NY Times: Kobayashi expects victory in 2008

Kobayashi has the following quote in today’s New York Times wrap-up of Nathan’s contest.

Mr. Kobayashi bowed and was humble in defeat. But he also pointed straight at Mr. Chestnut and yelled, “I will definitely beat him next year.”

It is not clear how Kobayashi will gain entry into the 2008 finals since he no longer receives a bye as defending champion and no qualifier was held in Tokyo this year.

Other post contest links
SJ Mercury article about Joey Chestnut’s victory – Joey will attend Kobayashi’s P’Zone exhibition next week.
Joey Chestnut podcast on KCBS
Erik Denmark article from the Seattle Times
WNBC article and raw video
Video clip of Kobayashi’s reversal from theblogofhilarity (via thebiglead.com)
audience video showing what was going on during the last commercial break from cyber fyber
news video from News 12 Brooklyn
Gothamist blog entry
Observations from Megamunch about ESPN censorship – the reversal was not mentioned on SportsCenter either
Commentary from Wing Tut

Comments (3)


  1. Rhonda Evans said

    July 5, 2007 @ 2:46 pm

    I admire Koby more than most, but since he’s not the champ anymore he should have to win a qualifier (the Japan qualifier) just like he had to do for Krystals the first time in 2004.

  2. WyattEarp said

    July 6, 2007 @ 11:23 am

    I’m sure he “expected” victory in 2007.

  3. anonymous said

    July 6, 2007 @ 9:12 pm

    Oh yeah ESPN made the decision not to show the reversal. Tell us another story. . I wonder who gave them the order not to show it

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