Heart Attack Grill category

The Heart Attack Grill is looking to hire a male model weighing more than 500 pounds for an upcoming informercial.
Seattle Weekly reports that the Heart Attack Grill threatened to sue John Howie Steak for calling its 12 ounce burger the "Triple Bypass Burger". The restaurant agreed to change the name and is holding a contest to choose the new name for the burger.
The Burger Beast reports that Heartstoppers Grill will change its name to Xtreme Eatery and has a picture of the new logo. The Delray Beach, Florida restaurant was required to drop its medical theme after a legal action by the Heart Attack Grill.
BurgerBeast announces that Heart Stoppers Sports Grill in Delray Beach, FL will hold a 3 pound burger eating contest on May 29. It is also holding a contest to choose a new name for the restaurant after the successful legal action by the Heart Attack Grill requiring it to drop its medical theme.
The Heart Attack Grill's facebook reports it won an injunction in federal court which will prevent Heart Stoppers in Delray Beach, FL from using a medical theme for its restaurant.
RXMuscle has videos of the "Whack Pack" visiting the Heart Attack Grill and J & R's Steakhouse in Islip, NY: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
After a commenter on the Heart Attack Grill facebook inquires about an east coast location, someone associated with the restaurant responds that they are focusing on Orlando.

The Heart Attack Grill sues Heart Stoppers (FL)

Sun Sentinel has an article about the Heart Attack Grill suing Heart Stoppers in Delray Beach, Florida for trademark violations. Heart Stoppers’ attorney has the following defense:

“Their theme is completely different,” he said. “That’s one of the reasons they didn’t continue discussions with the guy because they weren’t interested in his theme. They didn’t steal the same trademarked Single Bypass, Double Bypass burger that he does. They didn’t limit their menu like he does. They don’t require their nurses to dress in a provocative manner. It changed the clientele from the Hooters-type crowd to a family-type restaurant.”


Heart Attack Grill inspired restaurant opens in South Florida

Jan Norris has a report on a trip to Heart Stoppers Sports Grill in Delray Beach, a medical themed restaurant where waitresses are dressed as “nurses”. Heart Stoppers offers a three pound burger challenge which is free if the record is broken. As in the Heart Attack Grill, diners weighing more than 350 pounds eat free.

update The NY Daily News has an article about the restaurant.

update #2 The Burger Beast also has a report.


The video of Ben Monson attempting to break Joey Chestnut's Quadruple Bypass burger record in August is available at the Heart Attack Grill's facebook.
AZstarnet has an article about Tuscon High offensive lineman Ben Cannon, who reportedly ate the Quadruple Bypass Burger from the Heart Attack Grill in about three minutes.
The Heart Attack Grill's home page has more information about its weight gain reality show. Two of the five spots have been filled.
The Heart Attack Grill twitter announces that the restaurant will produce a "Biggest Gainer" reality show that will debut October 1. update HeartAttackGrill.com has details. Candidates must be males between 35 and 45 and weigh between 250 and 300 pounds.
A Video of Ben Monson eating two Quadruple Bypass Burgers has been embedded on HeartAttackGrill.com
The Heart Attack Grill's twitter reports that Ben Monson missed breaking Joey Chestnut's Quadruple Bypass Burger record by 2 seconds. Monson will make another attempt tomorrow.
The Heart Attack Grill has started a facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/heartattackgrill
The Heart Attack Grill's twitter reports that Gage Hughes finished a Quadruple Bypass Burger in about 2 minutes, just 15 seconds behind Joey Chestnut's record and about half of Jed Donahue's previous second place mark of 3:55.
The Heart Attack Grill's twitter reports that the first female customer weighing 350 or more pounds received free food today.

Heart Attack Grill twitter started

The Heart Attack Grill has started a twitter at http://twitter.com/DoubleBypass Recent posts report a 350+ pound diner received seven free Single Bypass Burgers in one visit, that no 350+ pound woman (as of June 12) had accepted the free food offer and that one diner ate 2 Quadruple Bypass burgers in 45 minutes.

The CBS Sunday Morning segment about the Heart Attack Grill was rerun yesterday.


The Heart Attack Grill is looking to hire a webmaster according to a posting on craigslist. (via twitter)
The segment from Extreme Pig Outs about the Heart Attack Grill is available on youtube.

“Extreme Pig Outs” on the Travel Channel April 8

The website for Denny’s Beer Barrel Pub reports that it will appear on Extreme Pig Outs on the Travel Channel on April 8 at 9 pm. A list of the restaurants which will appear on the program is available, which include the Heart Attack Grill and Jack n Grill

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Food Channel recording at Heart Attack Grill March 28

“Dr.” Jon Basso of the Heart Attack Grill has sent the following email:

I was hoping that you could alert the EatFeat fans that the Food Channel is launching a whole new program called “Outrageous”. They’ll be covering different outrageous things in the world of food and have contracted with Page Productions to shoot it for them. The inaugural episode will be a half hour long feature about the Heart Attack Grill. They’re going to film it on Saturday March 28th in Chandler Arizona.
I was hoping that with your influence we could get a visit from some of the better competitors out there. It’d be great exposure for everyone and might shift the direction of the new Outrageous Series more toward the world of competitive eating. Any help would be much appreciated!

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350+ lb. diners at the Heart Attack Grill eat free

The website for the Heart Attack Grill has a page announcing that customers weighing 350 pounds or more will receive free food (drinks are not included). Sharing and taking out food are not allowed and diners will have to be weighed by the restaurant’s staff to be eligible for the offer.

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Travel Channel filming at Heart Attack Grill Dec 27

Jon Basso of the Heart Attack Grill has emailed the following information

I’d like to let you know that the Travel Channel has a new series called “Extreme”. This SATURDAY THE 27th they are shooting there only restaurant segment called Extreme Restaurants. They’ve chosen just three restaurant in the world and we’re lucky enough to be one of them. They’d asked me if any competitive eaters will be present and I’ve told them that I’ll try to put the word out to get some folks to come in on Saturday.

I wonder if this is the same program that recorded at Denny’s Beer Barrel earlier this month.


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