Sugawara wins 2008 Gluttonous Queen
BlogLive reports that Hatsuyo “the witch” Sugawara won the Gluttonous Queen contest televised today, denying Natsuko “Gal” Sone a threepeat in that contest.
R Suzuki has a writeup of the first half of the program.
Gluttonous Queen 2008 web page
TV Tokyo has set up a page about this year’s edition of the “Gluttonous Queen” contest that will be televised on Sunday. Hatsuyo “the Witch” Sugawara is listed as one of the rivals for “Gal” Sone’s crown.
TV Tokyo also has a page with links to all the Gluttonous King / Queen contests since 2005.
Japan vs. AICE burger contest televised March 20
Tomoko Miyake reports that the team burger eating contest held at the Clinton Station Diner on Super Bowl weekend will be televised on March 20. The contest will be televised by NNN news, which usually posts its competitive eating videos online.
In other Japanese contest news, R Suzuki reports that Hatsuyo Sugawara won a televised sushi eating contest. The top 5 in that contest:
1. Hatsuyo Sugawara, 107 plates
2. Takuya Yamamoto, 104 plates
3. Nobuyuki Shirota, 102 plates
4. Tomoko Miyake, 81 plates
5. Taku “Artist” Izumi, 74 plates
Canady vs. Sugawara HD video
A high definition video of the french fry eating contest between Elizabeth “Rubber Gut” Canady and Hatsuyo Sugawara has been uploaded to stage6. The video begins with Ms. Canady showing how thin the skin on her stomach is. She is then examined in a device which apparently shows her stomach is larger than normal. The french fry contest is interrupted for footage of “Rubber Gut” at a diner. Her tab is apparently $539.26.
Video captures from the clip are below:
Sugawara wins Morioko noodle contest
Hatsuyo Sugawara prepared for the upcoming AICE vs. Japan contest by winning the Morioka Wanko Soba noodle eating contest. She consumed 340 cups of noodles in 15 minutes, which bested the male runner up by 121 cups and exceeded Sugawara’s 2006 total of 298 cups.
Sugawara wins Iwate noodles contest
R Suzuki reports that Sugawara won the Iwate noodles contest on Sunday by eating 225 small cups of noodles on 5 minutes. Sugawara won the regional qualifying tournament for this spring’s “Gluttous Queen” contest. A news video of the contest can be viewed at Each entrant has a personal noodle refiller who is busy throughout the contest. Yama3 wrote a blog entry about his 6th place finish. He received an award for best technique.
Sugawara wins Gluttonous Queen finals slot
R Suzuki has a report on the first and second round qualifiers for the 2007 “Gluttonous Queen” contest. Contests were held in Hokkaido, Fukuoka, Shikoku and Nagoya. The winners of those events then competed for a spot in the finals. Sugawara won that contest and will appear in the finals that will be televised in the spring. Sugawara, a 43 year old from Morioko, came in second in a noodle contest in November to “The Artists” and had the best ever performance by a woman in the 21 year history of that event.