Return of the Mouth: Dale Boone wins Perry Krystal qualifier


Krystal Square Off qualifier, Perry GA
1. Dale Boone 37, triumphant return from suspension
2. Justin Mih 36, moves into last wildcard position
3. Hall Hunt 33

The wildcards with 1 contest left are Rich LeFevre, Seaver Miller, Arturo Rios and Justin Mih. Arturo Rios, Justin Mih and Crazy Legs Conti are all tied with 36, but Crazy Legs loses out on the tiebreaker since he has only done one qualifier.

updated full results have been posted. Burritos for Life finalist Michael Parlaman only finished with 14.

Comments (33)


  1. The Sicilian said (Registered February 23, 2006)

    October 8, 2006 @ 4:03 pm

    The Locust wins the in Texas!!! Ifoce reported!

  2. ! said

    October 8, 2006 @ 4:37 pm

    It’s Boone in 1st!

  3. ! said

    October 8, 2006 @ 4:37 pm

    Dale Boone is BACK!!!
    Dale Boone made some noise today in Perry, GA at the Georgia National Fair — announcing his return to the world of competitive eating with a strong performance in the Krystal Square Off local qualifier. Boone took the local title as well as the 7th of 8 automatic berths in the 2006 Krystal Square Off World Championship on October 28th.

    Boone was pushed to the end with a very talented final table in Perry including several local heros. Boone finished 37 Krystals for the victory. In second was Justin Mih with 36. Hall Hunt finished in third with 33 Krystals.

    Mih’s total puts him in the thick of the wildcard hunt.

  4. SuperPaul said

    October 8, 2006 @ 7:13 pm

    Give him credit, It was more than anyone thought he could do!!…
    We all had a lot of fun, everybody was very congenial. Ryan did a great job announcing, it was a tight contest throughout – especially Dale, Justin, Hall, Larry, and Bubba….The Hangman and I had our our “tight” competition, and we also had some of the Burrito for Life finalists there.
    My wife is all over me to quit…..there is no way I’ll stop!! We have the greatest bunch of competitors at these events, and it’s always a blast!! I’ll see all you finalists in Chattanooga… I watch from the audience!!

  5. Tom Satriano said

    October 8, 2006 @ 8:37 pm

    Paul the more you compete and put up shitty numbers you end up just being a punching bag for the new talent . You might be a fan favorite or a good guy to hang with amongst the eaters but it does little to gain respect at the table. At your age you also risk your health and well being. Give it up it’s not worth it.

  6. Hall Hunt said (Registered July 13, 2006)

    October 8, 2006 @ 10:14 pm

    You had a pretty good prediction for Perry. Who knew Dale would come out so strong? As Booker says, “never underestimate a rookie”. Or in this case an old vetran whom has been gone to India for a long time and only fairly recently returned.

  7. Philly Guy said

    October 8, 2006 @ 11:04 pm

    Justin is eating my share too for a while and he did an amazing job. He would of won if Boone didn’t have such a big mouth.

  8. SuperPaul said

    October 8, 2006 @ 11:15 pm

    It’s worth it…you high-flying hosehead!! I have great life insurance…so, no problem!!

  9. Gentleman Joe said

    October 8, 2006 @ 11:35 pm

    Does anyone want to bet that Crazylegs is brought down as an alternate & ends up competing even if no one withdraws???

  10. Anonymous said

    October 9, 2006 @ 12:15 am

    They will figure out some way to get him into the finals. They always do. Be it nathans , krystals or whatever

  11. Brazen said (Registered August 3, 2006)

    October 9, 2006 @ 3:11 am

    Well done, gents. It’s going to be a great final.

    Ignore the naysayers SuperPaul. No-one tells the 10,000 marathon runners who don’t stand a hope of winning to stay in bed rather than participate, have fun and compete alongside world-class athletes. By training, turning up and putting in a performance most critics couldn’t dream of, you achieve far more than those who merely mouth off about others. Not to mention enjoying yourself!

  12. Crazy Feet said

    October 9, 2006 @ 10:05 am

    I don’t know if they’ll go out of their way to get Conti in – there’s now a clown legitimatly in so who knows.

  13. Jammin Joe said

    October 9, 2006 @ 10:55 am

    congrats Dale now double your total to be a threat. Anyway good luck in Chatty I wish I was there

  14. Luther said

    October 9, 2006 @ 11:15 am

    Gentleman (how misleading): Crazy Legs Conti will be in the Krystal Finals, as he deserves to be, assuming his 36 number holds up for a fourth place tie. He’s a REAL Gentleman, and a fine person and eater. Of all the fodder there is for conversation on this blog, you always seem to hone in on thngs to bring people down. But that’s you, so I am not surprised. Your wife must be a very special lady to put up with you. You’d better hang on to her. And it’s a good thing for you that you didn’t go on wife swap, because whatever woman your wife swapped with would likely be trying to give you back in an instant.

  15. The_Hangman said (Registered August 30, 2006)

    October 9, 2006 @ 12:04 pm

    Unless IFOCE mandates a required retirement age then I say it is up to each eater to decide for themselves if and when they retire.

    I say kudos to everyone who gets up on that stage. Those on that stage are winners already by just making it that far.

    Everyone I talked to in Perry had a good time and many were already talking about next year.

    In closing, congrats to Boone, Mi So “Messy” Hungry and Hunt for making the top three. Thanks to everyone else that I got to chat and compete with. And to Super Paul. You won by one, THIS TIME ! ! !

  16. Ed Charles said

    October 9, 2006 @ 12:38 pm

    By permitting shitty eaters to eat with the pros is the same as letting kids on the basball field to compete with the real players in a major league game. They should look into this and make some kind of restrictions

  17. ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)

    October 9, 2006 @ 12:48 pm

    If the rules are followed (and no other wild cards break 36 in Jackson), then Conti will be out because he loses the tiebreakers to Justin and Arturo :


    The top four non-winning totals from the Local Finals will qualify for the World Championship via the Wildcard.

    In the case of a tie, the Wildcard spot will go to the eater with the highest total in their second-best Local Finals.

  18. Charles Ed said

    October 9, 2006 @ 1:35 pm

    Hey dee dee dee, define “shitty” and in doing so keep in mind that the IFOCE needs to build interest and seeing Joey, Sonya, Pat, Joey, Sonya, Pat, Joey, Sonya, Pat, Joey, Sonya, Pat, Joey, Sonya, Pat, Joey, Sonya, Pat, Joey, Sonya, Pat, Joey, Sonya, Pat, Joey, Sonya, Pat, Joey, Sonya, Pat maybe would not be the most interesting right now.

  19. I said

    October 9, 2006 @ 1:51 pm

    you are shitty if you are not koby or joey. so that makes Ed Charles shitty too.

  20. Mega Munch said

    October 9, 2006 @ 2:23 pm

    Define “shitty eater” (and yeah, I’m one of them, so I’ll beat you to that punch). Should they have qualifying matches for every eating contest? What about qualifying matches for those qualifying matches? But seriously, aren’t there different levels of talent in any sport?

    Honestly though, at the end of the day, IT’S FUCKING COMPETITVE EATING. Relax with it and be happy that they can find 16 people who are willing to get up on that stage and have some fun.

    By the way, if you look closely “Tom Satriano” is anagram for “Hosehead” (if his name had an H, E, another H, another E, and a D in it).

  21. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    October 9, 2006 @ 4:32 pm

    Ed Charles,
    Your insistance that all of the Eaters show up at the table as pre-qualified SuperStars is retarded. It’s like demanding that Only Michael Jordan or better play in the NBA. This is America, there always should be a spot for the underdog.

    What makes this sport so great for all of us is that it gives the ‘Every Man’ an opportunity to show up and just see what it’s all about…If that person enjoyed himself, he can go home, practice, plan, write haikus, and prepare for the next contest. He can chart his improvements, he can mark time and be hopeful for the future.

    Surprisingly, I think alot of us have met kindred spirits at the table. We have very different natural abilities, but share the desire to compete and earn the respect of the other people at the table. As a fan, I love looking at results and seeing an eater hit a number I didnt imagine they could hit. These people are working hard and spend quite a bit of their own time and money to go to these events, you bet your goddamn ass they are going to try to improve, if not win.

    You’re just looking at the end result but missing the journey.

  22. SuperPaul said

    October 9, 2006 @ 4:43 pm

    My last comment….I have beaten eaters ranked above me in other foods…like the ribs, and waffles, and the occasional miracle where a highly ranked eater has gone past their capacity, so I believe mediocre is a better term than “poopy”.
    My other final point…If it ever gets to the point where this sport gets so developed that I would interfere with someone’s income by taking their place in a contest….I’m gone!!…unless said financially deprived person is me, or a member of a terrorist community, or would send said funds to other illegal activites prohibited by our government.

    Until that day, I know that no matter how some of us finish- we add more than we subtract…..go do the math, you stinking communist, terrorist poopy heads!!

  23. He said

    October 9, 2006 @ 4:50 pm

    Not only is his insistence retarded, he is too.

  24. Record Keeper said

    October 9, 2006 @ 4:51 pm

    I did a little research and it appears that Tom Satriano was a pretty “shitty” baseball player. He played 9 yrs for the LA angels as a catcher from 1961-1970 . The most home runs he ever hit was 8 and his biggest year batting average wise was 259. I dont know if the person that posts is the one and only Tom Satriano but i found a picture of him . I guess it wastaken when he was around 30 yrs old . By the way he looks like shit also

  25. The_Hangman said (Registered August 30, 2006)

    October 10, 2006 @ 3:54 am

    What many do not know and I’m not sure if the webcam picked up on this, but there was almost a tie at the Perry event between Dale Boone and Justin Mih.

    Aggressive dunking was certainly happening at this event. In the 2 minute qualifier Justin Mih was using his own clear plastic containers and his dunking was even recorded at reaching 13 seconds at one time. Well beyond the 5 second rule.

    During the finals the rules were laid out and all contestants were told that only the Krystal’s cups could be used. No other containers or bowls were allowed. Justin was told specifically that his clear containers would not be allowed.

    On stage I got to stand next to Justin and maybe I should of kept my rain coat “cowboy duster” on. The MC was announcing, during the competition, that the water was flying. That was very much the case next to me.

    After I picked up my fifth hamburger I could feel that they were getting soggy. Reason being was Justin “me so hungry” was splashing water and Gatorade all over my hamburgers. His red drink was being soaked up by my hamburger buns, while they were still in the box! There was red drink all over the table and the floor.

    It was so bad that I did not need to dunk my hamburgers anymore. Instead I just needed to squeeze out all the water and red Gatorade that the buns soaked up while still in the box and try to eat them. Standing next to Justin was like sitting in the front row “splash zone” of a Shamu show at Sea World. You will get wet!

    At the end of the contest, Justin had 3 Krystal’s left on his tray. When he heard Dale Boone had 37, Justin was insisting that he had 37 himself. The officials listened to his complaint and said they deducted one hamburger from his count because Justin had so much bun product on his clothes, on the table, on the floor, on his face and even coming out his nose. The official said they took one hamburger count away from Dale Boone as well.

    Aggressive dunking has been happening in this years Squareoff. Clearly the rules need to be looked into during the finals in Chatty and enforced or at least give the eaters rain coats to wear. The MC even made a joke about it and warned the spectators in the front row to be careful. He said that they were in the splash zone and might get wet from all the water that gets flying around during this contest.

  26. Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)

    October 10, 2006 @ 6:57 am

    Dale beat everyone fair and square!! After the 4 minute mark he lead eveyone and was very clean almost no debris at all. Justin was deducted 1 burger like hangman said for excessive debris on the table and floor. People, Dale is a completely new eater no table slapping, Yelling and he was eating extremely clean. I guess he was finally concentrating on eating and that is paying off. Also I think if Dale wanted to he could have chipmunked more and broken 40 because I was talking to him seconds after the contest and his mouth was completely empty.


    October 10, 2006 @ 8:33 am

    hangman you make alot of noise on this site but its typical of people that cant eat for shit that make the most noise. As for your 5 page articles save them. You couldnt even break 20 so what the hell are you bitchin about.

  28. The_Hangman said (Registered August 30, 2006)

    October 10, 2006 @ 1:55 pm

    To nothing but the truth,

    1) I was not bitchin. I agree that Dale Boone won fair and square.

    2) How many did you eat and in what contest?

    3) 20 or not. At least I tried. No matter how many I ate.

    4) I have no trouble giving my name. What is yours? I wish to shake your hand and wish you the best next time we compete together.

  29. the boy king said

    October 10, 2006 @ 2:53 pm

    kick his ass!!!

  30. She said

    October 13, 2006 @ 1:29 pm

    Where is Ed Charles? Is he not going to answer the questions to him?

  31. Ed Charles said

    October 13, 2006 @ 2:02 pm

    a shitty eater is defined as someone who cant do the deuce in krystals. a shitty eater is defined as someone that can eat less than 15 hot dogs and buns. A shitty eaters is defined as someone that can only consume 2lbs or less of chicken wings and meatballs. Have i forgotten anything?

  32. She said

    October 13, 2006 @ 2:25 pm

    “a shitty eater is defined as someone that can eat less than 15 hot dogs and buns.” that would be anyone dee dee dee.

  33. easyeater said

    October 17, 2006 @ 3:10 pm

    To Nothing But The Truth

    hangman called you out. Why do you not answer his questions?

    Are you afraid hangman is a better eater than you?


    October 10, 2006 @ 8:33 am

    hangman you make alot of noise on this site but its typical of people that cant eat for shit that make the most noise. As for your 5 page articles save them. You couldnt even break 20 so what the hell are you bitchin about.

    The_Hangman said,
    October 10, 2006 @ 1:55 pm

    To nothing but the truth,

    1) I was not bitchin. I agree that Dale Boone won fair and square.

    2) How many did you eat and in what contest?

    3) 20 or not. At least I tried. No matter how many I ate.

    4) I have no trouble giving my name. What is yours? I wish to shake your hand and wish you the best next time we compete together.

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