Joel Hansen recently completed the 72 ounce steak challenge at The Big Texan in Amarillo, TX in 12:24, which is believed to be a Canadian record. Raina Huang also attempted the challenge and finished in 24:41. (video)


  1. Anonymous said

    July 20, 2020 @ 9:42 pm

    We all know who’s sleeping together

  2. Anonymous said

    July 20, 2020 @ 10:01 pm

    Joel is her mistress.

  3. Anonymous said

    July 21, 2020 @ 3:59 am

    Joel is such an entertainer, great fun and brings joy.

  4. So What! said

    July 21, 2020 @ 5:22 am


  5. Anonymous said

    July 21, 2020 @ 9:36 am

    Awesome! But 9:42, lets be honest, if you watch his live streams & Q&A’s you would know that ain’t happening lol

  6. Anonymous said

    July 21, 2020 @ 11:41 am

    9:42 sounds like a bitter bunny boiler who is a bit envious, keeps bringing up the subject ‘a bit too much’

  7. Bruno said

    July 21, 2020 @ 7:29 pm

    How old is Raina ? Joel is 24 correct ?

  8. Anonymous said

    July 22, 2020 @ 8:32 am

    joel is bold, travelling to the us illegalling and posting it online. i guess the us border isnt as closed as drump thinks it is. global pandemic going on and he crosses the border with known travell restrictions talk about a narcicsict

  9. Anonymous said

    July 22, 2020 @ 3:27 pm

    He should have been banned. He’s illegal right now.

  10. Anonymous said

    July 22, 2020 @ 3:36 pm

    8;32 so bitter, get a hobby

  11. Anonymous said

    July 22, 2020 @ 3:46 pm

    He should get deported or put in jail

  12. Anonymous said

    July 22, 2020 @ 8:05 pm

    LOL 8:32 , 3:27 & 3:46 – You obviously don’t know how to use google! Air Boarders are open you ignorant sheep! Talk about assuming…
    I wish all of you the ability to function and think independently one day.

  13. Step Daddy J said

    July 22, 2020 @ 9:48 pm

    You are allowed to fly
    into the USA from Canada ,
    Not drive in . My oldest son Jaden
    Flew in in June to LA .

  14. Anonymous said

    July 23, 2020 @ 4:17 am

    8:05 and these people are allowed to buy guns..

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