The Butler Eagle has a gallery of Saturday's ShuBrew hot dog eating contest at Horse Trading Days in Zelinople, PA. The top 3: 1 Molly Schuyler 48 hot dogs (10 minutes) 2 Dan Kennedy 47 hot dogs 3 Jack Legath 28 hot dogs


  1. JacksFanClubPresident said

    July 22, 2024 @ 7:33 am

    The great Jack Legath came in 3rd? Say it isn’t so! Gee why no social media posts by Jack after this contest bragging about winning? Oh, he actually went against real eaters. I heard he did have dessert though. A couple pieces of HUMBLE PIE were consumed by Jack.

  2. Anonymous said

    July 22, 2024 @ 1:02 pm

    He still surprised me with 28.
    Molly said the buns were crap too.

  3. Anonymous said

    July 22, 2024 @ 3:37 pm

    He posted about it. Seemed like he was excited to compete with Molly and Dan. Looks like he’s a pretty chill dude. Don’t know why he gets so much hate on here…

  4. Anonymous said

    July 22, 2024 @ 3:52 pm

    28? He needs to sign with MLE-that would have been very close to qualifying for Nathan’s this year. With some training, he can probably eat 32 – 34 for next year’s qualifying circuit.

  5. ElisBlackTeeth said

    July 23, 2024 @ 4:58 am

    He obviously reads here and ran and posted. In fact, he posted exactly what I predicted he would. He’s arrogant and cocky… um yeah. He disrespect of established eaters and cockiness and arrogance is the issue. It’s blatant.

  6. Anonymous said

    July 23, 2024 @ 9:12 am

    Does Molly ever not say that the food is crap?

  7. Anonymous said

    July 23, 2024 @ 11:22 am

    I like that about Molly. She obviously is who she is and does not adopt a sing-songy voice and spew scripted bs every time a camera is on her.
    I would love to see her a interview after a Nathan’s win. It would likely be hysterical, but she is really nice.
    Oh yeah – IF MLE has ever deserved her, they most certainly do not nowadays. (she’d probably say something like ‘hashtag shitshow’)

  8. Anonymous said

    July 23, 2024 @ 11:32 am

    Seems like someone has a personal vendetta against Jack. Have you ever met him in person to where he’s that arrogant and cocky?

  9. Anonymous said

    July 24, 2024 @ 2:23 pm

    What kind of hot dogs did they use? I expected killer and molly to be in the high 50s

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