Dale Boone category

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News 9 did a segment about Dale Boone competing against four person teams in a "MOOZilla" eating contest held in Bangalore, India on April 1. (via Bella Mooz)
Dale Boone claimed a world record after finishing a 17 inch pizza in 2:51 at the Sbarro in Bangalore, India. (gallery)
Commenters do not like the prize breakdown (1st place 35,000rs 2nd place 3,000rs 3rd place 2,000) at a WLOCE pizza contest in Bangalore, India on March 31 in which Dale Boone will compete.
The Deccan Herald has an article about Dale Boone and the World Ice Cream Eating Championship he will compete in at Bella Mooz in Bangalore, India on April 1.
Dale Boone participated in the #TacoTweatup held at the Taco Bell in Bangalore, India today.
WLOCE announces that Bella Mooz in Bangalore, India will hold the World Ice Cream Eating Championship on April 1. Four-person teams will need to eat a Moozilla ice cream challenge to qualify. The four teams qualifying for the finals will compete against Dale Boone.
WLOCE has a video of Dale Boone promoting a new 3kg burrito challenge available in Bangalore, India. update Dale Boone also apparently rapped and ate a Volcano Burrito at a Taco Bell in India.
Dale Boone won the men's division of a pizza eating contest held at the Longwood Grill & Pub in Sarasota, FL Saturday.
Dale Boone won a recliner Saturday at a hot dog eating contest held at the Elliot Street Pub in Atlanta. (gallery)
Dale Boone has started a facebook fan page titled "World Champion Dale Boone".
Aaron Ybarra has posted an original song about Dale Boone to youtube.
"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has posted a video about his antipathy towards Dale Boone. Pete says that Dale called his California hotel room 50 times the night before the West Coast Hot Dog Eating Championship. update Dale has posted a response video.
WLOCE3 has posted a video of Takeru Kobayashi and Dale Boone at yesterday's press conference at the Derby Deli in Mission Viejo, CA to promote the West Coast Hot Dog Eating Championhip.
CapeFearNewspapers.com has an article about the Country Squire's 50th anniversary mentioning Dale Boone's victory in a 72 ounce steak eating contest in Warsaw, NC.
Dale Boone won $200 yesterday by eating a 72 ounce steak and sides in 22 minutes at the Country Squire Winery in Warsaw, NC.
DiSalvo's Restaurant in West Palm Beach has a gallery and video of a meatball eating contest won by Dale Boone.
BBQTV has a video (starts at about the three minute mark) of part of the hot dog eating contest held at the Festival of Discovery won by Dale Boone, who was reportedly booed at the end of the contest (not shown on video).
BWFPR has videos of the eating contests held by Z-Burger in Washington, DC (28:31) and White Marsh, MD
GWDToday.com reports that Dale Boone was booed after he repeated as the winner of the hot dog eating contest held at the Festival of Discovery in Greenwood, SC. Boone ate 18 hot dogs in 10 minutes to win, 7 less than he ate in 2010. update RGC reports that Boone said he was going to pace himself so he ate just one more hot dog than the runner-up because he was doing another hot dog eating contest later.
"Michael" Boone won $500 at a hot dog eating contest held at Mardi Gras Casino in West Virginia.

Dale Boone & Furious Pete almost come to blows at Z-Burger contest

update July 5 BrightestYoungThings and DC Metromix have been posted.

update July 2 NBCWashington has a video MyFoxDC has an article and video and WUSA9 has a slideshow

update WJLA has an article and NBC Washington and Snark Infested have galleries.

WTOP reports that Dale Boone and “Furious” Pete Czerwinski almost came to blows at a contest held at Z-Burger in Washington, DC today after Czerwinksi accused Boone of cheating. Czerwinski defeated Boone in overtime.

The top 5 from Mike Longo
1) Pete Czerwinski
2) Dale Boone
3) Joe Menchetti
4) Jay Gorman
5T) Mike Longo
5T) Harshey
DQ David Brunelli, ate the most during the contest

Comments (56)

WSBTV has a video of the amateur-only wing eating contest held at the Wing & Rock Fest in Woodstock, GA won by Dale Boone.
Patch.com reports that Dale Boone won yesterday's wing eating contest at the Wing & Rock Fest in Woodstock, GA, which was an amateur only event according to the contest rules.
"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has released his fourth question & answer video which includes his thoughts about Dale Boone. Pete also says that he expects to collaborate with Epic Meal Time some time in the future but does not currently have any specific plans.
Five competitors are needed to compete against Dale Boone in Sunday's burger eating contest at Grindhouse Killer Burgers in Atlanta.
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