Upcoming San Jose eating contests
San Jose eating challenges
(All San Jose eating challenges and contests in database)
2015 Chacho’s Tacos
update South Bay Pulse and 69leviattann have videos
1 Matt Stonie 103
2 Michelle Lesco 59
3 Miki Sudo 58
4 Steve Hendry 54
5 Jesse O’Con Jr. 30
6 Mary Bowers 23
7 Leslie Ryder 20
8 Jon Davis 15
9 Angie Hendry 14
10 Enrique 7
Matt Stonie has set a record with 103 tacos in 8 minutes.
Dirtbag Dan reports that Edward Chin ate his Burritozilla in 4:10 to win today's contest at Iguana's in San Jose.
SanJose.com has a preview about Saturday's Burritozilla eating contest at Iguana's Taqueria. Dax Swanson, Jake Larry and Edward Chin are the finalists.
Dax "The Ginger" Swanson won today's Burritozilla eating qualifier at Iguana's in San Jose.
Iguana's will hold qualifiers for its Burritozilla eating contest in San Jose and Santa Clara on Saturday. The finals on July 18 will award $1350 ($1000 to the winner). The contest is amateur-only (that status is not defined).
Iguana's Tacqueria has posted pictures of two finishers of the Burritozilla in the early 2000s: Joey Chestnut and "mystery hot girl". The San Jose restaurant will hold qualifiers for a Burritozilla eating contest next month.
The Huffington Post and Mirror.co.uk have articles about Matt Stonie's latest video where he finishes the "Burritozilla" from Iguana's Tacqueria in San Jose in under 2 minutes. At the start of his competitive eating career in 2010, he needed 15 minutes to finish the five pound burrito.
Chacho's Taco will hold its second MLE contest in San Jose on August 15.
2014 Dia de Los Muertos taco contest
Official results Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
1 Matt Stonie 101
2 Michelle Lesco 49.5
3 Steve Hendry37
4 Ed Chin 35
5 Dax Swanson 29
6 Steven Banuelos 10
7 Mary Bowers 18.5
8T Jon Davis 14
8T Harold Montes 14
10 Kimani Jones 11
11 Anthony Ware 7.5
Chacho’s has a video from the contest
Registration is now open on majorleagueeating.com for a taco eating contest at Dia De Los Muertos in San Jose on October 25. The contest will award $1500 ($750 to the winner).
SFGate.com reports that DIA San Jose will hold a MLE taco eating in San Jose on October 25.
The San Jose Mercury has preview of the August 16 gyoza eating contest focusing on San Jose residents Joey Chestnut and Matt Stonie.
Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer participated in a company pie eating contest held yesterday in honor of Pi Day. (picture)
The San Jose Bar & Grill will hold an amateur hot wing eating contest on January 22 awarding $500 to the winner.
SantaCruz.com has an interview with Dax "The Ginger" Swanson.
Bay of Pines in Monterey, CA will hold an eating contest awarding $250 after 10 people have finished its 20 ounce burger challenge.
Metro Pizza in Santa Clara, CA is holding a pizza eating contest tomorrow awarding $200 to the winner.
SanFranscisco.CBSLocal.com has a video about Matt Stonie.
Pauly's Famous Franks N Fries in San Jose is offering a groupon for $12.99 that can be redeemed for a Joey Chestnut two foot long hot dog challenge (normal price $25.99).
Groupon is currently selling a coupon that can be redeemed for a five pound Burritozilla at Iguana's in the San Jose area. The cost is $11, a $10 discount from the list price of $21.
Yahoo! News has an article about the Belly Buster challenge available at Pizza Party in Santa Clara, CA. Erik Denmark still holds the record of 12:30, beating Joey Chestnut's time of 17 minutes.
Joey Chestnut will appear at the grand opening of the food rodeo at the Santa Clara County fairgrounds on Saturday.
The facebook for Ike's Sandwich Shop requests extras to appear in a music video to be recorded February 26 in Santa Clara. Joey Chestnut will appear in the video. update Feb 27 A picture from the recording. Joey brought his Nathan's belt.