Wing Bowl page not being updated
I thought that the Wing Bowl videos page was not being updated because qualification attempts went on hiatus for the holidays, but qualifying stunts have apparently continued. Wing Bowl notes says that “Obi Wing” recently qualified for the Wing Bowl. Obi Wing’s video cannot be found on, but it can be seen on youtube: Part 1, Part 2.
In other Wing Bowl news, “Dr. Martin Luther Wing” will try to qualify for the Wing Bowl tomorrow by eating chitlins. “Dr. Wing’s” manager is Wing Bowl 14 entrant Adam “Hungry Hungry Hebrew” Taxin says “Black history will be made this month of February.”
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
January 3, 2007 @ 11:56 pm
They officially announced Pat as IFOCE #2 entrant 2 weeks ago but never put that on the site either.
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
January 4, 2007 @ 9:12 am
George Shea was on this morning and announced Chip as Contestant #3.
Rhonda Evans said
January 4, 2007 @ 10:07 am
I expect the next two to be Tim Janus and Arturo Rios. The latter will be in heaven, given all those wingettes. As such, he’ll likely forget about eating wings and will BE consumed by the adornments in the Wachovia Center.
Mr Wright said
January 4, 2007 @ 12:39 pm
Would not surprise me if they choose Pat Philbin.
Philly Guy said
January 4, 2007 @ 2:13 pm
It would surprise me. He’s part of a morning show thats in the same time slot.
Mad Stork said
January 4, 2007 @ 2:35 pm
Steakbellie meant Pat B, yes, and not Pat P? (That P stands for Puke). So the ifoce 3 of 5 are Sonya, Pat B, Chip? Rhonda, you didn’t mention Joey in your two – shouldn’t he get a nod since he’s the defending champ and top-ranked in US?