Upcoming eating contests
eating challenges
(All Ohio eating challenges and contests in database)
Metromix has a list of 12 Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky eating challenges. update The article has a gallery of Joe LaRue attempting to eat the challenge burger at Joe's Diner.
Ballpark Digest reports that the Akron Aeros will sell the "Nice 2 Meat You" Burger during the upcoming season. The sandwich consists of a 1.25 pound hamburger stuffed with a half pound hot dog and a quarter pound of bacon.
A video of the Bardzilla burger eating contest held at Bard's Burger in Covington, KY is available. Bodybuilder March Lobliner won the contest with a time of 17:46
An article about Scott Bickel and his quest to eat 242 wings is the cover story for the new issue of Cleveland Scene magazine. (via Scott Bickel twitter)
Metromix Cincinnati is looking for stories about attempts at southern Ohio / north Kentucky eating challenges.
Bodybuilder Marc Lobliner faced off against Trevor Canfield of the Detroit Lions and two other former football players in a "Bardzilla" burger eating contest at Bard's Burgers in Latonia, KY. Results have not been publicized, but a record was reportedly broken.
Four qualifiers for the Cleveland area Wing Bowl will be held at Quaker Steak and Lubes on Saturdays in January starting tonight in Mentor, Ohio. The rules state professionals are prohibited from competing and the grand prize is $1,000.
Scott Bickel's appearance on a segment about Cleveland's most interesting people on today's episode of WKYC's Good Company today can be viewed online.
ClevelandMagazine.com has an article about Scott Bickel making its list of most interesting people.
Amanda Traylor of the University of Ohio swimming team is the first woman to complete the Boss Hogg challenge at Kiser's BBQ in Athens, Ohio.
WKYC has an article about Scott Bickel's attempt tonight to eat 242 wings at Cleats in North Royalton, Ohio. Proceeds from the event will benefit a military family in need. update Bickel ate 175 wings.
Joel Podelsky's twitter relays the news that "Tiny" Tim Rauscheder has announced his retirement from competitive eating. Good luck to Tim in his post-competitive eating projects.
Grace Lee has a picture of the set of the T.Ocho show.
WSNX.com has a podcast of an interview with Scott Bickel about his Applebee's 2 for $20 challenge and his plans to compete in the Nathan's finals.
Metromix Cincinnati is looking for two big eaters to attempt a pizza challenge.
Joe LaRue attempted the gyro challenge at South Side 6 in Bowling Green, Ohio and believes he was given larger than normal gyros to make it impossible for him to win the $666 prize. Will Millender also attempted the challenge.
Quaker Steak & Lube in Sheffield Village, Ohio will hold a wing eating contest tonight awarding to tickets to Sunday's Cleveland Browns vs. New England Patriots game.
Cleveland.com has a report on Scott Bickels attempt to eat all the items (8 entrees, 5 appetizers) available in Applebee's 2 for $20 deal. He fell short of his goal, but estimated he finished 90% of the food. Fox8 has a video about the attempt.
Cincinnati.com has a report on Adam Richman's talk at Miami University of Ohio.
Cleveland.com has an article about Scott Bickel's attempt on Thursday to eat all the meals and appetizers available in Applebee's 2 for $20 deal. Scott was named one of northeast Ohio's most interesting people by Cleveland Magazine.
"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has upload a video of him breaking the grilled cheese challenge record at Melt in Cleveland.
Scott Bickel will attempt to eat all the meals offered in Applebee's 2 for 20 deal at the Strongsville, Ohio Applebee's on November 4.
"Chicks Eat Chicks" a wing eating contest for women, will take place on Thursday at Ohio State University and award $200 in prizes.
Adam Richman will appear at the grand opening of a Giant Eagle supermarket in Kingsdale, Ohio (Columbus area) tomorrow (free ticket info)
The Columbus Dispatch has a list of several central Ohio eating challenges.