Canada eating challenges and contests category

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Canada eating challenges
(All Canada eating challenges and contests in database) has a post about Raina Huang's trip to Toronto. has an article about Canadian food challenger Mike Jack, who holds several Guinness records for eating spicy foods. He hopes to retake the record for Carolina Reaper peppers soon.
Joey Chestnut ate 255 mini donuts in 8 minutes to win a contest held in Regina, SK to benefit the Regina Food Bank.
Joey Chestnut will be in Regina, SK August 5 for a celebrity mini donut eating eating contest to benefit the Regina Food Bank.
Shaw Spotlight produced a video about Canadian food challenger Scott Eats.
Daily Hive has compiled a list of 4 Vancouver area restaurant challenges.
Like last year, Smoke's Poutinerie Eating Championship on September 18 will be a charity event for CEOs.
Joel Hansen ate 24 donairs in under an hour to break his record at King of Donair in Halifax, NS.
CNN reports that Mike Jack of London, Ontario received a Guinness record for eating 3 Carolina Reaper peppers in 9.72 seconds. He has received three previous Guinness records for eating peppers.
AnnaEngineTV has posted a casting call for a paid opportunity for a competitive eater that will apparently take place in Toronto.
Gal Akbari, whose tiktok eating videos have gone viral, has started a youtube channel Gal vs Food. She eats a McDonald's meal with over 4000 calories in her first video.
Matt Elliott has posted a list of Toronto events that have been cancelled due to coronavirus which includes Smoke's Poutinerie World Poutine Eating Championship. The competition remains on the MLE calendar with an unspecified date. has an article about Joel Hansen and Scott Watkins attempting the Diabolical Burger challenge at Talayah's Southern Grill in Saskatoon, SK.
The date for Smoke's Poutinerie eating contest, originally scheduled for August 29 in Toronto, has been removed and the competition is now listed at the bottom of the upcoming contests column on MLE's calendar page.

Competitive eating musical documentary screening June 3

Crow’s Theatre in Leslieville, ON will show “CHEW: A Gastronomical Musical Odyssey into the Strange World of Competitive Eating” on June 3. The documentary will be screened online and tickets will include a home-delivered meal. The film has the following description:

As one competitor puts it: “It’s like a standing-still parade. We just happen to be eating food.” Over the course of several years, Montreal playwright Sarah Segal-Lazar interviewed dozens of competitive eaters in Canada and the States to figure out what drives them to stretch their stomachs beyond comprehension. Inspired by London Road and A Chorus Line, co-creators Segal-Lazar, Anika Johnson and Andrew Kushnir have discovered the ideal container for the excesses of the sport: a musical. Chew takes documentary theatre to new places, and competitive eating to new limits. Whether it’s tucking away tamales in Texas or pulverising pretzels in Providence, the reasons we do unreasonable things can be most surprising of all.


King of Donair in Halifax, NS has an instagram video of Joel Hansen eating its 12 pound "World's Largest Donair" in 42 minutes.
Alexandra's Pizza in Sidney, NS will award a $1000 cash prize along with a $1000 charitable donation if its 12 pound donair is finished in under 90 minutes.

2019 Smoke’s Poutinerie Championship

Official results Part 1 | Part 2

1st 28 Joey “Jaws” Chestnut new record
2nd 27.25 Geoffrey Esper
3rd 24.625 Miki Sudo
4th 22.5 Darron Breeden
5th 17.25 Max Suzuki
6th 16.75 Nick Wehry
7th 16.5 Adam “Beard Meats Food” Moran
8th 15.375 Matt “Megatoad” Stonie first finish outside top 5 in MLE career
9th 14.75 Darrien “Cheesecurd” Thomas
10th 13.5 George Chiger
10th 13.5 Ronnie “MegaByte” Hartman
12th 11.125 Michelle “Cardboard Shell” Lesco

Livestreaming on youtube has started. The MLE contest is expected to start at 3pm Eastern.

This could be the final matchup between Joey Chestnut and Geoff Esper in 2019. On November 2, Joey Chestnut is expected to compete in a brisket eating contest in Austin while Geoff Esper defends his Indian taco title at Fortune Bay in Tower, MN.

Comments (35)

A press release gives the expected entrants for the moke’s Poutinerie World Poutine Eating Championship (WPEC) in Toronto October 19: Joey Chestnut, Geoff Esper, Matt Stonie, Darron Breeden, Miki Sudo, Nick Wehry, Michelle Lesco, George Chiger, Adam "Beard Meats Food" Moran, Ronnie Hartman, Eric "Badlands" Booker and Darrien Thomas. The final paragraph says that in 2020, the WPEC will be replaced with the "SMOKE-A-PALOOZA! The Rock N’ Roll Psycho Circus", so this might be the final MLE Smoke's Poutinerie competition.
The Hamilton Spectator has an article about Joel Hansen focusing on his runner-up performance in yesterday's pumpkin pie eating contest in Clarence, NY. has an article about Canadian competitive eaters focusing on John "Step Daddy J" Jugovic. Joel Hansen is also quoted.
Barnes Harley Davidson will hold a hot dog eating contest in Langley, BC awarding $500 to the winner August 17 (via Step Daddy J)
Winnipeg Free Press has an article about John "Step Daddy J" Jugovich winning the perogy eating contest at Folklorama for the fourth year in a row.
Joel Hansen won the first prize of $500 in Friday's Hotpot eating contest at Xiangzi in Markham, ON.
Guelph Mercury has an interview with Canadian food challenger Joel Hansen, owner of the instagram page modelvsfood.
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