ESPN category

2006 Krystal Qualifier circuit

The 2006 Krystal Square Off will be rerun on ESPN2 at noon Eastern. Here is how the field for that event was selected:

2006 Qualifier Winners

2006 Aug 27 1st 62 8 min Sonya “The Black Widow” Thomas Krystal Square Off qualifier Chattanooga, TN
2006 Sep 4 1st 52 8 min Joey “Jaws” Chestnut Krystal Square Off qualifier Jacksonville, FL
2006 Sep 10 1st 52 8 min Bob “The Notorious B.O.B.” Shoudt Krystal Square Off qualifier Nashville, TN
2006 Sep 17 1st 48 8 min Pat “Deep Dish” Bertoletti Krystal Square Off qualifier Knoxville, TN
2006 Sep 24 1st 53 8 min Chip “The Phenom” Simpson Krystal Square Off qualifier Atlanta, GA
2006 Oct 1 1st 53 8 min Tim “Eater X” Janus Krystal Square Off qualifier Memphis, TN
2006 Oct 8 1st 37 8 min Dale “Mouth of the South” Boone Krystal Square Off qualifier Perry, GA
2006 Oct 15 1st 38 8 min Crazy Legs Conti Krystal Square Off qualifier Jackson, MS

Defending champion bye: Takeru Kobayashi
Wild cards (4): 1) Rich LeFevre 51 2) Seaver Miller 41 3) Justin Mih, 36 4) Arturo Rios, 36


ESPN2 announced it will rerun the 2006 Krystal Square Off finals at noon Eastern Sunday followed at 1pm by the 2006 Johnsonville Brat Eating World Championship held at Sheboygan, WI's Brat Days festival. The programs are part of ESPN8: The Ocho, an entire day devoted to non-traditional fields of competition.
Joey Chestnut, Adrian Morgan and Mike Golic Jr. faced off in a beignet eating contest in New Orleans MCed by Katie Nolan of ESPN to promote tonight's college football championship game.
The latest Fink Beats the Stomach episode has an interview with Oliver Brooks, the stage master for the Nathan's finals.
Adam Amin of ESPN is the guest on the latest episode of the Fink Beats the Stomach podcast.
Sports Media Watch reports the ESPN broadcast of the men's Nathan's finals received 1.36 million viewers, the highest amount for a live broadcast since 2011 (a rerun after a 2014 World Cup game was watched by 2.8 million). The telecast was the highest rated sports program for July 4, beating MLB and Wimbledon. update has a list of the top 25 original cable shows for July 4. First Take which was televised on ESPN2 while the women's Nathan's finals were taking place, does not appear in the list.
Tim "Eater X" Janus announced that ESPN wanted him to provide commentary during the Nathan's telecast in 2017, but he was blocked from that role by someone he does not name.
Marty Smith of ESPN did a podcast with Ronnie "Megabyte" Hartman.
ESPN has a press release about next Thursday's coverage of the Nathan's finals. Adam Amin will be a commentate on the men's contest, which will be televised on ESPN2 at noon Eastern. The women's contest will be streamed on ESPN3. Segments about Geoff Esper and Darron Breeden will be shown before the contest.

2019 ESPN July 4 schedule

The ESPN schedule for early July is now out. The men’s Nathan’s finals will be televised on ESPN at noon Eastern and rerun at 3PM and 4PM. The women’s finals will be streamed on ESPN3 for the ninth consecutive year. (ESPN2 will be showing First Take during the women’s Nathan’s finals). ESPN3 will also show camera feeds focused on Joey Chestnut and Miki Sudo.

The Good, The Bad, The Hungry will be televised on ESPN on July 2 at 8 pm and be rerun at 9:30 pm.

Comments (4)

A BroadwayWorld article about The Good, The Bad, The Hungry trailer closes with broadcast information about the 2019 Nathan's finals. The men's finals will be shown on ESPN2 starting at noon Eastern. For the ninth year in a row, the women's finals will be relegated to ESPN3 streaming starting at 10:50 am.
The 30 for 30 twitter has posted a trailer for the documentary The Good, The Bad, The Hungry about the rivalry between Joey Chestnut and Takeru Kobayashi. The airdate for the film will be July 2 at 8 pm eastern. reports that the documentary The Good, The Bad, The Hungry will be televised on ESPN or ESPN2 on July 2.
Sports business reporter Darren Rovell is expected to leave ESPN and join The Action Network, a startup focusing on gambling. Rovell served a sideline reporter on some of the first telecasts of the Nathan's finals (around 2004-2006) and often mentioned competitive eating on his twitter.
Journalist Gersh Kuntzman announced he was interviewed for an upcoming ESPN documentary about competitive eating, which will include Takeru Kobayashi.
The Krystal Square Off and Johnsonville Bratwurst telecasts from 2006 will be rerun on ESPN 2 on August 8 as part of its "The Ocho" themed day focusing on rarely televised sports.
The broadcast of the Nathan's Finals on ESPN2 was the highest rated cable program for July 4 despite a ratings decline from .45 in 2017 to .43 this year.
ESPNMediaZone reports that Adam Amin will replace Indy 500 annoucer Paul Page as the play-by-play voice for the coverage of the contest on ESPN2 at noon Eastern. Paul Page most famous line covering Nathan's was probably calling the champion "Joey Chitwood".
The ESPN schedule for July 4 is out. The men's Nathan's finals will be televised live on ESPN2 at noon Eastern and rerun three times later that day. The women's contest has yet to be added to the ESPN3 streaming schedule. (ESPN2 will broadcast First Take at 10am when the female division takes place.)
Gideon Oji, Juan Rodriguez, Juan Neave, Sarah Reinecke, Matthew Raible, Andrew Kogutkiewicz, Tanner Varner, Michelle Severino, Mark Williams Michael Blue and Andrew Webber are expected to compete in the Canteen sandwich eating contest in Ottumwa, IA on Saturday. In January, the contest organizers claimed the event would be televised on ESPN, but the competition is not listed in the ESPN schedule for June 2.update Ottumwa Courier has an interview with Sarah Reinecke about competing in the contest.
According to the ESPN3 schedule, the broadcast of the Nathan's women's contest will start at 10:45 eastern. ESPN3 will also have cameras focused on Miki Sudo and Joey Chestnut when they compete. The men's contest will be live on ESPN2 starting at noon eastern.
ESPN's Sport Science segment about Nathan's hot dog eating contest can be viewed on youtube. update The link has been fixed, but the video is now private.
A video of the full ESPN broadcast of the 2016 Nathan's finals is available on youtube.
The July 4 schedule for all ESPN channels is out now, and it does not appear the men's or women's finals will be shown live on any of them and will be relegated to streaming. From 10 am - noon, ESPN Classic will show reruns of men's contests instead of showing the 206 women's contest live.
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