Upcoming Germany eating contests
Germany eating challenges
Mann.tv has an article in German about Raina Huang's recent burger eating contest against several police officers.
A press release announces an alliance between Nathan's Famous and Damhus, "a German manufacturer of quality meat-products since 1936", to manufacture and distribute hot dogs throughout Europe. It is interesting that a Jewish-founded company would partner with a firm started in Nazi Germany. The document makes no mention of a possible European qualifier for Nathan's hot dog eating contest.
Mel Magazine has an article about vegan competitive eaters focusing on German bodybuilder Ferdinand Beck.
A 77 year old diner completed the 1.4 kg burger challenge at Bene's Burger Meisterei in Kipfenberg, Germany.
TheAthletic.com has an article (mostly behind a paywall) about Birgit Felden's victory in the 1984 Nathan's finals, the only time a female has had the highest overall total in a July 4 contest. She is now a professor of business in Berlin.
sueddeutsche.de has an article in German about the Denver Oktoberfest Bratwurst eating contest won by Andrew Renfrow with a total of 13.5 sausages in 10 minutes.
Physical Culture Study has a blog entry about the food consumption of the Saxon brothers, three German strongmen who were active around 1900. A typical day's diet included 24 eggs, 3 pounds bacon and 10 pound of meat for each brother. Via Iron Heaver
Nate Figueroa produced a video of his attempt at the 28 inch team challenge at Pizza Xtreme in Orlando with his German girlfriend Livia. (Livia's video)

Süddeutsche.de‎ has an interview with Molly Schuyler in German (auto-translated to English)
German bodybuilder Lea of the LeaLovesLifting instagram and youtube channel ate 350 pieces of sushi in 60 minutes at an AYCE restaurant today. In December she ate 400 pieces.
World War I Live has reposted an article from February 21, 1916 about Kaiser Wilhelm eating 7 partridges to defeat General von Hindenburg in an eating competition by a margin of one partridge. (via ww1liveblog)
The Wall Street Journal has a report on how Frankfurt, Germany is responding to the World Health Organization report claiming that consumption of processed meats increase the risk of cancer.
"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has uploaded a video recorded in 2012 of him eating several spicy items with the Schärfe Queen, billed as the top hot food eater in Germany.
Flashback: Brigit Felden (2nd from right) of Cologne, West Germany is the first non-American to win the Nathan's finals in 1984 (9.5 hot dogs in 10 mminutes). She is also the last female winner of the pre-2011 unified-gender contest.
Kristen Ulve has posted an illustration of a female hot dog eating champion she did for Glamour Magazine of Germany.
Hemingway Room has an interview with Holly Dawson, author of Berlin’s Digestion of Joe ‘Python’ Leach, a story about an American competitive eater's trip to Germany for the World Currywurst Championship.
"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has posted a video recorded in Germany in February 2012. Pete is currently in Costa Rica for a taco eating contest on Saturday.
"Furious" Pete Czerwinski uploaded a video of him eating 8.5 Big Macs in 3 minutes today. He also has a video of his attempt at an 8 pound burger at the XXL House in Hamburg, Germany.
All competitive eating fans should be rooting against Bayer Leverkusen in its Champions League match with Barcelona today since Leverkusen is owned by Bayer AG, which cancelled the US Open of Competitive Eating in 2006.
Yahoo! Sports' Dirty Tackle blog reports that "fans threw enough bananas to feed a competitive eater" onto the field of a soccer stadium in Rostock, Germany before a match against St. Pauli.
The BBC has a video of a cucumber eating contest held in Berlin to show that it is safe to eat vegetables after an E. coli outbreak.