Movies category

Film and TV Pro has a request for a script supervisor for a short film a about pie eating contest that goes wrong when it is learned that one of the competitors might be a murderer.
A movie titled Puke and Explode, described as "a gala event of competitive eating dedicated to both gastro excess and grotesque edibles as contestants devour the most mortifying morsels imaginable" will debut at the Fantastic Fest in Austin later this month.

Yahoo! Movies interviews Andy (Lard-Ass) Lindberg

Yahoo! Movies has an interview with Andy Lindberg (Lard-Ass) about filming the famous regurgitation scene for the pie eating contest in “Stand By Me”. There is also a quote from author Stephen King about the movie:

It was beautiful, because the puking was done in a way that was so surreal, it didn’t make anyone feel ill. Not tasteful — you can’t really make projectile vomiting tasteful — but it really was very funny.


Yahoo! Movies has an article about the pie eating contest in Stand by Me with .GIFs of the "reversal" scene.

Rob Reiner & “Lardass” on “Stand by Me” pie contest

Entertainment Weekly has an interview with director Rob Reiner and Andy Lindberg, who played “Lardass” about the filming of the pie eating contest scene in Stand by Me, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year.

LINDBERG: The first time the crew tried the vomiting effect, they used a power washer. They filled the reservoir and just rocketed it out, and 500 pounds per square inch of pressure went on the guy to my left. But that didn’t work. The stream was too fine. Finally, after experimenting, they got four or five guys to press down on a giant plunger on top of a cylinder, which pushed all five gallons of pie filling up a vacuum hose through my shirt collar and out from the tube taped to the side of my face.

Comments (2)

mitarai_108 produced a cartoon of characters from Captain America: Civil War competing in a hot dog eating contest.
RIP George Kennedy, who served as the bookie/promoter for Paul Newman's 50 egg challenge in Cool Hand Luke, one of the more famous competitive eating scenes in cinema history.
The Onion's AV Club has a list of the most famous vomiting scenes in literature, television and movies. The pie eating contest in Stand by Me and Mr. Creosote's explosion in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life are included.
VS Talent Group is looking for a male competitive eater between 20 and 35. The project and filming location is not disclosed, it appears to be in NYC or New Jersey.
Everyday Actors has posted a casting call for males in their 20s for a short film about competitive eating to be produced in New York City.
Trashploitation has a review of Eat it Up, a short film about rival competitive eating gangs.
Run, a movie filmed in the Ivory Coast, will make its New York City debut at the New York African Film Festival on Monday. In the middle section of the film, the protagonist functions as the manager of a female competitive eater called Gladys "La Mangeuse". The character was reportedly based on a real life male professional eater from Mali.
FilmClassicsVirgin has a review of Eat it Up, a comedic short film about competitive eating gangs.
The New York Daily News has an obituary for James "Little Jimmy" Mastrangelo, who passed away on Saturday at the age of 68. He was famous for dressing up as Uncle Sam during the Nathan's finals at Coney Island and also played an Oompa Loompa in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971). update The wake will be tomorrow in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. update April 8 The Brooklyn Paper also has an obituary citing the cause of death as prostrate cancer.
Actor Elijah Wood won a moon pie eating contest held at the Chattanooga Film Festival. In 2010, the Lord of the Rings trilogy protagonist oversaw a chicken wing eating contest in New York City. update April 7 WRCB has an article and video
The LA Times did a post in 2006 about "All You Can Eat", a competitive eating screenplay by Josh Heald, writer of Hot Tub Time Machine 2, (The project appears to have been tabled; it no longer appears on Heald's IMDB page). To research the script, Heald competed in the 2006 Nathan's Las Vegas qualifier where Joey Chestnut became the first American to hit 50 hot dogs. (The post claims that a competitor at that event fainted and needed to be removed by stretcher, which is the first I had heard about that incident.)
The New York Post has an article about Stephen J. Douglas, who has worn the "Frankster" hot dog costume during the Nathan's finals. He will play his grandfather, a crew member of the B-24 bomber shot down in Unbroken, the upcoming World War II movie directed by Angelina Jolie.
ScreenCrush has a list of the best acts of gluttony on film which does not include the The Blues Brothers ordering four fried chickens, a Coke and dry white toast or LeeLoo, the genetically enhanced superwoman from The Fifth Element pounding down whole chickens as if they were McNuggets. Does anyone have other notable omissions?
The New York Times obituary for Mike Nichols, director of The Graduate, mentions his victory in a pie eating contest.
Extras are needed for a waffle eating contest scene for "Williamsport," a Chapman University student movie filming this weekend in Costa Mesa, CA.
A review of Robin Williams' final film, A Merry Friggin Christmas reports that one of the characters is a competitive eater.
Lime Kiln Club Field Day, a never-released 101 year old film containing a watermelon eating contest scene, will debut tomorrow at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. The movie is believed to be the oldest surviving film with a majority African-American cast.
The Hungarian film Taxidermia, which has a segment about an aging competitive eater, is ranked #9 in Pop Matters list of the 10 best body horror films of all time.
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