Jessica "Queen of Cuisine" has uploaded four new eating challenge videos: Venezia team pizza challenge (Phoenix) | Net Grill burger (Fresno) | Batter Up pancakes (Fresno) | Intimidator omelet (Antioch, CA)
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anopnymous said
December 27, 2010 @ 11:00 pm
Here we go again. same shit different hour. Seiken posted that early this morning and again OJ would not give him the credit for obtaining this first from Jessica FB page posted to his website.
Geiko said
December 28, 2010 @ 10:59 am
Lets say USA Today posts a certain story first about lets say, an accident. then the New York times posts a story about the same accident. So is USA Today supposed to give the NY Times credit for the story because “they reported it first”? RETARD,SERIOUSLY
Fact said
December 28, 2010 @ 4:27 pm
Brian Seiken is the first king of all CE reporting, and every agency should visit his site prior to reporting.