Dale Boone category

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tv9kannadanews has a video about Dale Boone winning a contest held at Nando's in Bangalore, India. (via comment)
tv9kannadanews has a video about Dale Boone competing at the WLOCE eating contest at Nando's in Bangalore, India today. update The Hindu has an article about the contest won by Dale Boone and a longer video from news 9 is also available. update Mar 28 The Bangalore Mirror has an article about runner-up Abhishek M B.
The Hindu newspaper has an article about Dale Boone, who will compete in the Meal for Six Eating Contest at Nando's in Bangalore on March 26.
Bakasura has a gallery of a burger eating contest held at the Thulp Cafe in Bangalore, India. Dale Boone was one of the competitors.
Dale Boone ate 13 monster dogs in 17 minutes to set the house record at Hungry Hogs in Bangalore, India. (video)
Bakasurain has a video of Dale Boone eating the Chicken Whammy sandwich from Peppa Zzing in Bangalore, India in 2:10, less than 10% of the previous record of 22 minutes.
The blog for Hungry Hogs of Bangalore, India has an entry about last month's hot dog eating contest won by Dale Boone.
JerseyMan Magazine has an article about Garden State "Food Pounders" (starting page 38) featuring Jon Squibb, Bill "El Wingador" Simmons, Dave "US Male" Goldstein and Elliot Maruffi-Cowley (Dale Boone makes a cameo). (via Jon Squibb facebook).
The facebook for the Hard Rock Cafe in Bangalore, India has a gallery of Dale Boone competing in a burger eating contest on December 15.
Like this facebook picture if you want Dale Boone to compete in a burger eating contest held at the Hard Rock Cafe in Bangalore, India.
The twitter for The Spot in Alpharetta, Georgia reports that Dale Boone won $300 by eating the most burgers (19) in November.
The facebook for the Brown Bag Deli in Suwanne, Georgia announces that Dale Boone won a Dagwood contest by eating a 4 pound sandwich in 13:25.
The La Costena facebook has a gallery of the jalapeno eating contest at the Atlanta Peachtree Latino Festival won by Dale "Diego" Boone.
The facebook for Pizzeria Venti announces that Dale Boone won $300 at a pizza eating contest held at an SEC / ACC Kickoff party Friday night. update Sept 7 A contest gallery is available. A woman was apparently the runner-up.
In a video of the hot dog contest at the Greenwood (SC) Festival of Discovery, Dale Boone calls himself "the current world champion of competitive eating." (1:50 mark)
Charlotte.com announces that Dale Boone will compete in a hot dog eating contest at Brian's Grill in China Grove, NC tomorrow. The contest will award $500 to the winner.
GWDToday reports that Dale Boone won the hot dog eating contest at the Festival of Discovery in Greenwood, SC by eating 25 hot dogs in 12 minutes. Boone says "From what I have heard Kobayashi is in talks with WLOCE to join them".
twitter.com/rivalshotdogs: "competive eater dale boone just attempted the hellhound challenge and was headed to the hospital hope gonna be ok" update A video of Boone's challenge has been uploaded.
Pelham Reporter reports that Dale Boone won a rib eating contest at the Texas Roadhouse in Pelham, Alabama by eating 43 ribs in 8 minutes. update CBS 42 has a video update #2 AL.com has a gallery
The Broward Palm Beach New Times reports that Dale Boone and "Gentleman" Joe Menchetti are expected to compete against "Furious" Pete Czerwinski at the watermelon eating contest at the Mardi Gras Casino.

Dale Boone reverses in burger challenge for Good Day Atlanta

MyFoxAtlanta has videos of Dale Boone attempting the burger challenge at Vito’s Cafe in Dallas, Georgia. Boone had a reversal which is not on the videos. (via Vito’s Cafe facebook)

update: Andrew Lane got a twitter response from an eyewitness at Vito’s: “not sure of the guys name but he had on the overalls, a big burly guy. And Yes he did hurl alot….ewwwwwww”.

Comments (30)

The facebook for Vito's Cafe reports that Dale Boone will attempt to eat a Quadruple Bypass burger on Good Day Atlanta tomorrow.
Dale Boone and "Gentleman" Joe Menchetti are listed as expected entrants in Tony Boloney's Pizza Slaugherfest in Atlantic City May 15.
Go! Go! Curry! has produced a video promoting the 2010 curry eating championship containing footage from last year's contest including all of Dale Boone's qualifying attempt.
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