on decline of mukbang has an article about the decline of mukbang and big eating challenges that opens with the recent retirement announcement of Yuka Kinoshita.

One major reason for mukbang’s decline is the controversy over allegations that mukbang YouTubers secretly spit out or discard food instead of actually eating it. As suspicions arose, some viewers condemned the practice as deceptive, fueling negative public sentiment, especially over food waste. Moreover, while early mukbang content felt fresh, its appeal has faded as countless creators continue to recycle the same formats.

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  1. Anonymous said

    February 26, 2025 @ 5:16 am

    This is very true and there continue to be more delusionals joining YouTube in search of fame and fortune. And, all the current delusionals who have ZERO concept of markets.

    “Moreover, while early mukbang content felt fresh, its appeal has faded as countless creators continue to recycle the same formats.”

    The same applies to doing food challenges in general. Copying Beard won’t vault you to fame and fortune either. The market is completely saturated and everyone is basically doing everything the same.

  2. Anonymous said

    February 26, 2025 @ 5:18 am

    Erik the Electric is the king of fraud and deception and cornered the market on that mukbang concept.

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