Natsuko “Gal” Sone (ギャル 曽根 菜津子) category

Gal Sone interview in the Mainichi Shimbun

The book section of the Mainichi Shibun has an interview with Natsuko “Gal” Sone about her recently released autobiography.

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Gal Sone book review

(from Mark Schrimsher) CalorieLab has a short book review in English of Gal Sone’s recently released autobiography.


Japanese competitive eating book news

Gal Sone had a book signing in Tokyo for her autobiography today and she has a blog entry about the appearance. Tomorrow, she will sign autographs in Osaka. The autobiography is currently #131 on the rankings (The Japanese translation of the final Harry Potter book, which will be released next month, is #1)

Tomoko Miyake’s book of photographs is now available for preorder on Amazon of Japan. The release date is June 28.

update June 9 Gal Sone’s book is currently ranked #97 on Amazon of Japan, which place it on the bestseller list. A screen capture has been uploaded (click the thumbnail below).

Gal Sone’s blog has a report about today’s Osaka book signing

Yama3 went to the Tokyo autograph session.


Link Buffet: May 30, 2008

Link Buffet: May 28, 2008

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Gal Sone, queen of all media

Gal Sone’s autobiography is now available for preorder on Amazon of Japan. Amazon claims the book will come out on Saturday, the previously announced release date was May 27.

Sports Hochi announces
that Gal Sone will be acting in the upcoming movie based on the television show Masked Rider. The website for the program has a short interview with Gal Sone about her movie debut.

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Gal Sone ranks spam curry

(From R Suzuki) Gal Sone recently appeared on a television program in which she sampled and ranked curries from each of the 47 prefectures of Japan. The curry from Okinawa contained spam and failed to make the top five.

Like the curry Gal Sone chose on her previous appearance on the ranking show, the winning curry, from Toyama, was in short supply after Gal Sone selected it as her favorite.


Link Buffet: May 19, 2008

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Gal Sone’s meals released and reviewed

The meals Gal Sone endorsed for the Lawson convenience store chain debuted yesterday. Gal Sone has a blog entry about the release containing pictures of a store containing her advertisement. Gigazine has reviews of the meals. Lawson stores will sell the meals until May 19.

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Gal Sone autobiography to be released May 27 reports
that Natsuko “Gal” Sone’s autobiography will appear in bookstores on May 27. The book will contain Gal Sone’s secret to avoiding weight gain

Tomoko Miyake appears on the cover of this month’s Maruhan Press magazine. Tomoko did an event today to promote the Magazine’s release

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Gal Sone to endorse meals

A press release announces that Natsuko “Gal” Sone will endorse 9 meals from Lawson stores which are are 1.5 to 2 times larger than normal meals. The meals will debut on May 6. In July, Lawson will sponsor an eating contest between Gal Sone and a team of 10 people chosen by drawing.

See also trendynet

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Link Buffet: April 18, 2008

Gal Sone meets Japanese Prime Minister

Gal Sone has a blog entry about meeting Yasuo Fukuda, the Prime Minister of Japan at a cherry blossom festival. and have articles about the festival.


Gal Sone travels to Mexico

Natsuko “Gal” Sone has a blog entry about her trip to Mexico to record a television program that will be televised on April 27. In the past year, she has also produced shows in Canada, Belgium, China and Hawaii.


Video of Gal Sone’s elimination

A video of the end of the last round of the “Gluttonous Queen” competition that Natsuko “Gal” Sone competed in is available on youtube. She missed advancement to the next round by just a few grams of steak.

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Gluttonous Queen 2008 coverage

CalorieLab has a paragraph in English about this year’s “Gluttonous Queen” contest won by Hatsuyo Sugawara.

and J-Cast have articles

R Suzuki has part two of her contest report

The contest page on TV Tokyo’s website now has pictures of all the competitor.

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Gluttonous Queen 2008 web page

TV Tokyo has set up a page about this year’s edition of the “Gluttonous Queen” contest that will be televised on Sunday. Hatsuyo “the Witch” Sugawara is listed as one of the rivals for “Gal” Sone’s crown.

TV Tokyo also has a page with links to all the Gluttonous King / Queen contests since 2005.

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Link Buffet: March 24, 2008

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Street performers sing Gal Sone song

F Valenciano uploaded a video of a song about Gal Sone performed by a singer backed by an acoustic guitar. The musicians were from the group The Milk Babys and a MP3 clip of the Gal Sone song performed with a full band is available.

F Valenciano has a blog entry in Spanish about the performance. The start of the lyrics of the song (automatically translated from Spanish) follows:

My body smells like sewer,
Gal Sone must smack of hibiscus,
Never use Sawayaka Sawadee
Gal (Gal) Gal (Gal) Gal (Gal) Gal (Gal)
Gal Gal Gal Gal Gal Gal Gal Gal
Gal Sone, Gal Sone, Gal Sone, Gal Sone, Gal Sone, Gal Sone

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Gluttonous Queen 2008 recorded in Hawaii

The Hawaii Waikiki livespace has some pictures from the recording of this year’s edition of “Gluttonous Queen”. Like last year, the final contest took place in a Waikiki shopping mall. The contest will be televised on March 30. Results were not disclosed in the blog entry.

AsianInfatuation has 4 pictures with the caption:

Thanks to my viewers, I now know who this woman is! And I’ve done research to know that it is her for sure. She was at the Waikiki Shopping Plaza today, 3/2 and was mobbed by the Japanese tourists who happened to be in the area.

Her bodyguards and security could barely keep up- but the good thing is the Japanese are very gracious and were very respectful of her.

Having done research, it is noted that has earned her fame through eating contests of all things… and that makes sense, as there was an eating contest today at the Waikiki Shopping plaza.

See also Princess Nao,Travel Donkey has a captioned picture which reveals the identity of two of the finalists.

Gal Sone’s blog
has no entries between February 27 and March 5. Tomoko Miyake did not make the finals because she was at an event in Nagoya with Nobuyuki Shirota.

A weekly eating contest with a first prize of $100 is held on Saturday evening at the Waikiki Shopping Plaza.

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Link Buffet: March 3, 2008

Kotaku illustrates post about MLE game with picture of Gal Sone, who will probably not be in the game
Joystiq thread about MLE game
AICE sets up page about Collegiate Nationals article about pierogi contest to be MCed by Crazy Legs Conti
Somebody purchased and might put a website there.
MegaMunch has a post about his office pizza contest
Come for the baseball stay for the food – Pittsburgh Pirates start all you can eat ticket (via the Big Lead)

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February 17, 2008 link buffet

Valentine’s Day comes early for Gal Sone

The Sponichi Annex reports that Natsuko “Gal” Sone went to the Chiba Lotte Marines training camp and ate pancakes with Marines manager Bobby Valentine, who formerly managed the Texas Rangers and the New York Mets. Valentine won a pancake eating contest by eating 120 pancakes when he was in college.

See also, The Mainichi Shimbun

Gal Sone also observed Valentine’s Day by going to the Godiva chocolate factory in Belgium.

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Link Buffet: January 18, 2008

Theories about Gal Sone

Ameba.JP has an article about possible explanations why “Gal” Sone does not gain weight when she eats so much: (automatically translated)

The body of a person eating a single keyword explain this “portal” it said. Voracious eater, a food-filled stomach too long, narrow portal pressure has been heard. In other words, they can not transport nutrients, and the blame will no longer be absorbed by the idea of the theory. Results of the escape-not fat.


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