All time Chestnut vs. Kobayashi results
Here are the all time head to head results for Joey Chestnut vs. Takeru Kobayashi. They have faced 15 times from 2005 to 2010; Kobayashi finished ahead in 8 of the matchups. (This excludes the 2005 US Open of Competitive Eating, a 32 entrant tournament won by Kobayashi in which he did not face Chestnut.)
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The Guardian interviews Takeru Kobayashi
The Guardian has a long interview with Takeru Kobayashi about facing off against Joey Chestnut in a hot dog eating contest on Netflix on September 2. He believes the event will be his final competition.
Will September’s bout with Chestnut be Kobayashi’s last? He has to believe it will be. “Unless I think each match is my last one, I will not be able to perform at my peak level.” But he is enjoying the thrill of competing again. “When you do something for a really long time, you start to lose the magic that you felt initially,” he says. “This has really brought back the feeling of how much fun it is to push yourself.”
Joey Chestnut National Hot Dog Days interviews
For National Hot Dog Day on July 17, Joey Chestnut did interviews for The Daily Meal, Mashed, People and BroBible.
In the Daily Meal interview he discusses the breakdown of his relationship with Major League Eating
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MLE top 50 updated, Joey Chestnut still #1
The Major League Eating Top 50 has been updated. Joey Chestnut remains #1 despite his estrangement from the organization. Nathan’s winner Pat Bertoletti jumps to #2. The new top 10
- Joey Chestnut (previously #1)
- Pat Bertoletti (#9)
- Geoff Esper (#2)
- James Webb (#5)
- Miki Sudo (#3)
- Nick Wehry (#4)
- Gideon Oji (#6)
- Derek Hendrickson (#8)
- Michelle Lesco (#10)
- Darrien Thomas (#12)
- 13 Sean Yeager
- 16 Max Stanford (fixed)
- 38 Radim Dvoracek
- 45 Joey Przybylowicz
- 47 Cherish Brown
- 48 Julie Goldberg
- 16 Darron Breeden
- 28 Juan Rodriguez
- 30 Sarah Rodriguez
- 46 Brian Dudzinski
- 48 Kathryn Tesch
- 50 Doug Ecks
Notable omissions: Takuya Yamomoto, William Lyon, Max Stanford, Yasir Salem, Kylan Lee, Tandra Childress
Joey Chestnut Sports Illustrated interview
Joey Chestnut did an interview with Sports Illustrated about his estrangement from MLE
SI: So you felt blindsided? This was just out there, and it wasn’t something you’d known would happen when you signed with Impossible, and it wasn’t something you’d heard about from the Shea brothers or Major League Eating?
JC: Absolutely not. Everything with Impossible was perfectly fine by all my previous agreements. They changed terms and conditions [around] exclusivity. And it’s not the first time they’ve changed some things, but it’s the first time they’ve really changed things after the fact, and I had to say, “Hey, it’s too late, I’ve already started working with this brand.” This was never an issue in the past. And they tried to dance around it—they changed a lot of terms, and then they escalated things to a degree they didn’t imagine when they started leaking information and telling people I was banned and that I turned vegan, which clearly isn’t the case.
SI: When was the last time you talked to the Shea brothers?
JC: They both sent me a little message saying, pretty much, that they’re sorry it got ugly. One of them said hopefully we can have beers in the future. But they’re not bad people, they’re just them, and that’s the way they are. I just—I didn’t expect it to go the way it did. I’m always willing to make concessions and willing to meet people in the middle. If I start something, I like to finish it, and if we started negotiating, I didn’t want to be sent away or banned. I thought we could finally get it. But it didn’t work out that way.
Joey Chestnut on breakup with MLE
Daily Mail has an interview with Joey Chestnut about his July 4 event at Fort Bliss in El Paso and his breakup with Major League Eating. He says he feels bullied by the organization and demands an apology to return to MLE events. He also discusses the possiblity of a Netflix hot dog eating contest on July 4, 2025.
However, he remains hopeful that he can get back to competing on July 4th next year, either with Netflix or at the Nathan’s Famous contest. For him to re-enter the Coney Island event though, he’d need to make up with the event organizers, Major League Eating.
‘I feel bullied,’ Chestnut shared. ‘If I’m ever going to work with them again, they’re going to have to apologize,’ Chestnut said.
According to a statement from spokesman George Shea, Major League Eating said it eventually conceded the sponsorship issue.
‘Unfortunately, this was not enough to get us to an agreement,’ the statement said. ‘We think this is a powerful tribute to our armed forces and we wish Joey the best of luck at his event.’
Chestnut vs. Kobayashi on Netflix in September
Netflix announced that Joey Chestnut will face off against Takeru Kobayashi in “Unfinished Beef”, a matchup that will be streamed on Labor Day, September 2. The competition will use beef frankfurters. Hollywood Reporter has an article about the program with the following quote from Takeru Kobayashi:
Retiring for me will only happen after I take him down one last time. This rivalry has been brewing for a long time. Competing against Joey live on Netflix means fans all over the world can watch me knock him out.
flashback July 2022 In an interview on the Pardon My Take podcast, Joey Chestnut expressed a desire to compete against Takeru Kobayashi.
Joey Chestnut to miss Nathan’s Famous hot dog contest
Joey Chestnut announced that he will not be competing in this year’s Nathan’s Famous hot dog eating contest and his relationship with Major League Eating appears to be over. Via twitter:
I was gutted to learn from the media that after 19 years Im banned from the Nathan’s July 4th Hot Dog Eating Contest. I love competing in that event, I love celebrating America with my fans all over this great country on the 4th and I have been training to defend my title. To set the record straight, I do not have a contract with MLE or Nathans and they are looking to change the rules from past years as it relates to other partners I can work with.This is apparently the basis on which I’m being banned, and it doesn’t impact the July 4th event. Sadly, this is the decision Nathan’s and Major League Eating are making, and it will deprive the great fans of the holiday’s usual joy and entertainment. To my fans, I love you and appreciate you. Rest assured that you’ll see me eat again soon!! STAY HUNGRY!
According to the New York Post, Joey Chestnut’s endorsement deal with Impossible Foods for plant-based frankfurters for $1.2 million over four years was the cause of the breakdown of the relationship. (MLE statement).
2024 Ultimate Bologna Showdown
Full results are on the MLE contest page updated May 19
1st | 14 | Joey “Jaws” Chestnut | |
2nd | 11.5 | James Webb | |
3rd | 10.75 | Geoffrey Esper | |
4th | 8.25 | Pat “Deep Dish” Bertoletti | |
5th | 5.625 | George Chiger | |
6th | 5.5 | Tanner Gray | |
7th | 3.75 | Derek Hendrickson | |
8th | 3.625 | Peter Ritter | |
9th | 3.25 | Michael “Mailman” Doolin | |
10th | 2.5 | Matthew Raible | |
11th | 2 | Cherish “Five Pounds” Brown | |
11th | 2 | Glenn Jacobs | Knoxville mayor / WWE’s “Kane” |
13th | 1 | Rene Rovtar |
The WATE article about the contest incorrectly claims that Gideon Oji competed. This makes 4 recent contests for which Oji was announced as an entrant (wings, fudge, sweet corn, bologna) but did not show up.
WVLT is livestreaming today’s Ultimate Bologna Showdown in Knoxville, TN.