Dale Boone category

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MC Rahman has some videos of the Bangalore donut eating contest won by Dale Boone.
The Hindu has a report on Saturday's donut eating contest held in Bangalore, India won by Dale Boone. The top female competitor was reportedly named Moses.
Youtube has a video of today's donut eating contest in Bangalore India, won by Dale Boone with 44 donuts. PCresswell, who served as the contest referee, has a blog entry about the contest.

“A-Bomb” blows up the WLOCE contract

Andrew Lane, now going by “A-Bomb” instead of “Skinnyboy” has a blog entry about the agreement competitors are required to sign before participating in the upcoming WLOCE Boulder cupcake eating contest. The agreement requires signees to pay 20% of their (non-contest competitive eating updated) earnings back to WLOCE, indemnification for Shea Communications (?) and a restriction on participating in non-WLOCE sanctioned events.

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The May 23 Cupcake Cram contest in Boulder, Colorado will be a WLOCE contest and Dale Boone is an expected entrant.

WLOCE announces Bangalore idli contest May 16

The WLOCE website has been updated to announce that an idli contest will take place in Bangalore, India on May 16. WLOCE will also sanction the July 4 Apple Ugly Eating contest in North Carolina and the purse for its contest at Corndogorama will be $875.

A picture of Boone and Indian giant P. Theyagarajan appears on the WLOCE myspace page.

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MyBangalore.com has an article about Dale Boone, who says he hopes to have a WLOCE contest in India in May. (from WLOCE.com)

Dale Boone article in Times of India

The Times of India has an profile of Dale Boone, who is currently residing in India. The article contains claims that some readers might dispute:

Boone is the current world champion in competitive eating. Currently, he is based in Bangalore working for the WLOCE. When he enters the competition arena, he becomes the foul-mouthed `Mouth of the South’, a persona he has cultivated over the years, complete with a coonskin hat to celebrate his heritage, large overalls and a cow-bell in his hand.

Ask him his age and he only tells you that he is known in professional circles as the most eligible bachelor. “Revealing my age will lead to diminishing of my value as a competitor,” he says.

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(From Anjou comment) WLOCE.com has been updated to annouce the contest held at the Corndogorama festival will be a WLOCE event.

Link Buffet: January 2, 2009

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“Dale’s Daniel Boone Burger” to be renamed?

Morganton.com has an article about Dale Boone finishing a 3+ pound burger at Doughboys Pizzeria Café in Morganton, NC. After completing the sandwich in under 30 minutes, Dale was allowed to name it “Dale’s Daniel Boone Burger”. The article says that a diner who finishes the burger in less than the 27 minutes it took Dale Boone will receive the right to rename it. The possibility of renaming the burger was not mentioned in the original article about it.

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Link Buffet: October 24, 2008

Link Buffet: October 6, 2008

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Dale Boone wins Skin’s hot dogs

According to information entered into the eatfeats database, Dale Boone won the Skin’s hot dog eating contest held at the balloon festival in Anderson, SC:

1st 18 $500 Dale Boone Atlanta, GA
2nd 14 $250 Michael Diebold
3rd 12 $125 Jason “The Polish Love” Skrzypek Atlanta, GA

is sanctioning another Skin’s hot dog contest at the Chattahoochee Mountain Fair September 12

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WLOCE announces SC hot dog contest

WLOCE.com announces that registration is now open for a hot dog eating contest that will take place at the Great Southeast Balloon Fest on Sunday, August 30. The calendar for the festival’s website says that the competition will occur on Saturday, August 30 and Hooters will sponsor a wing eating contest the following Sunday. The purse for the hot dog contest is $850 $875. Dale Boone and Jason Skrzypek are expected entrants.

The balloon festival will take place in Anderson, South Carolina which is near Clemson University. Crazy Legs Conti wore a Clemson pin in this year’s Nathan’s finals.

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Link Buffet: July 22, 2008

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WLOCE becomes bi-coastal

Peter Smith, who encountered Dale Boone on a trip to India, has returned to Seattle and reports on his myspace page that he is now the West Coast representative for Boone’s World League of Competitive Eating.

In other WLOCE news, Keatin Shelton, runner-up to Boone in the Apple Ugly eating contest, is now listed in the WLOCE rankings.

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Dale Boone’s Apple Ugly techniques questioned

The Salisbury Post has an article about controversy over Dale Boone’s use of hot tea at the July 4 Apple Ugly eating contest:

After friends pointed that out, [contest runner-up Keatin] Shelton e-mailed the Apple Baking Co., which organized the competition, to say that he didn’t think Boone’s record should count.

“I believe the tea may have given him an advantage,” Shelton wrote. “Anyway your rules were broken.”

The rules say that contestants can have cups of water. The rules also say contestants can’t use condiments on Uglies — which are “delicious enough on their own.”

The contest organizers say that Boone’s victory will stand.

There has been previous controversy over hot beverages in pastry eating competitions. Some competitors objected to the use of hot coffee in the 2003 San Gennaro Cannoli Eating Championship

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Elizabethton, TN July 4 hot dog results

From the Elizabethton Star:

1. Dale Boone 21 hot dogs in 12 minutes, $250
2. James Wilson, 15 (last year’s winner)

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Apple Ugly contest results

SalisburyPost.com has an article about the July 4 Apple Ugly eating contest. The top 3:

1. Dale Boone, 17 Apple Uglies
2. Keatin “Thunder” Shelton, 14
3T Timothy “Ace” Cameron, 10
3T Kristy Spurlock, 10

Dale Boone describes his techniques in the article:

“I came Monday night with these big cups,” Boone said. “I get here tonight, every single one of them’s got a big cup.

“They’re paying attention to me. That’s what’s scary.”

Boone one-upped them again though: They brought bigger cups of water this time but Boone dipped each of his Uglies in a cup of hot tea.

The article reports that Boone ate 21 hot dogs at an Elizabethton, TN hot dog contest earlier that day. It does not say how he placed.

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Dale Boone wins $1000 in pizza challenge

Augusta.com reports that Dale Boone won $1000 recently by being the first person to eat a 28 inch cheese pizza from Roma’s Pizza in under 90 minutes.

WLOCE.com reports
that Dale Boone also won the Apple Ugly eating contest in North Carolina yesterday and competed in the Elizabethton, TN hot dog contest.

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Dale Boone on TheNathansRematch.com

Dale Boone appears on a poster promoting tomorrow’s contest on TheNathansRematch.com even though he will not compete (and was exiled from the IFOCE before qualifying started)

A commenter noted yesterday that the competitors on the landing page on IFOCE.com are all from the 2007 Nathan’s finals. Dale Boone does not appear, but Chip Simpson remains.

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Dale Boone starts WLOCE website

A comment by Crawfish contained a link about Dale Boone’s victory in the corndog eating contest at Corndogorama. In the pictures, Dale Boone is wearing a World League of Competitive Eating baseball cap and has a shirt with a .com address. Trying WLOCE.com reveals that a website has been set up at that address. The site has a standings list which Dale Boone leads. P.Thayagarajan, mentioned as an Indian giant and a possible entrant in last year’s Nathan’s finals on IFOCE.com, is #6. Most of the links on the page are inoperable, but a contact page and safety guidelines are available.

update The Salisbury Post has a report about Dale Boone’s victory in the Apple Ugly qualifier last night

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Dale Boone to do TN & NC contests July 4

The Salisbury (NC) Post has an article about the “Apple Ugly” eating contest that will be held on July 4. A qualifier will be held on June 30. Dale Boone is an expected entrant. Boone says that he will also compete in the Elizabethton, TN hot dog eating contest on July 4 and that he is a member of a another competitive eating organization:

He allowed his contract to run out with the International Federation of Competitive Eating and now belongs to the World League of Competitive Eating, which he considers a step up because of all the international competition.

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Dale Boone returns to the US

A video and gallery of the wing eating contest held at the Wing-n-Rock Fest in Marietta, GA on Saturday reveal that Dale Boone competed in that event. It appears (but is not explicitly stated in the video or gallery) that an unnamed Asian won that contest.

update video link fixed – thanks anon

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