Dale Boone
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November 29, 2009 at 9:58 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Dale Boone, Hot Dog Eating Challenges, Huntington
The Herald Dispatch has an article about Dale Boone’s recent trip to West Virginia where he won $1,000 in a pumpkin pie eating contest and and an article about Hillbilly Hot Dogs where Boone set the record for the Homewrecker hot dog challenge.
November 28, 2009 at 11:56 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Columbia, Contest Results, Dale Boone, WLOCE contests
The Aiken Standard reports that Dale Boone won the eating contest held at the Chitlin Strut in Salley, SC. Dylan Davidson was second. update The Augusta Chronicle has an article reporting that Dale Boone claims to have just returned from a cobra eating contest in Bangalore, India.
update #2 Jamie Brinck has a contest video
November 21, 2009 at 3:54 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Dale Boone, Hot Dog Eating Challenges, Huntington
Der Standard of Austria has an article about Jamie Oliver recording an episode of Food Revolution in Huntington, West Virginia, which mentions that Dale Boone now holds the “Homewrecker” hot dog record at Hillbilly Hot Dogs: (Automatically translated by Google)
Just one was here, a young man named Dale Boone, who has broken the record for Schnellmampfen. Three minutes and 45 seconds he needed to cram in the “Home Wrecker” in itself, a hot dog, a foot long and thick as three fingers, covered with onions, peppers, cheese and cabbage, all wrapped in pasty bread. The fifteen-pound hamburger creates as big as the wheel of a small car, not only that they serve only to happy laps. Jamie Oliver? “Good idea,” says Sherry, the waitress. “Unfortunately, he has runtergeputzt us rather than we were clowns.”
The online Pointersaurus finishers list has been updated with the first 2009 success: Dale and Cathy Boone were the first mother / son pair to complete the pizza on August 24. October 27, 2009 at 12:12 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Dale Boone, Pointersaurus, St. Louis | Permalink * Comments (12)
The facebook for Around the Way Dog (Nashville area) reports that Dale Boone was the first to finish their #33 Challenge consisting of 3 pounds of hot dogs and 3 pounds of fries. The website for Paventi's Pizza has also been updated to show that Dale Boone was the first to complete its 32 inch pizza. October 19, 2009 at 8:55 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Dale Boone, Hot Dog Eating Challenges, Nashville | Permalink * Comments (14)
JGriffs reports that Dale Boone won today's Man vs. Taco contest held at El Borracho in St. Louis by eating 29 tacos in 10 minutes. October 17, 2009 at 10:01 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Contest Results, Dale Boone, St. Louis, Unafilliated Contests | Permalink * Comments (10)
El Borracho's twitter reports that "Daniel" Boone, known as "Mouth from the South" will be competing in the Man vs. Taco contest tomorrow in St. Louis for a prize of $1,000. The contest was originally scheduled for October 10. October 16, 2009 at 2:04 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Dale Boone, St. Louis | Permalink * Comments (7)
Youtube has an Indian news video about the WLOCE donut eating contest held in Bangalore in March. September 11, 2009 at 9:05 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Dale Boone, India, WLOCE | Permalink * Comments (5)
PMQ has the press release that was posted in the comments about Dale Boone being the first person to finish the 32 inch pizza challenge at Paventi's in Charlotte, NC. Boone received $500 after finishing the pizza in 42 minutes. August 21, 2009 at 8:28 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Charlotte, Dale Boone, Pizza Eating Challenges | Permalink * Comments (4)
(via A Bomb email) The online Mac Daddy Hall of Fame has been updated to list Dale Boone as the new record holder in the Elvis Mac Daddy pancake challenge. The record was set when Boone travelled to Hawaii for the Woody's hot dog contest. August 7, 2009 at 8:45 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Dale Boone, Honolulu, Pancake Eating Challenges, Uncategorized | Permalink * Comments (23)
A video of Dale Boone winning Woody's hot dog eating contest in Honolulu yesterday is available on youtube. July 27, 2009 at 11:14 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Contest Results, Dale Boone, Honolulu, Videos | Permalink * Comments (19)
(from email) Dale Boone qualified for the Jake's Burgers finals after winning last night's qualifier by eating 5 double hamburgers in 2 minutes 40 seconds. Joel "The Cannon" Podelsky finished 11 seconds behind.
July 14, 2009 at 3:39 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Contest Results, Dale Boone, Unafilliated Contests | Permalink * Comments
July 5, 2009 at 7:29 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Charlotte, Contest Results, Dale Boone, Other Trencherwomen, Suzanne French, Unafilliated Contests
The Salisbury Post has the top 4 from yesterday’s apple ugly eating contest in Faith, NC. update a SalisburyPost.com also has a gallery:
1 Dale Boone 20
2 Suzanne French 14, cordogorama 3rd place
3 Larry McNeil (IFOCE #37) 13
4 Keatin Shelton 12, last year’s runner up
The Alley Cat Club's twitter has the top three at last night's 12 minute hot dog contest:1) Dale Boone 27 HDB 2) Joe Menchetti 24.5 3) Nick Giffen 18.5 update A gallery of the contest is available July 4, 2009 at 11:43 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Charlotte, Contest Results, Dale Boone, Unafilliated Contests | Permalink * Comments (17)
The twitter for the Alley Cat Club in Charlotte reports that Dale Boone won their hot dog contest last night by eating 27 hot dogs in 12 minutes. Nicholas Giffen's twitter reports he placed third and the runner up was a former Nathan's finalist. July 4, 2009 at 7:12 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Charlotte, Contest Results, Dale Boone, Unafilliated Contests | Permalink * Comments
July 2, 2009 at 12:55 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:"Furious" Pete Czerwinski, Dale Boone, District of Columbia, Galleries, Unafilliated Contests
update #3 MyFoxDC has a video – Dale Boone was second w/ 11 burgers, Joe Menchetti 3rd
update #2 WTOP has an article
update The winner of this afternoon’s Z-burger eating contest has been posted: guyfromva: burger eating contest over- won by furious pete with 14 burgers in 10 minutes… now enjoying one myself #dc
GuyFromVA is posting pictures from the Z-Burger contest. Dale Boone, and Joel Podelsky & Jay Gorman are competing.
Premier Events has a picture of the corn dog eating contest at Corndogorama. update A caption says Dale Boone won by eating 19.5 corn dogs in 8 minutes. June 27, 2009 at 7:29 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Atlanta, Dale Boone, Unafilliated Contests | Permalink * Comments (20)
The managing director of Donut Baker has an interview in fnbnews in which he mentions the WLOCE donut eating contest. June 19, 2009 at 1:32 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Dale Boone, India | Permalink * Comments (1)
June 6, 2009 at 2:32 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Dale Boone, Denver
Andrew “A-Bomb” Lane is apparently competing at a foot long hot dog contest in Brighton, Colorado today and reports that Dale Boone is also present.
update Boone won with 9.5 foot longs
update #2 Andrew Lane has a blog entry and gallery
May 30, 2009 at 5:14 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Contest Results, Dale Boone, Don "Moses" Lerman, Joe Menchetti, New York City, Unafilliated Contests

update #3 Midtown Lunch has a contest report
update #2 BeautifulBrian.com has a contest report
update Metromix has an article with 44 pictures containing official results:
1. Joe Menchetti 26 bowls
2. Dale Boone 25
3. Don “Moses” Lerman 23
4. Masato Tomita 16
5. Paul Arcaria 13
The article has pictures of Don Lerman’s and Paul Arcaria’s apparent reversals (Don Lerman claims he did not reverse)
update Time Out NY has a gallery
(Don Lerman is in white, Dale Boone in red)
5:47 Don Lerman 3rd despite his reversal, Masato Tomita 4th, Paul Arcaria 5th
5:45 Joe Menchetti is the winner, Dale Boone 2nd
5:42 It looks like Don Lerman is reversing
5:41 The contest has ended
5:26 The contest has started
5:17 The introductions have started. Don Lerman is the first to be introduced, Dale Boone the second.
The webcast of the Go! Go! Curry! finals has started at http://www.justin.tv/gogocurryusa
May 23, 2009 at 3:20 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Boulder, Contest Results, Dale Boone
The cupcake eating contest in Boulder has gone into overtime with a 3 cupcake eat off. http://twitter.com/comat0se is posting results and pictures.
update Dale Boone won
update #2 9 News has an article and slideshow about the contest. The top 3:
1. Dale Boone ate 34 cupcakes in 10 minutes, won 3 cupcake eatoff
2. Jimmi Mares, 34 cupcakes
3. Micah Baldwin, 28 cupcakes
May 21, 2009 at 11:53 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Boulder, Contest Previews, Dale Boone
May 20, 2009 at 8:13 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Contracts, Dale Boone, New York City, Unafilliated Contests
With the qualifying session now over, the Go! Go! Curry! twitter reports that Dale Boone qualified for the final contest on May 30. His time placed him 5th overall. Don Lerman apparently retained the #4 position. The original #5 qualifier, Andris Zvargulis, attempted to beat Dale’s time but could not.
PMQ reports that Dale Boone will compete in the Brooklyn Pizza contest on May 31. The first prize for that contest will be $300.
It is rather hypocritical that the WLOCE contract prevents signees from doing non-WLOCE events while Dale Boone is free to do whatever non-WLOCE he wants.
MyBangalore has an article with several pictures about the WLOCE donut eating contest. May 20, 2009 at 2:46 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Dale Boone, India | Permalink * Comments (3)
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