Upcoming Chicago eating contests
Chicago eating challenges
(All Chicago eating challenges and contests in database)
Pat Bertoletti appeared on Windy City Live.
Block Club Chicago has an article about the closing of Taco in a Bag, the restaurant owned by Pat Bertoletti and Tim "Gravy" Brown. They did not respond to questions about the possible reopening of the business.
Taco in a Bag, the Chicago restaurant run by Pat Bertoletti and Tim "Gravy" Brown, announces it will close on October 30. They hope to reopen in the future.
Tiffin the Indian Kitchen restaurant in Chicago will hold a samosa eating contest on October 25 awarding $500 to the winner. Pat Bertoletti will be a celebrity judge at the event.
Love in the Time of Coronavirus has an interview with Pat Bertoletti on how the coronavirus crisis has impacted Taco in a Bag, the Chicago restaurant he owns with Tim "Gravy" Brown.
Chicago's Wing Eating Contest at Old Grounds Social will hot hot and mild wing eating contest on January 25. Both contests will award $250 to the winner.
Mohammed Hamoud won the first prize of $2500 in yesterday's Bacci Pizza Jumbo Slice eating contest in Chicago.
Bacci Pizza will hold a jumbo slice eating contest in Chicago on October 12 awarding $2500/$1000/$500. Entrants will need to qualify. Previous competitions have been for amateurs only.
Taste of Greektown will hold a gyro eating contest in Chicago August 24 awarding a $250 Visa gift card to the winner. The runner up will receive a $100 gift card.
Michael Jenkins reports that a pair from Chicago probably consisting of Pat Bertoletti and Tim "Gravy" Brown had the fastest time for Cici's Pizza 28 inch challenge and won a prize of $2500. update The official time for Bertoletti and Brown was 7:25, about four minutes faster than the St. Louis team consisting of Brandon "Da Garbage Disposal" Clark and Kyle Hanner.
The Chicago Tribune has a report on "Mommy's Little PIggy" mashed potato eating contest held as part of "A Christmas Story Comes Home" in Hammond, IN on December 15.
ABC 7 has an article and video about yesterday's bao eating contest at Wow Bao in Chicago won by Teddy Delacruz. Jennifer Saito was runner up.
Bacci Pizza will hold a pizza eating contest on August 26 awarding $2500 to the winner. Entrants need to eat a jumbo slice to qualify.
Brandon "Da Disposal" Clark ate 25 hot dogs in 8 minutes to win the first prize of $400 in Smilin Clyde's hot dog eating contest in Oak Lawn, IL. Teddy Delacruz was the runner up.f
Smilin Clyde's will hold a hot dog eating contest in Oak Lawn, IL on July 29 awarding $400 to the winner and $100 to the runner-up.
The Chi-Town Hot Sauce Expo will hold a Carolina Reaper pepper eating contest in Bridgeview, IL on June 24 awarding $1000 if the Guinness record is broken. Other spicy eating challenges will be held throughout the weekend.
Ribfest Chicago will take place from June 8 to 10 and the website has no listing of an upcoming eating contest. It would be interesting to know if the vegan stage-crashing played a role in the competition termination.
Spanish food challengers "Joe Burgerchallenge" and "Dave Cheats" have started a trip in Chicago in which they will do food challenges in restaurants along Route 66. The tour will conclude in Los Angeles where they will be part of a team attempting the 54 inch pizza challenge at Big Mama's & Papa's. update May 16 A four person team finished the 10 pound meatball sub challenge at Bartolini's in Midlothian in 4:48, IL and won $2500.
NBCChicago has an article about Juan Rodriguez and Sarah Reinecke attempting the 32 ounce "Mega Mary" Bloody Mary challenge at the Rib House in Crystal Lake, IL. Some of the toppings for the libation include a full slab of ribs, brats, sliders, 1/2 a chicken, doughnuts, cinammon rolls and a cantaloupe. update May 6 Facebook video of the attempt update< May 7 The Northwest Herald has an article about the attempts.
WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley is expected to attend a taco eating contest at Adobe Gila's in Rosemont, IL on April 8. There will be separate divisions for men & women.
Bartolini's in Midlothian, IL will award $2500 to a team of 4 amateurs if they can break Molly Schuyler's time of 6:51 for the 10 pound meatball sub challenge.
2018 Hopcat Crack Fry qualifiers
Here are the results I have for yesterday’s Crack Fry eating qualifiers held at Hopcat locations in the Midwest. Sam Pohlen was the first female to win a crack fry contest. update Ethan Teske won the Minneapolis contest.
2018 Jan 20 | 1st | 3.6 | Pat “Deep Dish” Bertoletti | Chicago, IL |
2018 Jan 20 | 2nd | 3.34 | Brandon Clark | Chicago, IL |
2018 Jan 20 | 1st | ? | Kyle “The Hammer” Hanner | Indianapolis, IN |
2018 Jan 20 | 1st | 1.8625 | Sam Pohlen | Grand Rapids, MI |
2018 Jan 20 | 1st | ? | Rob Chopp | Kalamazoo, MI |
2018 Jan 20 | 1st | ? | Nick Adanczyk | Kansas City, MO |
"Beard Meats Food" reported that Chicago competitive eater Tony "T-Bone" Mitchell passed away. A twitter thread announcing a tribute page appears to confirm the sad news. Afterlife.com an obituary page.
Von Garcon says he will award $200 to someone who can finish a 7 pound burrito in Chicago in under an hour. At least three challengers must attempt the meal.
Tony Mitchell ate 5 jumbo slices in 15 minutes to defend his title and claim the $2500 first prize in the Bacci Pizza Fest in Chicago.