Training category

Bob Shoudt in Des Moines register

“Notorious” Bob Shoudt offers the Des Moines Register some of his competitive eating tips:

When you get to the contest (or the counter at B&B Deli), be confident and act like you know what you’re doing. Move your cups and plates around (in eating contests, there are usually a few cups of water for each competitor, and a couple of plates of food), and eat your food out of order. For example, if you and a friend are racing through the Combine at the Machine Shed, don’t eat the tenderloin, then the medallions, then the sausage. Work your way through all three at the same time, so your opponent can’t figure out exactly how much you’ve eaten. “Give as much misinformation as you can,” Shoudt said.

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Crazy Legs Conti's training tips have been translated by Wired of Japan.
Crazy Legs Conti's advice to Wired on winning eating contests makes the list of recommended reading in the New York Times Idea of the Day Blog. The tips are now in wiki format, so others can add their contributions to the list.
Crazy Legs Conti and Gerard Mullin, associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins, offer four tips on how to win an eating contest in
ESPN's youtube channel has a video from June in which Joey Chestnut describes the contents of his refrigerator. has three questions with Crazy Legs Conti about his exercise and diet routines.

Past The Pages on competitive eating has a column about competitive eating in which “Notorious” Bob Shoudt describes his exercise regimen:

“To date I have managed to work my way into being ranked number three in the world without having to train,” said Shoudt.
“Though, I am very active in my personal life. I routinely do a thousand crunches a day and I train three days per week in Krav Maga, a tactical defense martial art. I am also an avid mountain climber.”

Shoudt mentioned practising with the Big Angus burger in an interview on the Krystal Square Off blog.

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"Furious" Pete Czerwinski's facebook announces that he ate 89 dumplings in a minute in a practice session. If he can attain this rate in the contest on October 24, it would almost triple the previous record of 66 dumplings in 2 minutes by Joe Menchetti. update A video of the session has been posted
A video of Joey Chestnut's practice session last night at Hooters captioned 'Joey Chestnut kills 64 Hotdogs in 10 minutes" is available. Joey Chestnut will appear in an chat tomorrow morning. asks Crazy Legs Conti whether he thinks an average person could qualify for the Nathan's finals after 6 weeks of training. (page safe for work)
The new poll asks that if a competitive eating Hall of Fame was started and top eaters were alleged to have used performance enhancing drugs, should that affect their chances for Hall of Fame entrance. Brad Sciullo training Big Brian’s Bits & Pieces reports that Brad “The Lunatic” Sciullo has been training “Big” Brian Subich, who will compete in Saturday’s Nathan’s qualifier in Charlotte. Brad Sciullo reportedly ate 38 hot dogs in a training session and also completed Tiny’s burger challenge at the Niner Diner which includes 5 pounds of fries. When the UEPa visited the Niner Diner in 2007, the only challenge finisher was an unnamed sub 100 pound woman according to the restaurant’s owner.

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The Augusta (GA) Chronicle has an article about Saturday's Mudbugabeaux-N-Brew Crawfish Boil and Craft Beer Festival with a guide to crawfish eating techniques for participants in the crawfish eating contest.
Good Food Toronto has a blog entry about attempts at the 72 once steak challenge at the Lone Star Cafe with four entries about the diners' training sessions.
The competitive eating training blog has a list of the top 5 reasons you fail at competitive eating.
MosesNews: Gustoff Zhychick will start a school to teach competitive eating techniques. Tuition will start at $10,000 for a six month course.

New poll: brine drinking as a crawfish tactic

The Press of Atlantic City reports that the top two finishers in the crawfish eating contest, Dave “US Male” Goldstein and Sonya “The Black Widow” Thomas both drank the brine water from the crawfish tray during the competition. The water weight was counted as crawfish mass in the once the post-contest weight was subtracted from the original value. The new poll asks if you think that this was a legitimate tactic.

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Tim Brown offers advice in the Chicago Tribune

In today’s edition of the Chicago Tribune, Tim “Gravy” Brown offers some hot dog eating contest tips

Brain training. Competitive eaters override brain signals that tell them they’re full, and if you want to eat faster, you need to do the same before you slow down. “You have to trick yourself,” says Brown, who also packs an iPod with books on tape or punk rock to distract himself. “You just want to concentrate.” His brain and gut rewired, Brown finds, “I never get full. I don’t get hungry. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love to eat.”


Furious Pete training videos

“Furious” Pete Czerwinski has uploaded two videos about training for competitive eating to youtube: Video 1 – breakfast for competive eaters, Video 2 – jaw strength / grinding

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Link Buffet: November 20, 2008

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Joey Chestnut interview in has an interview with Joey Chestnut in which he describes his training regimen and says that he has eaten 114 burgers in a Krystal practice session.


Link Buffet: August 13, 2008

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Atlanta eaters practice for KSO V

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has an article about Loren “Bubba” Yarbrough, Larry McNeil and “Super” Paul Barlow’s practice session for Krystal Square Off V in which they try to eat 15 Krystal burgers as fast as possible. Qualifier dates for this years Square Off have yet to be announced.

The men try to avoid “reversals” because they don’t want their bodies to regularly respond that way when they compete. But sometimes it can’t be helped.

“If you don’t puke every now and then, it’s because you didn’t try hard enough,” Yarbrough said. “That’s just a fact of life.”

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Pat Bertoletti Waffle House documentary

Jynx productions has uploaded a video to youtube about Pat Bertoletti’s victory in the 2007 Waffle House waffle eating contest at the Texas State Fair. Bertoletti wears a Steakbellie t-shirt during his training session at a Waffle House the day before the contest.

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