Naader Reda category

Inside Socal has an article about Naader Reda being the first person to finish the challenge at Pho Century in Upland, CA.
The OC Register has an article about the appearance radio host Tim Conway Jr. at the Mission Viejo Farrells while Naader Reda and others attempted challenges. (Naader Reda is not mentioned in the article, but appears in the gallery.)
Naader Reda appears in an OC Register video about the start of qualifying for Farrell's Ice Cream Challenge. KTLA also had a video.
Aaron Wakamatsu has">produced a video about the spicy challenges and a video about eating challenges Naader Reda did in Oregon Memorial Day weekend.
Statesman Journal has an article about Naader Reda attempting a 11.8 pound pizza challenge at Church Street Pizza in Salem, OR. The pizzeria's facebook has pictures of the attempt. update May 29 Statesman Journal has a follow up article, which is currently the most popular on the website.
Naader Reda has a blog entry about attempting three Los Angeles area challenge on the same day in December: a pho challenge, a Japanese challenge and a 7 pound burrito challenge that Kevin Ross and "The Spicialist" also attempted.
Wreckless Eating has started a sub-channel devoted to Naader Reda, who has posted a blog entry about doing three Los Angeles challenges in four hours and a behind the scenes outtake clip from various eating contests and challenges.
Naader Reda has a video of his attempt at the 28 inch pizza topped with ghost chilis with "The Spicialist" at Surfer Joe's in San Bernardino, CA. Stephanie Torres provided advice.
Naader Reda finishes his souther California series with an account of attempting the 36 inch pizza two person challenge with Stephanie Torres at Big Mama's and Papa's Pizzeria in Burbank.
Naader Reda attempted two Fresno challenges on the same day with Stephanie Torres: the challenge at Legendary Pho Kitchen and the 9 pound Tortillon burrito at El Mariachi. (Aubrey Koehn was the only previous finisher of the Tortillon.)
Naader Reda has a blog entry and video about attempting the 30 inch pizza challenge at Cataldo's in Bakersfield, CA with Stephanie Torres. update has a blog entry about the challenge.
Naader Reda has a report on competing in the Spring Break Eating Championship in Lake Havasu, AZ on March 24 (part 1 of a 4 part series). After the contest, he went on a eating challenge roadtrip in southeastern California with Stephanie Torres.
Naader Reda has a video of Stephanie Torres attempting to complete a previously unbeaten 5.5 lb cheeseburger challenge at Beach House Grill and Bar in Henderson, NV. Naader also appeared in the latest episode of Wreckless Eating.

Naader Reda & Stephanie Torres attempt NV/CA challenges

Naader Reda has a three part series about the meals he ate with Stephanie Torres in the Las Vegas area (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3) After Nevada, they attempted the following challenges in California: Cataldaldo’s 10 lb. team pizza challenge in Bakersfield, El Tortillon 9 lb. burrito in Fresno (only previous finisher Aubrey Koehn), Pho Kitchen challenge in Fresno and Big Mama’s & Papa’s 36 inch two person challenge (with two toppings).

Comments (2)

"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has a video of his attempt at the 120 ounce steak at Brand in Las Vegas. Naader Reda also attempted the challenge.
Naader Reda announces that he (24 minutes) and Juan "More Bite" Rodriguez (16 minutes) were the first two people to finish the four foot long burrito at Coconuts Bar in Las Vegas. (picture
Naader Reda announces he ate 43 all-you-can-eat pancakes at the Denny's in Victorville, CA last night.
Naader Reda has started a facebook fan page at (Other new facebook eating challenge fan pages: Hungry Hayden (from Australia, will attempt 2kg kangaroo burger this weekend) | Alexander The Ate )
Naader Reda has a video about attempting the Extra Large Pizza Challenge for teams at Ball Park Pizza in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA singlehandedly.
Naader Reda reports he set a new record at the Chick Fil A in La Habra, CA with a total of 212 nuggets in two hours for his fourth victory at that location. update Naader has a contest report
Naader Reda announces the Philly's Best in Corona, CA will hold a charity cheesesteak eating contest to benefit people living with MS on Saturday.
Naader Reda has produced a video titled: "Sh*t Competitive Eaters Say".
Naader Reda was the first person to finish the 28 inch pizza challenge at Big Mama's & Papa's Pizza in Burbank, CA. He needed 46 minutes to finish the 9 pound pizza.
Naader Reda announces that he was the first person to finish the new 12 pound pizza challenge at Surfer Joe's in San Bernadino, CA.
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