else aside, if someone told you that you only ate 4 hotdogs…wouldn’t you have questions?

  22. Really? said

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:00 pm

    I really can’t understand where these negative comments about Grace are coming from. The people that are putting them out there should be ashamed. Did you listen to her on the radio show this morning? She conducted herself very well. All she wants is an explanation, which is what anyone would want if they were in her position. Grace Lee is a wonderful person! Also, for the people that are claiming that her food challenges are phoney or that she’s not undefeated, let me ask you, have you been to any of them? I’m guessing not. People really need to know what they are talking about before commenting on something.

  23. Anonymous said

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:02 pm

    Hey, Musiclheartbeat….FYI: it never “takes time to sky rocket to the top.” Climbing to the top takes time, but skyrocketing there is almost instantaneous, you know, because skyrockets are fast.

  24. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:19 pm

    She WAS undefeated but not any longer. So what no one stays undefeated in CE. Not going to happen unless they doge competion. The only claim that I found far fetched at the crawfish at 40+ pounds but then again I am not sure what they might work out to after shelling so I can suspend my doubt somewhat. If you eat clean or even close to clean you know how many HDB you have eaten at the end. You can count the plates and then debris yourself and be within one.

  25. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:23 pm

    @ Anonymous…yes, every skyrocket, takes time before lift off, then it goes fast….GEESH people…so set on hate, that you can see past it….FYI…. Some of the fastest rockets take time, space shuttles and all…THE POINT IS…SHE WILL MAKE IT…

  26. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:24 pm

    …Even if there is a brief pause…it’s not at its fastest as soon as its lit….

  27. Anonymous said

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:33 pm

    It’s okay. It’s a bad metaphor. You don’t have to pretend it’s a good one. I’ll give you a pass this time. But stop hating the people who hate Grace. She’s the one that caused the problem. It’s undeniable. And people are angry about it.

  28. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:36 pm

    Make it to what? I know you can not be refering to CE. This event is not going to have any lasting effect on her life except for the experience of doing it in the end. She does not need MLE and they do not need her. So no one loses in the end.

  29. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:39 pm

    Nunonabun2…nope….she doesn’t want to be a CE…it’s something she does in Atlanta to bring customers to some of the local restaurants/bars/lounges, etc…it’s only a very small portion of all of the other projects she’s working on…and I totally agree with one loses, so why are people being so spiteful…It doesn’t bother me that people doubt that she ate 24, or think her number is too high, I just find it hard to believe that people are so on the attack over nothing…

  30. Not HardLee said

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:40 pm

    Nun — she started a “Maneater” twitter site still claiming she was undefeated soliciting sponsorships after she knew she was defeated by three men at a Nathan’s qualifier. That’s a lie. Grace knew going into Nathan’s final that IFOCE could deduct hot dogs from her totals, particularly if she blatantly demonstrated excessive debris which is exactly what happened in the finals and her qualifier. Therefore, she is now even lying to her friends about being naive and deserving an explanation while knowing full well what the deal is. You Grace supporters want to give someone a break and cut the hating, well how about those other women who ate cleanly without cheating and little debris. Whose spot in the finals placements of July 4 should Grace be rewarded taking from the final standings of the contest?

  31. Anonymous said

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:41 pm

    I was onstage for the competition. Lee had like five plates FULL of chewed up HDBs. The ruling was a little harsh, they probably could have give her credit for closer to 7-8 HBS. From what I overheard, one of the MLE people initially wanted to credit her with three HDBs, but another one overruled him and gave her four.

    The count is all on her though — If she didn’t have plates and plates full of chewed up crap in front of her, she wouldn’t have made it so difficult for the judge to make the call. Its as easy as that.

  32. Larell Marie Mele said

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:44 pm

    Stallion – xoxo 🙂 Truth Be Told/Really – I am not jealous of Grace’s media attention lol. And, I totally get that Grace is a biz woman trying to capitalize on her moment of glory regardless of it being through positive or negative attention. Her radio interview this a.m. was nothing short of professional and she conducted herself like a confident young lady. I cannot, however, believe the innocent “act” of pretending she has no idea why she was deducted 20 HDBs. That is the part that is unbelievable. Grace may be pretending that she has no clue as to what happened but Truth Be Told (lol couldn’t resist) she knew EXACTLY what she was doing. I’m not even sure what she had hoped to accomplish by eating the way she did. Perhaps she was caught up in the moments when here name was accidentally being announced instead of Michelle’s, maybe she didn’t realize she’d be caught, maybe the excitement was overwhelming???? Perhaps it was all a stunt to get attention for her & her biz – haha, success!!!! Only Grace truly knows why she did what she did and since she knew she DID NOT consume 24 HDBs yet still kept tweeting and posting that she did, that to me shows extreme dishonesty which I NEVER support. Okay, so her defense is “I just want an explanation” Really? If that’s the case why did the lies continue to be printed? What about the “newspaper” article stating the wrong # PER GRACE??? None of that innocent “I just want an explanation” came about until the radio station. Prior to this, the whole thing was I ate 24 HDBs and only got credit for 4!!!! Yes, she is correct in stating that I was like the cheerleader for the group. So very true. I am enthusiastic about CE, I will cheer you, support you and help you in any way I can. HOWEVER, when it comes down to you trying to take $ away from me INTENTIONALLY…..that’s where my niceness ends 🙂 My intent here is not to come across as negative; I’m just trying to be honest. Since my face was literally only about 12 inches from Grace’s plate, I saw the mess 1sthand and let me tell you, in all the contests I’ve participated in, I have NEVER witnessed that much debris!! 🙁 I wish Grace nothing but success in her business and her future, truly. She is a very intelligent, beautiful, savvy business woman who I’m sure will go places.

  33. Anonymous said

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:50 pm

    There is a lot which calls into question Grace’s motives. She sounded so gracious and I just want an answer etc. But really, this is not at all logical. She claims that she did not know until July 5th that her number was 4, that she received a gazillion congratulations on her twitter etc. She now goes on to the radio station and naively saying she just wants an explanation. Does anyone not think that she did not already ask MLE for an explanation between July 5th and now? Was there an after party or did any other eaters speak with Grace after the contest? Larell Marie must have been shocked to discover her claim. And now the New York Post and a radio station are adding to the controversy theme. I am sure that the Sheas are not pleased with the article and are doing damage control. Between the Kobayashi controversy and many other things, MLE is not getting a lot of positive attention even if they are raking in the bucks.

  34. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:51 pm

    @Anonymous…funny about it being a bad metaphor….LOL…reading your come back did make me laugh, and no sarcarsm intended…I don’t hate Grace haters, I just don’t understand how there ARE Grace haters…even the people I have exchanged word with on here…don’t hate you…It’s ok to be mad, but you guys take things to another level…beyond anywhere it even needs to reach…it’s funny that you pretend to know exactly what happen and how she deceived us, but you really don’t have a clue……at any rate…I did rather enjoy myself on here today…

  35. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:52 pm

    @Nunonabun2…do you compete in a lot of challenges in US? in the south? I know this is probably lame, but the Man -vs- food guy, Grace and even the exchange on here makes me want to see more competitions…Were you at Coney Island?

  36. Craig Reed said (Registered February 21, 2009)

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:52 pm

    Looks like Grace Lee registered a lot of accounts today.

  37. Not that hard... said

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:53 pm

    I agree, 20 HDB’s is a steep deduction… However what kind of “explination” is she really seeking here. Obviously musicheartbeat is a friend of Grace’s, and I don’t think anybody is really “hating” on Grace, I think they are only reacting to the claims and what she was credited for. If the majority of the masses is saying she did wrong, then the chances are she did in fact do wrong…

    What’s done is done, an explination was already given to her. Is she seeking a thourough investigation, an itemized HDB deduction a la FBI audit? I’m not sure what exactly she and her camp are trying to achieve by this… Not to mention the radio station bullying the poor girl who answered the phone at MLE didn’t disseve that treatment at all. I know Grace didn’t make the statements but she came on the show and associates with the show therefore she is a contributing factor.

  38. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:58 pm

    Send me ten dollars Larell? If anyone really has any grounds to be pissed off it would be you but you have behaved very well indeed. Sure people have gone a little over the top but what do you expect from a blog, damn. Only one way for Grace to be back in the good graces of CE and that is to give me a piggy back ride from the Nook to the Varisty. I think everyone can agree with that solution. Her poor knees.

  39. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 11, 2011 @ 4:59 pm

    These are not Grace but her friends who care about her and can not stand to see people talk bad about her.

  40. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 5:02 pm

    Larell Marie Mele should be the Standard….she disagrees with what’s going on, but look how tastefully she did it…WOOOO HOOOO…you should hold a class for blogger etiquette….I’d attend!

  41. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 5:06 pm

    @Nunonabun2…what if I give the piggy back ride and it’s round trip? LOL!

  42. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 11, 2011 @ 5:43 pm

    Well it would make more sense as a round trip thing because I would need to get my car. I guess the worst part would be that hill up 14th or 10th to Peachtree and then it would be smooth sailing from there. I would even allow a pit spot at the Cheetah if it helped for hot wings.

  43. Matter of time said

    July 11, 2011 @ 7:03 pm

    Like Seiken, MLE has screwed up relationships with some of their best eaters and role models . . One by one they drop like flies. You think Larell is untouchable? Watch them piss her off somewhere down the line in the near or distant future . They said the same thing about Kobayashi and look where he is now. You would never think for a minute Kobayashi would go independent but he did

  44. Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)

    July 11, 2011 @ 7:53 pm

    I’m not one to normally defend ANYTHING the ifoce does.

    I believe the DRASTIC deduction was to embarras for blantant cheating.

    It makes it sound WORSE than a DQ. It also serves to put a scare into other… questionable eaters.

    From what I can tell, Grace should join Boone’s “league”, & see if she can out CHeat him. 3 or more cameras on each eater for that one.

  45. The Crizz said (Registered June 29, 2011)

    July 11, 2011 @ 10:04 pm

    The camera doesn’t lie.

  46. SPBBBBMBBB said

    July 11, 2011 @ 10:06 pm

    I like Grace and Crazy Legs….two good people who make a big mess…..the man with the coonskin cap…hmmm…not so crazy about him. It’s a face-stuffing contest, people….not the end of the world. “Let them without any crumbs cast the first stone”

  47. Larell Marie Mele said

    July 11, 2011 @ 10:09 pm

    Nunonabun2 – okay, just give me the mailing address lollll. Musiclheartbeat – ohhh, thank you so very much; appreciate your comments!!! BTW, like your name 🙂

  48. anonymous eatah said

    July 11, 2011 @ 11:29 pm

    JULIET-ING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. capn brian said (Registered November 17, 2010)

    July 12, 2011 @ 8:27 am

    i don’t think anyone here is “hating” grace lee, i think there are some very fair questions that rightly deserve answers…

    why does she continue to pass herself off as “undefeated”?

    why did she seek sponsorship monies for a trip MLE paid for?

    and i don’t see what further explanation she thinks she deserves, several reliable sources, including LMM who ate right next to her, said how messy she ate, and how much debris remained on her plate. 20 hdb may be a steep deduction, but it sounds like she earned it.

    and if anyone gives damien this piggyback ride i DEMAND tons of pictures!!! 🙂

  50. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 12, 2011 @ 9:55 am

    @Larell Marie Mele…thanks…it’s a name that’s very dear to me..I LOVE MUSIC!!! What’s your twitter name?

    @Nunonabun 2….date and time and piggy back ride shall in place…LOL

    @capn brian…just want to say there is a difference in wanting answers…(I’ll use Larell Marie Mele as an example) and just being hateful/spiteful…some of the things said and the way she was attacked was crazy, few people asked questions, they made assumptions and judged her…that’s just weird to me…as far as people having questions, those are all justified, I never doubted that people should be upset or have questions, but to belittle someone…that’s just unneccesary, friend or not.

    As far as the additional sponsorship, it was for some other events that were supposed to take place, and requests that people made for documenting the trip and the experience. As far as her being undefeated, why don’t you all just ask her, instead of attacking her…I don’t think you personally attacked her, just a general statment for the people that feel that way and have gone on the attack. The further explanation is not about why they were deducted, but how many, I mean, she may have made a mess, but 20, REALLY? Even other contestants have said 20 was unfair….

  51. Anonymous said

    July 12, 2011 @ 10:11 am

    I think the going on the attack was fair. You have an eater who stood right next to Grace saying that Grace competed dishonestly. You have a judge assessing a huge penalty on Grace because he saw the exact same thing. That’s enough reason to attack someone for being dishonest. How much more nformation do we need to judge someone and conclude that she’s not someone we like or want around us? In life, you get a few chances to make an impression. When you blow a bunch of them, you have to expect people will form opinions about you based partly upon those blown chances. That’s where Grace stands right now.

    Why do we have to ask her about her claim of being undefeated. She knows she’s not, yet shhe perpetuates that lie. And she’s on this site, maybe not daily, and maybe sometimes indirectly through her friends, butt she knows enough to know that we are calling her out on her claim. Are you we supposed to email her or call her up on the phone and confront her about her claims? How? I don’t think anybody wanted her phone number after the way she conducted herself at the number. It is more than enough to confront in this forum and expect an answer.

    And you’ve given a completely unsatisfactory and cryptic answer about her attempt to get sponsored for an already-paid for trip, and it reeks of a cover-up.

  52. anonymous said

    July 12, 2011 @ 10:13 am

    She just won’t go away. FoxSports has picked up the article now.

  53. anonymous said

    July 12, 2011 @ 10:21 am

    Isnt it obvious that Grace Lee ate that way in a deliberate fashion just to bring attention to herself? She ate clean in NC so why this sudden mess? It would not surprise me one bit if the Bert show put her up to this so she could steal some headlines. Wake up? It was a SETUP!

  54. Craig Reed said (Registered February 21, 2009)

    July 12, 2011 @ 10:28 am

    Anonymous people being hateful/spiteful for no reason? Welcome to the internet. 🙂

    Assuming she ate her qualifying total of 13, that means she left 11 HDBs of unidentifiable hotdog mush behind, there’s no way to accurately count that and the only option is to give an extreme and well deserved deduction. With that kind of mess there’s no way she should’ve finished near the top(or even middle) of the field.

  55. Not HardLee said

    July 12, 2011 @ 10:50 am

    Heartbeat, yes there were heated and tough criticisms made towards Grace Lee. However, she is the one that chose to “give this story legs” and prolong the story. She could of behind the scenes sought any answers she wanted from MLE. I’m afraid it came off as a feeble, backfired attempt by her, a person familiar at least familiar locally with how to deal with media, to embarass the event and its sponsors by going public because she felt slighted. The whole thing came off as appearing selfish. She turned a one day story into a week long saga that ultimately led to embarassing facts coming out about Grace’s less than above board eating techniques. This miscalculation to appear on her sponsored radio station, arming them with only her side of the story, using ambush tactics to attack others for own actions was not smart. She should of had the sense that falsly delegitimizing the July 4th results would in at least a round about way, unfairly question the results of other eaters who did not deserve such attention. I understand sticking up for your friends, but when a friend makes a mistake they should call them on it. Sometimes that’s what friends are for.

  56. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 12, 2011 @ 11:21 am

    The Best show stuff is what it is. She is going on the radio for expouse and they want to make a bigger deal of it than it is. It comes off like a spoiled kid that did not get their way. But it is played up for the radio and press I get it. See I know Grace is not a bad person or evil or a spoiled brat.. My old roommate from USA knows her and has done videos with her. Hell if Mr Brown or Antron as he was know back in 94′ will vouch for her then she is good in my book. She is a real person with feelings and friends that care about her. I get it. But passions run hot for CE. I mean people get pissed about this stuff and bond over this in was that a lot of folks out there do not understand. The reason behind her deduction is not about her, it is about the way she ate. MLE is not trying to screw her over but saying you know damn well you ate like a piglet and tried to add to your totals by being so messy. It is not really cheating but it is an attempt at cheating. They hit her with a huge drop as an example. She is not the first person it has happend to and they warned people at the Charlotte event about being extra strict. They told us they would take 5 HDB for food in cups and excessive mess. They do it all the time. I was not there in Coney so I do not know what they told the ladies before the event but I am sure with Juliet there said something of that nature.

  57. The rest of the story said

    July 12, 2011 @ 11:24 am

    This crap gets exposure but when Seiken makes a case about poor security at Coney Island allowing a convicted stalker to start more trouble, nobody gives a rats ass. Who cares about Grace Lee and her stupid deductions . They been talking about this nonsense for nearly a week and whats the point? We have an idea as to what her actual capacity is 12 or 13 at best. They play up who they want to play up and this site is notorious for playing favorites

  58. capn brian said (Registered November 17, 2010)

    July 12, 2011 @ 11:30 am

    and excellent point a few posts above, she ate very cleanly, and politely even, at the charlotte qualifier, what prompted her change in technique?

  59. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 12, 2011 @ 11:34 am

    Best thing for the Bert Show to do is to fly Grace and myself to Buffalo for U.S. National Buffalo Wing Eating Championship
    Date: 09/04/2011, Location: Buffalo, NY Discipline: Buffalo Wings, Total Prizes: $2,550 total cash purse for the title of Lord of Atlanta or even John Ascuaga’s Nugget World Rib Eating Championship , Date: 08/31/2011, Location: Sparks, NV
    Discipline: Ribs, Total Prizes: $5,000 total. Great story line.

  60. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 12, 2011 @ 11:59 am

    I agree Rest of the Story. This this dead horse rigor mortised a week ago.

  61. Sooooo????????? said

    July 12, 2011 @ 12:03 pm

    did MLE ever return their call? lol

  62. Larell Marie Mele said

    July 12, 2011 @ 12:21 pm

    Nunonabun2 – as ALWAYS lol. Musiclheartbeat – Oh, I don’t tweet at all; not that savvy….yet but you can always join my fan page (please? lol) on FB “The Real Deal” 🙂 Hey we all gotta give Grace credit for being able to get herself tons of publicity. If this whole thing was a huge publicity stunt?….hats off to her for major success. Totally NOT condoning dishonest behavior in ANY way, shape or form; just admiring the business savvy of such a young lady. Still wish she would have thought of something else to do vs. something that would ultimately cheat others out of their fair share had she gotten away with it. At least one thing’s for sure, the very next contest Grace participates in will be watched quite closely so I think we’ll be able to get a true sense of her eating abilities and I would hope this situation will stand as a deterrent to other eaters who may even entertain the thought of trying to get away with sloppy eating!!!!

  63. Not HardLee said

    July 12, 2011 @ 12:38 pm

    Originally, I thought Grace had some smarts when it comes to publicity and how the media works. Yet, all she has now brought is negative attention to herself. Locally, she once had Atlantans thinking she was a good eater and was making money off of that scam. Now nationally and locally they think she is a joke, cheater and a sore loser due to the Daily News piece being sent out to subscribers accross the country. She had no clue that she might be a bit out of her league? Please, now they should just go ahead and disqualifier her for stupidity. One small example — she wants to gain sympathy so she sends a photo to the Daily News of her sipping wine in a gown? My god please someone help out this poor girl. I guess for her next GSpot event she could replace her undefeated title to: Come see the girl who cheated her ass off on July 4th. Now there’s a American success story I would want to promote my eatery. Want a little public relations advice? Shut up, don’t talk to the media about July 4th, and if there is no way to avoid it just say you had a wonderful time in New York, appreciate the people at Nathan’s and Pepto Bismol for their support, and look forward to future GSpots events.

  64. Anonymous said

    July 12, 2011 @ 2:07 pm

    A significant deduction was warranted (though I’m not sure about 20). However, deductions for big messes should be across the board. It doesn’t look good when you turn a blind eye to some of your top eaters just because they are a “commodity”, or have name recognition. You can’t have a real competition unless MLE takes a stricter stance with messmakers like Crazy Legs and Juliet.

  65. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 12, 2011 @ 2:49 pm

    Well, this thread keeps going, so here:

    G-spot … invokes my vivid imagination, and brings back both great memories AND mammaries!

    Of course gravity is the enemy now.

  66. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 12, 2011 @ 5:04 pm

    @ Larell Marie Mele…wooo hooo…I found you and I just “liked” your page

    Thanks to everyone that understands that I’m stickin up for my friend come-what may!

    @Not HardLee…I really don’t know what to say to you, so I’m just going to say, that I understand the statement about friends telling friends they made mistakes, I’m not on here defending he way Grace ate…I didn’t see it…I just think she deserves more than a “that’s just the number I gave you based on my eyes” from the MLE. I hate to say this, and maybe it will put me in the hate category, but I probably would do the same thing. There are a few things I would have done differently, but its a media world-wind and unfortunately, we all make mistakes and this one is going out of hand. I spoke with Grace indepthly about all of this, and one thing about our friendship is that I’m not deceived and know she didn’t pull one over on me…all this judgement and calling her stupid, is just unwarranted. There are people who would say you all are terrible people for the way you speak about another, but does that define who you are? Does that mean it’s true? Does it mean you deserve to be spoken to as if you’re not human or worth living…I still go back to Larell Marie Mele…one of the people that should be the MOST upset about this…she has expressed that she does not agree with Grace and what she has done, but it didn’t take tearing Grace down to do it….just as many people read her post as they did yours, and I’m sure hearing it from her, and so tactfully done was more effective.

  67. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 12, 2011 @ 5:10 pm

    Even as Grace’s friend, i didn’t like the way the radio station handled the receptionist that answered the phone, but Grace there or not, she can’t control what they do. Her portion of the interview was tasteful, whether you agree with what she said or not. I hope WE are NOT all judged by the situations that happen around us….

    @Anonymous…you are a trip…I hope you find peace…LOL! The interesting thing is that I told the truth and you didn’t want to hear it….sorry the truth wasn’t to your liking….and as far as being a friend, Grace is one of my closest friends, and I’ve shared with her how I felt about the situation…being a friend does mean telling someone they made a mistake, but it also means standing behind someone “if” there was a mistake made to make sure they come out on top of it, and aren’t burried by mass of negativity associated with it….ALSO, I just want to thank the heavens that you are perfect and could never make a mistake…WHEW that must feel lovely, although speaking of impressions…if one had to draw one based on your exchange on here and what you’ve had to share, you shouldn’t have ANY friends, but I’m sure your anger isn’t all there is to you. I’m sure there are so many positive qualities that keep people around you loving you, so impressions are just that….just an impression…doesn’t necessarily define the person. Be upset, don’t judge…

  68. Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)

    July 12, 2011 @ 5:11 pm

    Musiclheartbeat – Yesssss! Thx 🙂 Rhonda – Lmboooo, u never fail to put a smile on my face!

  69. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 12, 2011 @ 5:12 pm

    nunonabun2….that’s a GREAT idea, but only if I get to go….LOL! You all will probably need security, especially since you’ll be there with Grace…LOL…LOL! Hey and I can just give you all a piggyback ride from the van to the event stage

  70. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 12, 2011 @ 5:17 pm

    Ok I just threw up a little. Enough of this touchy feely crap. We just vote on if she lives of dies and be done with it. I say let her live.

  71. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 12, 2011 @ 5:19 pm

    I am the security.

  72. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 12, 2011 @ 5:26 pm

    nunonabun2…LOL…LOL…you mean to tell me that you can stomach all these food challenges/competitive eating events, but you can’t take a little sappy emotion….oh my LORD! LOL!

  73. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 12, 2011 @ 5:32 pm

    I do not like to cry. I mean I do not cry ever. It was dust.

  74. Not HardLee said

    July 12, 2011 @ 5:55 pm

    Heartbeat, she was very eager to defend her indefensible actions in a public forum for personal gain at the expense of others. She agreed to the interview and she knew the parameters of what would happen on air, including ambush type behavior to innocent people. You clearly care about her. So, have you guys even considered advising her to apologize to the other eaters, event sponsors, and yes the MLE (who paid for her trip) for not meeting the standards of the contest and causing negative attention to everyone involved? And, you are right, LMM is clearly one of the nicest people. By Grace questioning LMM’s account of the events that took place on July 4, it did appear as if she was questioning LMM’s motives and honesty. That’s not right, it took guts to do what LMM did, and a personal apology to LMM would be in order. Yet, we continue to hear nothing from her, not on her website, in interviews, etc. She clearly knows how to bring attention to herself. Why doesn’t she now try to bring attention to herself in a positive way. Publically admit her questionable behavior and demonstrate to everyone why she is the upstanding person you clearly love and have talked about on this site.

  75. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 12, 2011 @ 8:16 pm

    @Not HardLee…I don’t necessarily think she owes anyone an apology just ye. Maybe she could say that it was not her intent to upset everyone, but I still think her question was valid. Where did 4 come from? A professional sport should have better parameters than just picking a number out of the sky. I know she’s not trying to offend other eaters, but she has a right to ask questions and expect a better answer. As a matter of fact, all CE contestants should want an answer or at least a solid guideline so the rules apply for everyone across the board and not just a newcomer who may have made a mistake. As far as LMM, she didn’t say anything bad about her, she just said she doesn’t know why LMM would have called her delusional because she was always a positive cheerleader. That’s a fair response to someone calling you delusional. She didn’t call LMM any names or go after her at all. And NO ONE knew the Bert Show was gonna ambush the receptionist…not even the other hosts of the show.

    I will in all honesty speak with her about how the other eaters feel offended and see how she feels about releasing a statement to them…that is something I will do, I don’t know about anything else.

  76. Anonymous said

    July 12, 2011 @ 11:11 pm

    Dude/Dumbass/Musiclhearbeat….she knows where the f— 4 came from! It came from the fact that she rampaged through 24 hot dogs and buns and basically ate none of them or, best case scenario, ate parts of them and created such a terrible, MASSive mess that her still inconsequential total could not be accurately determined. Quit apologizing for your cheater friend. And Grace, quit hiding from these comments and sending your friends to respond to them, and quit playing dumb in front of every other member of the media that you encounter. You know you’re a terrible/dishonest competitor. You don’t need an explanation because you already got one: a judge made a decision to deduct hot dogs from your total based upon the mess you made. Whether or not they believe you had 20 hot dogs and buns worth of debris, or whether they believe you had a little bit less debris but penalized you for sh-tty behavior is inconsequential.

  77. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 13, 2011 @ 9:42 am

    @Anonymous…HILARIOUS!!!! One day when you can have a REAL honest CONVERSATION with someone, and not an ANGRY TIRADE that resorts to such low standards as name calling, then maybe people will actually care what you think…and not laugh at you…HILARIOUS…LOL! You have helped me though…I now realized that there’s no need to defend Grace, anyone or anything to people like you…it’s pointless. Have a great day and I hope you find some peace from all this pinned up aggression or whatever it is…BLESSINGS to all…I’m out.

    @nunonabun2 you have a Facebook or Twitter page? If you do, send me the info so we can link up.

  78. Anonymous Fan said

    July 13, 2011 @ 9:55 am

    @Musiclheartbeat what don’t you get? you are defending a lame duck here, she ate 4 and got credit for what she ate……simple

  79. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 13, 2011 @ 10:05 am

    Damien Boykin i am on Grace’s list

  80. Dis-Grace? said

    July 13, 2011 @ 10:47 am

    MLE has already given a reason for the deduction.

    – According to Richard Shea, a spokesman for Major League Eating, Lee was simply too sloppy: “The judge was unable to determine what she had. He was faced with a large amount of detritus. He analyzed the food in front of her and credited her with four,” – Shea said.

    Now that MLE has given their stance on the situation, is Grace still seeking justice? Trust me MLE wasn’t out to make her look like a fool, they would love to have another talented attractive small Asian on the circuit, it’s more money in their pocket, heck MLE was even gracious enough to extend an olive branch by saying she is more then welcome to compete again with the league. MLE actually showed some tact on this one… If MLE wanted to be jerks about it they could have said “We would like an explanation from Grace as to why she was so messy that we had to be faced with such a hard judgment” which in essence I think that’s the real issue here. Grace doesn’t seem to want to take responsibility for her actions.

    Had she been DQ’d she would have made a bigger deal out of this, instead of saying “How did they get 4 out of the air” she would be saying “I don’t get how I can have 24 then be disqualified”… Damned if you damned if you don’t. I think a couple posts above hit it right on the head, if she wants to continue on with MLE and save face she should apologize for her actions, even if ignorance is truly the case…

    When she does promo events for her company G-spot and takes on these men twice her size I’m sure she doesn’t eat 1/4 of a 6lb burrito, make a huge mess and claim she finished the whole thing, that wouldn’t only make her look foolish, but it would also make her company and the eatery hiring her look foolish as well. If she doesn’t act that way for her own company and event then why did she think it was okay to act that way towards MLE and Nathan’s?

  81. Not HardLee said

    July 13, 2011 @ 10:50 am

    Heartbeat, if she truly thought the radio interview and ambush tactics of “Bert and Ernie” was a bad idea then why post it on her GSpot website? Time after time — undefeated, soliciting sponsorships, lying, cheating, selfishly playing the victim — you are defending indefensible behavior. You know what, forget any apologies. If it didn’t occur to Grace Lee herself that an appology was in order then what’s the point except for Grace’s own benefit to save face after a series of awful behavior on her part. An appology from an eighth place loser, wannabe, to true pros and champions such as Sonya Thomas, LMM, the sponsors, and MLE is beneath their dignity. Just advise your friend to go away and fade into the oblivion she deserves.

  82. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 13, 2011 @ 11:08 am

    @Nunonabun2 cool…I will look you up!

  83. Everything Equal said (Registered April 28, 2011)

    July 13, 2011 @ 11:26 am

    Try to be a little even hand here. Legs has been doing this for years at Nathans’. My gues would be about 10 years’ worth. Sure what Grace did was wrong, but she only did it once. Legs has done this dozzens of time. Outside of Nathans’ Juliet does this every contest she is in. End of the day you have to get reel. Event after Legs the true fan turned eater poutted and skipped this year he will get some trip later this year like he alway does. Probibly touring bases in Africa or South america. Juliet will get to continue to eat as long as it takes after the contest for her to get the place she wants. Grace will be welcome in any event she wants. If the broddaths like you then you are in reguardless what you do at the table, or under it, or on the wall behind it, or in your cups, or in your glove. All you have to do it say I know I was a little mesy but the person next to me is the reel cheater.

  84. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 13, 2011 @ 12:01 pm

    ***Stands and applauds Everything Equal*** Watch out though, you may have put a target on your back….LOL! None of that will matter, they just don’t like Grace for all the horrible reasons they said above.

    With people like @Everything Equal, @Larel Marie Mele, and @nunonabun2, whether you agree or disagree, I can converse with you guys, because its been an adult conversation, but all these other spiteful/hateful indiviuals, that go on there angry tirades and result to name calling and things like that…i have nothing to more to say.

  85. anonymous said

    July 14, 2011 @ 8:56 am

    Grace Lee Juliet Lee they both share the same last name and same leftover debris

  86. Let's Stop said

    July 14, 2011 @ 10:20 am

    Should stop getting on Juliet or else she might quit and go independent or join WLOCE. That would all but cripple major league eating.

  87. jmluckie33 said (Registered July 6, 2011)

    July 14, 2011 @ 10:58 am

    Just looked at my headlines, Grace lee is now on MSN talking about what happen at Nathans lmao

  88. some never learn said

    July 14, 2011 @ 11:12 am

    Why dont all of you wake up and smell the stale coffee. This was a setup for publicity and she got it. She ate clean in NC but someone told her prior to Coney “hey you want to grab some headlines? Eat 3 of the 5 dogs on each plate leave a bunch of debris and then claim you ate 24 . Then make believe youre bitching about the injustice ” . Its obvious that musicalheart or whatever that fool moniker may be , is grace lee . The more you ignore the greater the chances it will go away

  89. Musiclheartbeat said (Registered July 11, 2011)

    July 14, 2011 @ 2:12 pm

    @some never learn…LOL @ at the obviousness of the situation when you’re wrong….I’m not Grace Lee and there are others on here that disagree with Grace and they can prove it….guess things aren’t so obvious….LOL!

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