Upcoming Italy eating contests
Italy eating challenges
L'Ultimo Uomo has an article in Italian about competitive eating focusing on Nathan's Famous hot dog eating contest.
Sicilian competitive eater Chiara Mangiatutto (Chiara Eats All) has started a youtube channel. She recently ate 8kg of parigina gateau in less than 30 minutes to win a prize of 500 Euros. (Italian article | Instagram).
Today.it has an article in Italian about Molly Schuyler.
To celebrate passing 300,000 youtube subscribers, Italian food challenger Thomas Hungry ate a cake looking like a youtube subscriber counti.
Italian food challenger Thomas Hungry attempted 10,0000 calories in 10 minutes.
Burger Bar in Salerno, Italy will hold a burger eating contest on April 4 awarding 1500 Euros and a spot in a contest in New York City in August.
Kobayashi's appearance on Italian television where he faced off against Vittorio Noschese to set the Guinness record for hamburgers eaten in three minutes can be viewed on youtube.
A 2km ((1.25 mile) long pizza was produced in Naples, Italy.
Guinness World Records has a clip from an Italian television program where "Furious" Pete Czerwinski and two challengers attempted to break the record for eating a 12 inch pizza (a fork and knife is required). The record has since been broken by Filipino Kelvin Medina with a time of 23.62 seconds.
Model / Actress Mikela Frost posted a picture taken at the American Diner 1950 in Italy of herself with a big burger which she says she smashed.
Mashable has a blog entry about a 1.595 km (almost 1 mile) pizza created in Milan, Italy that received a Guinness record for World's Longest Pizza.
Romagnanoi.it has an article about the 1.2 kg burger challenge offered by the Bounty pub in Rimini, Italy. Caterina Bianchi is the overall record holder for the challenge with a time of 10:56.
2Night.it has a list of eating challenges (in Italian) in the Treviso, Italy area.
A commenter on bodybuilding.com from Italy, "TearsOfIce", started a thread about her desire to attempt eating challenges. She cites Furious Pete and Molly Schuyler as her inspirations.
The April edition of Glamour Italia had pictures of models competing in eating contests.
Corriere Della Sera claims "Furious" Pete Czerwinski is a United States resident in an article about his protein eating contest versus Marc Lobliner.
Naader Reda's video where he ate five McDonald's Happy Meals in 5 minutes received coverage from Repubblica of Italy.
(semi off-topic) A giant Pac-Man mosaic was created by AC Milan fans holding up colored cards in yesterday's Champions League match versus Barcelona. The mosaic was captioned "Mangiamoli!" ("Let's eat them!") and the ghost Pac-Man was chasing had Barcelona colors.
ViterboOggi.it reports that "Furious" Pete Czerwinski won a pizza contest in Vetralla, Italy by eating over 3 pounds of pizza in 6:04. Pete is billed as the German champion and holder of 30 Guinness records.
SeriousEats reports that Franco "Frenky Bello" Camerini, who won the 2008 Mangiatlhon by eating 7.3 kg of food in an hour (video), will compete in the 2009 Nathan's finals.
Italian hot pepper eating champion: .65 oz/ minute
UPI reports on the peperoncino eating contest in Albese in northern Italy. The winner, Franco Rotunno, managed 19.5 ounces of peppers in 30 minutes. Drinking water and wine and eating bread and potatos were allowed. The women’s division winner, Mariella Andreani, ate 8.8 ounces. Three Thais participated, making this contest perhaps the first with international representation in which the winner failed to eat more than an ounce per minute.