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more meatball coverage

IFOCE report Joey also received a 1 oz. deduction commentary
urbanhonking truefan report with interview with Bob Shoudt commentary on controversial judgement

Top 10 finishers – all results available at
Bob Shoudt 9.97 lbs, $2500
Sonya Thomas 9.91 lbs, $1000
Joey Chestnut 9.35 lbs, $750
Chip Simpson 9.23 lbs, $500
Rich LeFevre 9.03 lbs, $250
Tim Janus 8.93 lbs
Juliet Lee 5.53 lbs
Allen Goldstein 4.96 lbs
Seaver Miller 4.75 lbs
Pat Philbin 4.73 lbs

Juliet Lee was the best finisher not ranked in the top 8 and she defeated the #10 and #11 eaters

update AICE news lists Hun Juliet Lee as an expected entrant in Sunday’s latke eating contest

Comments (12)

Full meatball contest video on

A full video of the meatball contest and prize announcements recorded by LadyLenore is available on Brian Seiken’s website. Joey Chestnut and Bob Shoudt are interviewed briefly. Sonya’s snub of Humble Bob’s handshake occurs at the 18:12 mark.

The 2006 meatball contest was definitely the contest of the parent. Not only did the IFOCE’s top father, Bob Shoudt, take victory against a field containing of 6 of the top 8 IFOCE members, Juliet Lee had the best ever IFOCE performance by a mother if the reports in the comments that she finished 7th with a total of 5.51 pounds is accurate.

updated spikebythesea has posted videos of the contest to youtube which can be viewed at

Pat from Moonachie probably merited a spot closer to the center of the table based on his ranking, but putting him at the end was probably the optimal place based on what happened after the egg nog contest 😉

Comments (2)

Joey on 3rd place meatball finish

The Vallejo Times herald has an interview with Joey Chestnut in which he discusses his first loss to an American since the chili cheese fries contest at the Queen Mary in February. Joey says he had difficulty finding meatballs similiar to the contest meatballs and that he arrived at the Tropicana at 10am Saturday after a sleepless night. The article says that all top 3 eaters ate in the 9-9.99 lb range. The controversial judgement awarding Bob Shoudt the victory over Sonya Thomas is not mentioned.

Comments (4) – meatball results Bob 1, Sonya 2, Joey 3

A Pat from Moonachie fan attended the meatball contest at the Tropicana and posted the following results to the Opie & Anthony message board:

3rd Place… Joey Chestnut
2nd Place… Sonya Thomas
1st Place… Bob Shout

Sonya wouldn’t shake hands and walked off the stage, and looked like she was crying.
Bandlands Booker was the Judge who made the final decision.

If this report is accurate, Joey’s 7-8 month non Kobayashi winning streak has finished

updatedSome pictures of Pat & a few of Brian Seiken have been appended to the forum thread It is surprising that it has been over 5 hours since the contest ended and no one has any contest reports.

updated #2 iirraa has posted a flickr gallery of today’s contest (pictures above from that gallery)

updated #3 has a video of the awards presentation. Bob was awarded the victory over Sonya due to excessive detritus. I could not hear any totals announced.

Comments (27)

Liz’s flight cancelled – No urbanhonking meatball report

Liz report that her redeye flight to JFK has been cancelled, preventing her from writing a report about the meatball contest at the Tropicana in Atlantic City.


Non-IFOCE MCs for Tropicana meatballs

Asbury Park Press has a brief preview of Saturday’s meatball contest in Atlantic City. Bob Shoudt, Chip Simpson, Tim Janus along with defending champion Sonya Thomas are listed as expected entrants. The most interesting part concerns who will MC the event:

The contest will be hosted by the “Jersey Guys” Craig Carton and Ray Rossi of NJ101.5, and they will be qualifying one winner through their radio show which airs Monday through Friday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Carton & Rossi have some previous competitive eating experience. They interviewed Kate Stelnick during her post-Denny’s media blitz.

Comments (9)

Urban Honking covers the meatball contest

Sonya Victorious It has been over two days since the meatball contest in Atlantic City and I have yet to find any media coverage of the event other than one AP photo, but that is irrelevant because Liz Kellermeyer and Krista Overby of the food blog attended that event and their contest write up is vastly better than any competition coverage I have ever seen in the mainstream media. They interviewed most of the competitors, including the non-favorites and gained access to the counting room where the amounts eaten were tallied. They also have a photo gallery with 99 pictures of the contest. Their post contest pictures of Sonya Thomas will make you wonder where she puts it all, as Bubba Yarbrough did in a comment in the previous post.


Sonya repeats in meatballs, solidifies #2 ranking

From & & Bubba Yarbrough

Meatballs, Carmine’s at the Tropicana, Atlantic City, NJ
1. Sonya Thomas 10.3 lb
2. Joey Chestnut 8.3
3. Bob Shoudt 7.6
4. Tim Janus 7.0
5. Rich Lefevre 6.8
6. Chip Simpson 6.0
7.Bubba Yarbrough 5.3
8. Larry McNeil 5.1
9. Allen Goldstein 5.0
10. Ken from MD (bouncer) 4.0
11. Brian Seiken 3.3
12.Kevin Lipsitz N3.1
13. Adam Leffler 1.9 – retired afterward
14. Crazy Legs Conti DQ

12/7 12:42 am results updated from writeup on Brian’s gallery

If there was any debate on whether Sonya Thomas should be ranked #2 going into 2006, she removed it with a dominating performance which gave her a 2 contest winning streak to offset her 2 contest losing streak from November. She almost doubled her amount from the 6 pounds which won her the title in 2004. “Humble” Bob Shoudt continues his strong drive for a top 5 ranking.

Links to articles will be added as they come online. Brian Seiken will probably have a more complete list of finishers.

Updated 8:43 pm iirraa has already uploaded a 6 picture photo gallery of the contest.

Updated 12/4 10:55 pm Yahoo news has an AP photo of the contest

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