Pat Bertoletti category

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The Moose Jaw Times Herald has a report on Pat Bertoletti and Pete Czerwinski facing off against locals in a poutine eating contest in Moose Jaw, SK. (video)
Pat Bertoletti ate 105 perogies in 4 minutes yesterday in Winnipeg which is claimed to be a world record. Bertoletti competed against Pete Czerwinski, who had the previous record of 64. (CTVnews video)
Pat Bertoletti, Tim Brown and Pete Czerwinski will face a trio of pigs in a poutine eating contest at Sault Ste Marie, ON on Sunday as part of Smoke's Poutinerie cross-Canada tour. update Aug 11 The team of pigs won (gallery).
MediaInCanada and Niagara This Week have articles about the Smoke’s Poutinerie World Famous Great Canadian Cross Country Plaid Gravy Train Fries Curd & Gravy Weird Wild and Wacky Poutine Eating Tour 2014 in which Pat Bertoletti, Tim Brown and Pete Czerwinski will compete in eating contests from Nova Scotia to Vancouver. (event calendar).
Chicago's Best TV has a segment about "Taco in a Bag", Pat Bertoletti and Tim Brown's West Dundee, IL.
Registration is now open for Smoke's Poutinerie eating contest in Toronto on October 4. Smoke's will also sponsor a 17 day tour where Pat Bertoletti, Tim Brown and Pete Czerwinski will compete in eating contests across Canada starting in Halfifax, NS on August 5.
The Chicago Tribune has an article on Pat Bertoletti and his restaurant, Taco in a Bag, which is reportedly losing money despite not having to pay rent at the Spring Hill Mall in West Dundee until March.
Pat Bertoletti, Tim Brown and "Furious" Pete Czerwinski will compete in Man vs. Donair in Halifax, NS on August 5. The contest is part of Smoke’s Poutinerie World Famous Great Canadian Cross Country Plaid Gravy Train Fries Curd & Gravy Weird Wild and Wacky Poutine Eating Tour 2014.
The Onion's AV Club has an interview about his post-Major League Eating career. He hopes to move his restaurant, Taco in a Bag, to central Chicago after his lease in Dundee, IL expires in March.
Brightest Young Things has an interview with Pat Bertoletti about his post-MLE competitive eating career.

230 Fifth bunless hot dog contest

update A contest video is available

A 230 Fifth in Manhattan today, Takeru Kobayashi ate 113 bunless hot dogs in 10 minutes today.

Results via Johnny Excel:
1) Takeru Kobayashi 113 (or 112)
2) Pat Bertoletti 85 (or 87)
3) Jamie McDonald 77
4) Tim Brown 45
5) Wayne Algenio 35
6) Johnnie Excel 28

Molly Schuyler was also present. I am not sure if she competed.

update July 5 Miscellaneous Kobayashi links

Comments (13)

2014 Z-Burger contest

update July 4 TMZ has an article and video

update #2 ABC News incorrectly claims that Molly Schuyler will compete in the Nathan’s finals tomorrow (official women’s field)

update WUSA9 and NBCWashington have articles containing the results

WOWT reports Dave Brunelli finished 3rd w/20. Globo of Brazil has an article in Portuguese. The Washington Post has a video.

1) Molly Schuyler 26
2) Pat Bertoletti 25
3) Dave Brunelli 20
4) Ian Hickman 15
? Dale Boone
? Kyle Hanner

update Molly Schuyler ate 26 burgers to win the contest

Molly Schuyler, Jamie McDonald, Dale Boone, Joe Menchetti, Kyle Hanner and Ian Hickman are expected to compete in today’s Z-Burger eating contest in Washington, DC.

Comments (23)

Pix11 reports Molly Schuyler ate 5.5 pounds of brains in 8 minutes to win an eating contest held at Zombie Night before tonight's Brooklyn Cyclone game. Pat Bertoletti and Tim Brown appear in the video segment.
The Daily Herald has an article about Taco in a Bag, the restaurant owned by Pat Bertoletti and Tim Brown in West Dundee, IL, which reports that business has declined after the first three weeks the taco stand has been open.    
Pat Bertoletti and Tim Brown will be competing in a brain eating contest before the July 2 Coney Island Cyclones game.
A press release announces the field for the "Hot Dog Insanity" eating contest to be held July 4 at 230 Fifth Rooftop Bar in Manhattan: Takeru Kobayashi, Pat Bertoletti, Tim Brown, Wayne Algenio, Johnnie Excel, Jesse Kankula.
The Daily Herald reports Taco in a Bag will appear on NBC's First Look following the June 21/22 episode of Saturday Night Live. Hostess Audrina Partrige will undergo a competitive eating "boot camp" under the tutelage of Pat Bertoletti and Tim Brown. The West Dundee, IL restaurant will also appear on the July 27 episode of Chicago's Best on WGN.
The Daily Herald has a review of Taco in a Bag, Pat Bertoletti's and Tim Brown's restaurant in West Dundee, IL. The Big Jim [Reeves] taco in a bag is the best selling entree, Sudo shrimp taco is another menu item.
Pat Bertoletti ate 3.5 apple pies in 7 minutes to win an apple pie eating contest in Atlanta, Illinois yesterday.
Pat Bertoletti will compete in an apple pie eating contest next to the Paul Bunyon statue on historic Route 66 in Atlanta, IL on Sunday. The contest will be recorded by a Czech film crew.
Encyclopizzeria has an interview with Pat Bertoletti, who says he rarely received travel expenses when he was ranked second in Major League Eating.
Pat Bertoletti and Tim Brown will hold the deep fried calf brain eating contest at Brain Bash at the Beach at the July 2 Brooklyn Cyclones game. The winner will receive the Femur of Doom and be crowned the zombie king for the day and lead the NYC Zombie Walk around the ballpark.
DNAInfo has a report on Pat Bertoletti finishing the 3+ pound sundae served in a batting helmet available at Chicago White Sox games.
What About Watermelon has interview with Pat Bertoletti, who says he might return to MLE after Joey Chestnut retires.
Pat Bertoletti did a segment on CBS Chicago this morning about Taco in a Bag, the West Gurnee, IL restaurant he co-owns with Tim Brown.
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