Prizes category

The Heritage of Flight Festival will hold a wing eating contest in New Carlisle, OH on October 7 awarding $150 to the winner. The runner up will receive $100.
The Donut Fun Run will hold a donut eating contest in Alameda Point, CA on October 21 awarding $1000/$200/$100.
A hot dog eating contest awarding $1000 to the winner will be held in Topanga, CA on October 7. Raina Huang will attend.
Jack's Cosmic Dogs in Charleston, SC will award $1,000 on September 30 to the customer who has eaten the most Double Dogs in a session.
Magnolia Pancake Haus in San Antonio will hold a pancake eating contest tomorrow (Sept 26) awarding prizes billed at over $10,000 in value. The winner will receive $500 or 50% of the entry fees and 2 courtside Spurs tickets. The runner up will receive a South African safari and a Hog Hunt in Gonzales, TX.
Hollywood Casino in Perryville, MD will hold a hot wing eating contest on October 15 awarding $400 to the winner.
The Flint River Fair will hold an amateur only hot dog eating contest in Bainbridge, GA awarding $500 to the winner.
Ani Ramen will hold a ramen eating contest on October 5 in Cranford, NJ awarding $1000/$500/$250. The winner will also receive a set of golden chopsticks.
Raina Huang ate 29 slices in 5 minutes to win tonight's pizza eating contest at Taste of New Haven in Connecticut.
Packs and Snacks in Glen Ellyn, IL will hold a pizza eating contest on September 9 awarding a Michael Jordan rookie card.
The Houston Viet Cultural Festival will hold a pho eating contest on September 16 awarding $200/$100/$50.
The Rhode Island Chinese Dragon Boat Races & Taiwan Day Festival will hold a dumpling eating contest on Saturday in Pawtucket, RI awarding a round trip ticket to Taiwan.
The Topsfield, MA Fair will hold a hot dog eating contest on September 30 awarding $205 to the winner.
Dean Bemrose finished a 20 patty burger challenge in 23:50 at Beast Burger in Hull. The restaurant will pay £200 if Radim Dvoracek's record of 8:48 is broken.
Steve's Hot Dogs will hold a hot dog eating contest in St. Louis on September 3 awarding $100 to the winner, $50 to the runner up.
The NC Hot Sauce Contest & Festival will hold a pepper eating contest on September 9 in Oxford, NC awarding $1000 to the winner.
Raina Huang will compete in a taco eating contest at The Great Las Vegas Taco Festival on October 29. The first prize is $1000.
The Mushroom Festival in Kennett Square, PA will hold a mushroom eating contest for amateurs on September 10 awarding $300/$200/$100. The professional division has apparently been dropped
Cricket Car Hop will hold a hot dog eating contest for professionals in Stratford, CT on September 2 awarding $2000. An amateur division will award $500.
Enrico's Italian Restaurant will hold a spaghetti eating contest in Frankfort, IL on September 2 awarding $500/$300/$200 to the top 3. Qualifiers will be held August 3 and 10.
Ocean Downs Casino in Berlin, MD will hold a watermelon eating contest on August 3 awarding $250 to the winner.
St. Albans, WV will hold a hot dog eating contest on August 12 awarding $250/$100/$50
Slice of Flint in Flint, MI will hold a pizza eating contest tomorrow awarding $500 to the winner.
Tony's Taco Shop in Salem, OR will hold a four pound burrito eating contest on August 5 awarding $100/$75/$50.
The IL Hot Sauce Expo will hold a Carolina Reaper pepper eating contest in Joliet, IL July 23 awarding $1000 if the Guinness record is broken. The event will also hold 9 other spicy eating challenges over the weekend.
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