Virginia eating challenges and contests category

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eating challenges
(All Virginia eating challenges and contests in database)

RVA News and I Could Go on and On have reports about the tofu eating contest held at Cafe Gutenberg in Richmond, Virginia (gallery)
ConnectionNewspapers has an article about the DC Wing Bowl finals. A contest video is also available.
1067thefandc has a gallery of the DC-area Wing Bowl finals listing the top 3: 1) Jamie Jill, 2) Ryan Smith, 3) Teddy Mellace
CSNWashington has a video from yesterday's DC-area Wing Bowl finals in Springfield, Virginia. Jamie Jill won the contest and a $2,500 prize.
The Wing Bowl DC Finals will take place in Springfield, Virginia tomorrow despite the snowstorm.
The finals for the Washington, DC area Wing Bowl have been postponed to February 12 due to an expected Mid-Atlantic snowstorm.
"Furious" Pete Czerwinski's facebook reports that he has been prevented from competing in the finals of the Washington, DC Wing Bowl.
Videos from the DC Wing Offs are available on the Wing Bowl Page. The rules are also available.

Furious Pete halves Denny’s 3 lb. burger record

“Furious” Pete Czerwinski reports he set the record for Denny’s Beer Barrel 3 pound burger today. His time of 9:02 is less than half of the previous record held by Elizabeth Canady. update A video has been posted.

Pete also confirms that he won yesterday’s Wing Off in northern Virginia.

Comments (2)

Chris Russell reports that the winner of tonight's Wing Off in Clarendon, Virginia ate 85 wings in 10 minutes and was from Toronto ("Furious" Pete Czerwinski?) update Pictures will be posted on the Hard Times Cafe facebook
The Hard Times facebook has some information about the Washington, DC area Wing Bowl. Ryan Smith won last Tuesday's Wing Off qualifier by eating 68 wings in 10 minutes. (The January 14 Wing Off results have not been posted)
A "Wing Bowl" awarding $2,500 to the winner will be held at the Hard Times Café Springfield, Virginia on February 5. Qualifiers will take place at Washington, DC area Hard Times Cafés in January.
The Driver Days Fall Festival in Suffolk, Virginia will hold a hot dog eating contest on Sunday with a $160 purse ($100 to the victor).
Fire & Ice Restaurant in Richmond will hold a hot dog eating contest on Saturday that will award $250 to the winner.
102.1 The X has a gallery of the finals of the Richmond, Virginia Wing Bowl. The caption of the second picture reports that Jonathan Squibb won the contest. Ian Hickman also competed.
(From Alex Thomas email) Richmond, VA area Buffalo Wild Wings will host wing eating qualifiers on August 1, 8, 15 & 22. Winners of the qualifiers will receive $250 and will be able to compete in the finals on August 29 that will award $1000 to the winner.
A wing eating contest at The Triple in Richmond, VA Saturday will award $200 to the winner.
The Washingtonian has a list of DC area (which extends from northern Virginia to Annapolis) eating challenges.
A video of Ian Hickman's victory in Saturday's contest at the grand opening celebration of Fractured Prune donuts is available.
The grand opening celebration of Fractured Prune Donuts in Leesburg, Virginia tomorrow will have a donut eating contest.

Sonya Thomas wins 3rd Norfolk Nathan’s qualifier

update #2 4 pictures have been added to the article. The caption of the third picture confirms that Jay Gorman came in third.

update HamptonRoad has an article

Results from

1. Sonya Thomas, 36 HDB 3rd Norfolk qualifier victory
2. Joe Tursi 16.33
3. Jay Gorman 16
4. Will Schmeirer 15.5

Jay Gormand might be AICE strawberries runner-up & Baltimore sushi winner Jay Gorman

Twitpics from before and after the contest

Comments (8)

2009 Norfolk qualifier previews

The Daily Press has an article about William and Mary student Stuart Sheilds, who will compete in the Nathan’s Norfolk qualifier tomorrow.

update reports that Tim O’Brien will also compete

Youtube has a video of a contest on Fox 43 in which Joe Tursi participated

Comments (1) reports that Sonya Thomas is dedicating her performance in the Norfolk qualifier to recently deceased Carson "Collard Green" Hughes. The IFOCE has named the first weekend in June "Collard Green" weekend. has a preview of Saturday's qualifier at the MacArthur Center in Norfolk, VA. Sonya Thomas is the only listed expected competitor.
David Mitolo has two videos of the amateur contest at the Delaplane Strawberry Festival: one from the crowd and another from a hat cam.
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