Podcasts category

"UK Chilli Queen" Shahina Waseem appeared on the podcast of former WWE wrestler Ryback. (youtube) (Apple)
The latest Fink Beats the Stomach episode has an interview with Oliver Brooks, the stage master for the Nathan's finals.
Adam Amin of ESPN is the guest on the latest episode of the Fink Beats the Stomach podcast.
Marty Smith of ESPN did a podcast with Ronnie "Megabyte" Hartman.
Miki Sudo did an interview on WQAM on Wednesday. After criticizing the lack of ESPN coverage for the women's Nathan's finals, she was disconnected (around 7:15). Her conversation resumes around the 12:30.
The latest episode of the How Does That Happen podcast has an interview with Molly Schulyer.
The Above Average Joe Show has an interview with Paul Barlow Jr.
Matt Stonie appeared on tonight's episode of The Doc G Show.

Newsday on “The Good, The Bad, The Hungry”

Newsday has an article about the upcoming ESPN competitive eating documentary The Good, The Bad, The Hungry directed by Nicole Lucas Haimes which includes the following quotes from Joey Chestnut about the MLE contract.

“She opened my eyes,” Chestnut, who has won 11 of the past 12 contests, said of Haimes. “Honestly, I’m so competitive that sometimes I don’t understand what other people are going through . . . I realized doing interviews that, ‘Oh my God, I was pretty insensitive to [Kobayashi’s] problems.’

“I had the same problems when I got older. I wanted more freedom, and eventually they gave me the same things he was asking for. So it’s sad that we had to lose years of competing against each other . . . . When he decided to protest his contract, I saw that as a way of not competing, a reason not to compete.

“But later I thought it took some serious guts to step away from the biggest contest of the year, and something you love. He loves it. He loves it as much as I do . . . If we had communicated more we could have helped him to solve his contract issue and continued competing against each other.”

Fink Beats the Stomach’s latest podcast includes a review of the documentary.

Comments (19)

George Shea did an interview on the Hochman & Crowder Show yesterday (starts 14:30) about today's Nathan's qualifier at the Miami Marlins ballpark (Pablo Martinez is the only mentioned competitor). The most intersting part of the interview is about the documentary "The Good, The Bad, The Hungry", premiering at the Tribeca Films Festival Friday, which the MLE commissioner says portrays him as a villain.
Molly Schuyler is the guest on the latest Human Performance Outliers Podcast.
Joey Chestnut appeared on the Hochman and Crowder show yesterday to promote Sunday's croqueta eating contest in Miami.
Fink Beats the Stomach have returned from their hiatus with a new episode which consists primarily about commentary on Leah Shutkevers pancake challenge video for Girl vs Food recorded at Crepes and Cones. A video version of the podcast is available.
Brandon "Da Garbage Disposal" Clark did an interview with 101.9 The Wave.
The lastest episode of Why? The Podcast has an interview with Molly Schuyler.
Fink Beats the Stomach announced that it is putting its competitive eating podcast on hiatus and postponing its "Finkie" award ceremony due to family obligations. They hope to return in the future.
2ser has an interview with Australian competitive eater "Hulk Smash Food" on how to maximize holiday food consumption.
Palm Beach Happening has interviews with Matt "Hungry" Hazzard and Darrien Thomas, winner of the amateur division of the 2017 Smoke's Poutinerie contest in Toronto. Matt is also the guest on the latest Fink Beats the Stomach podcast.
The fourth episode of the MLE podcast Men in Boaters was released today. The retirement of Meredith "Deep Fried" Diva was announced and Darron Breeden and Juliet Lee were listed as expected entrants in Saturday's Nathan's qualifier at the Preakness Balloon Festival in Maryland.
The second episode of the MLE podcast, Men in Boaters, was released today and mentioned the expected entrants of Saturday's Nathan's qualifiers. Pablo Martinez and Rene Rovtar are expected to compete in Fort Myers, FL while Juan Neave, Nate Biller, Crazy Legs Conti, Steve Schuster and Kassie Zapata headline the Poteet, TX field.
Gideon Oji is the guest on the latest episode of the Fink Beats the Stomach podcast and the main topic of discussion is the debut of his youtube channel with a video of him eating 50 eggs with their shells. (Interview starts around 25:00)
Wayne Algenio & Darron Breeden interview Bob Shoudt in the latest episode of their Wonderful Eats video podcast.
An official MLE podcast, Men in Boaters, has been started with Rich Shea and Crazy Legs Conti as co-hosts. They call Sam Barclay, the emcee of tomorrow's Nathan's qualifier in Miami, who says that Rene Rovtar will have a female competitor from Winter Park, FL. Eric "Badland" Booker and George Shea also did podcasts earlier this week about the qualifier for Miami.CBSlocal.com.
The Fink Beats the Stomach has an interview with the winners of the Nathan's qualifier in Nashville in October 2017, Brynn Szeles and Ronnie Hartman, who has moved to Buffalo to pursue a professional wrestling career. Brynn has been a competitive eating fan for over a decade, but could not compete in a qualifier due to living in Hungary.
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