Pat Bertoletti wins St. Pat’s Chowdown

St. Pats Chowdown results

Finals – jalapeno peppers
1) Pat Bertoletti
2) Joey Chestnut

Semi Finals – green doughnuts
1) Pat Bertoletti
2) Joey Chestnut
?) Sonya Thomas
?) Chip Simpson

1st Round
1 tie) Joey Chetnut
1 tie) Pat Bertoletti
3) Sonya Thomas
4) Chip Simpson
5) Tim Janus (originally listed as 4th place finisher)
?) Rich LeFevre
?) Bob Shoudt
?) Eric “Badlands” Booker

Hopefully the ratings will be good enough to have other future non-Kobayashi contests televised.

updated elfarren has a livejournal entry with some pictures

teleblog is available after the jump

7:58 results: Pat 98 jalapenos, Joey 75 jalapenos, Pat wins $5,000 and gets the #2 ranking

7:53 the jalapeno contest starts, it will run 5 minutes

7:52 a commercial with Sonya & Tim runs for the rerun tomorrow

7:47 it is claimed that the winner will get the #2 ranking

7:45 back from commercial with interview with Tim Janus

7:41 brief interview with Joey & Pat

7:39 finalists – 43 doughnuts Joey Chestnut, 47 doughnuts Pat Bertoletti, Sonya’s & Chip’s totals are not listed

7:35 the doughnut contest is over, results after the commerical

7:30 the doughnut contest starts, no running totals are provided, either on cards or on the screen

7:28 2nd round intros, Chip’s nickname is listed as “Beef”

7:27 pm Sonya’s profile, Sonya’s interview (in English) is subtitled

7:25 pm Pro (Conti) vs. 3 Joes (one female) eating doughnuts 1 minute contest – Conti wins with 10 doughnuts

7:21 pm Pat’s profile

7:19 pm now Joey’s profile runs

7:17 pm Kobayashi’s absence is mentioned and his profile runs

7:15 pm Some definitions

Update 7:12 pm Chip Simpson takes over Tim Janus place after a recount

Update 7:08 pm –

results from that round
1 Joey Chestnut 10.76 lb. record
1 tie Pat Bertoletti
3rd Sonya Thomas
4th Tim Janus (this contradicts the article that Chip Simpson advanced)

Update 7:03 pm – the contest opens with the corned beef & cabbage round without any profiles or other preview

Please place all comments about Day 2 of the Saint Patrick’s Day Chowdown in this thread. has a preview
of the contest, but it does not mention that Kobayashi will not compete.

Comments (35)


  1. Anonymous said

    March 17, 2007 @ 5:53 pm

    If it goes down between Bertoletti and Chestnut in j. peppers Pat will win because he likes them.


  2. the boy king said

    March 17, 2007 @ 7:30 pm

    that son of a gun Shea stole my identitiy!

  3. KevinRoss said

    March 17, 2007 @ 8:14 pm

    Even though the heat of those peppers was obviously getting to Joey big time, he didn’t give up. So that was awesome. It also reminded me that I probably should never enter a spicy food contest because if I was that on fire, I would totally wuss out and cry uncle.

  4. The_Hangman said (Registered August 30, 2006)

    March 17, 2007 @ 8:27 pm

    First off Congrats to Pat. You earned that win.

    Now on to the 2nd place finisher. In 2006 there was rampant talk that Joey Chestnut had won many of his contests by cheating. The rumor was that with the drawing power of Joey, IFOCE Officials were turning a blind eye to Joey blatantly violating the 5 second dunking rule.

    Watching the tape of the doughnut eating contest on Spike TV one can see Joey doing just what many have said he does. He holds one doughnut underwater with one hand, literally drowning and dissolving the doughnut while the other hand is stuffing one in his mouth. Watching Chip and Sonya, they both dunk theirs for LESS than 5 seconds while Joey Drowns his for 10 seconds and MORE.

    As George Shea said, in competition all friendships are set aside. Joey is a good eater but unless the 5 second dunking rule has been abolished or just waived for a few top eaters, lets demand that IFOCE or MLE enforce the rules and try to make it fairer for us lower ranked eaters. I may or may not get the chance in the future to be one of the top ranked eaters but none the less I say if one of us is allowed to drown and dissolve the product before stuffing what is left in our mouths, then why not just abolish the rules all together and let each of us dissolve all the bread and other product so we all can have HIGH numbers. Without the enforcement of the 5 second rule I know I can eat 45 or 50 hot dogs. I know because I have done it.

    I say look at round two and just see for yourselves how long Joey Chestnut drowns and ultimately dissolves his doughnuts. 10 and 15 seconds of dunking is the norm for Joey here. I think, by looking at the tape, Sonya and/or Chip legally ate more than Joey and did not blatlantly or as often violate the 5 second dunking rule.

    Even with 4 officials in striped shirts in front of each of the 4 eaters in round two, maybe an instant replay like in football and some other sports might need to come into play when the officials blow the call.

    I’m not afraid to post my name and I know by saying this it will be a long time coming if I ever get ranked in IFOCE for speaking out against what many call cheating.

    Again Congrats to Pat on the win. You earned it Brother.

  5. Anonymous said

    March 17, 2007 @ 8:36 pm

    Sonya should at keast be ranked in the top 30 for her accetpable performance. Julie is probablt top 100 material.

  6. Anonymous said

    March 17, 2007 @ 8:38 pm

    Ok, “Hangman” if you’re not afraid to post your name, why do you use an alias?

  7. Anonymous said

    March 17, 2007 @ 8:53 pm

    As I said Chip is the Man.,


  8. The_Hangman said (Registered August 30, 2006)

    March 17, 2007 @ 8:56 pm

    Quote “Ok, “Hangman” if you’re not afraid to post your name, why do you use an alias?” Unquote

    OK, Anonymous. My name is Bruce Pobanz. You can see my picture at my website at

    In Pro-Wrestling I was given the nickname 33 years ago as “The Hangman” and I use the same nick in CE. I also go by Pastor Bruce at my Chuch and in a few days I’ll be Officer Bruce when I’m offically sworn in as a member of my local Police Department.

    I meant I use my name on that post above instead of going by “Anonymous?

  9. anonymous said

    March 17, 2007 @ 9:26 pm

    Hangman i think remember you wrestled with the valiant brothers? On another subject. Simpson and Chestnut had pouts on their faces like little kids that just got their lunch swiped from them by a bully. Grow up!

  10. the boy king said

    March 17, 2007 @ 9:54 pm

    Bruce…. while I agree the rules need to be enforced, I gotta call bullshit on you eating 45-50 HDB. (and I hope you mean in 12 mins).
    I’d have to see video proof of that.

  11. MEGA MUNCH said

    March 17, 2007 @ 9:59 pm

    Koby didn’t want none of that. Bertoletti brought his A game and came out on top in ALL THREE ROUNDS. Congrats to the Hungry Hooligan’s co-captain.

    I guess that means he’s #2 ranked now (#1 in the USA)…that’s what they were saying on the telecast. Did anyone know that the ranking was up for grabs too? HAs there ever been a contest to determine ranking? Interesting. Regardless, this makes for a very exciting eating season ahead of us, with Joey attempting to get his ranking back and Pat fighting to keep it.

  12. MEGA MUNCH said

    March 17, 2007 @ 10:10 pm

    And what happened to the $15,000?

  13. ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)

    March 17, 2007 @ 10:13 pm

    The first place prize amount and the total purse are often confused.

  14. Bill R said (Registered March 18, 2007)

    March 17, 2007 @ 10:35 pm

    The St. Patrick’s Day special was awesome. Watched extreme fighting on Spike after that, and man… was that ever boring in comparison to eating. Great job done by all involved!

  15. Anonymous said

    March 17, 2007 @ 10:52 pm

    Kobayashi would have laughed in the face of the totals today. Give him a fucking break. I mean his mother’s health is at issue. I’m sure Americans will have thir butts kicked soon enough. Why must they seek out this ass kicking?

  16. Anonymous said

    March 17, 2007 @ 11:00 pm

    Hangman you have a most valid point about the five second dunking rule. My man Chip should have been given much greater cedit. Sonya no because she is a cry baby , a wimp, and a has been.


  17. Anonymous said

    March 17, 2007 @ 11:08 pm

    MM are you stupid? Joey IS # 1. Pat needs to whip his ass many more yimes to attain that. Pat can never ever eat the Hot Dogs Joey can.


  18. Anonymous said

    March 18, 2007 @ 12:42 am

    Though Pat Bertoletti is not as good as the Goose, I think Pat would probably give him a run for his money.


  19. SuperPaul said

    March 18, 2007 @ 1:38 am

    I’m looking forward to 2pm sunday so I can see what all the hubbub is…and MegaMunch, I told you not to trade me, you trader…or is that traitor…so much for my team t-shirt design!! Hall Hunt and the Axis of Eaters rule!

  20. MEGA MUNCH said

    March 18, 2007 @ 8:56 am


    Regarding Pat’s #2 ranking, I’m only reporting what they said REPEATEDLY during the SPIKE telecast. Basically that whoever won the final round would be ranked #2 (#1 Nationally). Crazy Legs said it. Rich Shea said it. They SPIKE reporter dude asked Joey about it. I’m not making this up. Am I the only one who saw that? Also, did anyone know beforehand that they would awarding the #2 ranking based on this event?

    (And lest we forget, Pat has beaten Joey in two of their last three meetings.)

  21. Bronson Fan said

    March 18, 2007 @ 9:52 am

    Bertoletti rocked!!!! He brought his A game, I thought that Chestnut was going to lose it during the jalapeno eating competition.

  22. Anonymous said

    March 18, 2007 @ 11:48 am

    It is not right for Bertoletti to be ranked ahead of Joey and unless Bertoletti can eat well over 50 dogs come July 4 Joey will again be number 1.
    I don’t know if Koby can eat hot foods or not but he always finds a way to win so it is too hard to predict what woud have happened had he been there.


  23. frankie said (Registered February 9, 2007)

    March 18, 2007 @ 4:57 pm


    Good to hear you call Joey on his food drowning. If a rule is good enough for you and me, it’s good enough for the “Superstars”.

    After seeing other people’s reaction to the chowdown, I think if Major League Eating expects to catch on as a spectator sport, Picnic style rules might be considered. It may slow competitors down, but it will make watching a lot more pleasant, but that’s a different topic.

    I’m glad to hear that with Officer Bruce, no one will be above the law.


  24. Chestnut Bites Off More Than He Can Chew in Beef Eat Off - Mike Cassidy’s Loose Ends - said

    March 18, 2007 @ 5:28 pm

    […] the EatFeats Web site says Chestnut came in second in the contest that wrapped up […]

  25. boooyaa said

    March 18, 2007 @ 5:48 pm

    Actually reports from the contest say that Chip beat Sonya in the doughnuts for 3rd place. Not sure what the actual totals were.

  26. Anonymous said

    March 18, 2007 @ 7:03 pm

    The Five Second Rule is only in effect when they it’s in effect! That’s how it works. That’s why you don’t see it called very often.

  27. DELANEY said

    March 18, 2007 @ 10:00 pm

    cool to eveyone bad mouthing pat beroletti hes the best one out there. hes also my first cousin and he deserved that win.

  28. The_Hangman said (Registered August 30, 2006)

    March 18, 2007 @ 10:10 pm

    This controversy about the abuse of the 5 second dunking rule is not new. Here are two news stories from the Competitive Eating Network.


    Aggressive Dunking Pushes Up Krystal Numbers

    The numbers achieved in the 2006 Krystal Square Off qualifying circuit have been astounding, with five eaters consuming 52 or more Krystals in the eight-minute event. What accounts for the increase?

    Clearly, the talent now competing and the mental preparation for events has increased significantly in the past two years, a period when the average number of Krystals in the qualifying circuit was closer to 30. But contest watchers say that some of the eaters are pushing the limits of the five-second dunking rule as well.

    “I have been watching and the eaters seem to be drowning the burgers,” said one knowledgeable source who requested to remain anonymous so that he could continue to observe the events without scrutiny. “If someone is timing the dunking at the finals on October 28 we well may see some deductions.”

    According to the rules, an eater will face a deduction equal to the amount of food he or she is dunking if the dunking exceeds five seconds. Whether or not the IFOCE has been informed about the alleged dunking violations is not yet known.


    Do New Rules Threaten Dunking?

    During the past two years, dunking has become an increasingly important component of competitive eating. However, recent rulings from IFOCE commissioner Charles Hardy and recent controversies such as the Crazy Legs/LaRue Incident, call into question the future of this practice.

    No one uses dunking more aggressively than Eater X Tim Janus, the man who first introduced the tupperware dish to the eating table. Janus was not content to simply dip his food into water to facilitate the swallowing. He seemed determined to transform the food into soup so that no chewing was required.

    It was this kind of activity that seemed to prompt Commissioner Hardy to issue a lengthy screed on regulations, with particular emphasis on dunking. The very next day, of course, Crazy Legs tested the system, reportedly leaving significant hot dog bun in his cup in Florida at the opening of the Nathan’s circuit.

    Legs’ actions caused Ryan Nerz to make deductions, which led to an eat-off. Legs won this eat-off in a highly contested call, leaving many with sour stomach.

    And it all seems to bode ill for agressive dunkers, who will likely be under greater scrutiny in the 2006 season.

  29. Rhonda Evans said

    March 19, 2007 @ 11:43 am

    It sure would be easier to monitor a no dunking policy from a rule-enforcement standpoint. I think some of the IFOCE eaters would like to see a no dunking policy. Totals certainly increase in short contests, but in the longer contests the totals (from dunking vs no dunking) are likely equivalent, since liquid is heavy, cumulatively, and begins to wear on stomach capacity.

    (This issue has already been sliced and diced on this site, so I won’t beat the dead horse.)

  30. Mad Stork said

    March 19, 2007 @ 11:49 am

    did anyone else think that the show on spike sucked?

  31. Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)

    March 19, 2007 @ 11:55 am

    Pat is the Man, I called this contest a week ago. I even wrote a Hiaku about Pat kicking eveyones ass. Joey, Chip, excellent work also. My only surprise was Bob I fully expected him to be knocking on the door to the top three. Pat has obviously racheted it up a notch.

    Official Space-Dockers Minion club President.
    Send me $1.00 for your membership enrollment

  32. Superpaul said

    March 19, 2007 @ 1:02 pm

    Bubba, I just wrote your name & address on a dollar bill, and threw it in the mail….I’m sure you’ll get it soon!! My only other comment on the contest is I was extremely jealous of Crazy Legs – that’s the job I really want!! And…he did a fine job

  33. Mega Munch said

    March 19, 2007 @ 1:12 pm

    As a member, do I get a pair of those cool inflatable spacedock hands (as seen on TV)?

  34. Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)

    March 19, 2007 @ 1:51 pm

    We are currently working on a product line. We currently have proposals and contracts in the hands of Pat’s people. Your membership at this time will entitle you to all features and benfits of membership and future discounts of fan wear and memorabilia in the future.

    Official Space-Dockers Minion club President.

  35. Mad Stork said

    April 17, 2007 @ 2:05 pm

    bertoletti still #3 in rankings was that whole #2 thing just talk?

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