“Furious” Pete Czerwinski category

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"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has uploaded videos of recent rib (15 lb. in 13 minutes) and watermelon videos. He also ate 17 bananas in 45 seconds on MuchMusic.
Mississauga.com has an article about "Furious" Pete Czerwinski, who will eat 10 pounds of ribs at the Burlington Ribfest on Saturday.
"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has removed the spade symbol from his new logo. T-shirts with the updated image will be available on bodybuilding.com
The bodybuilding.com thread about "Furious" Pete Czerwinski being removed from the AICE rankings has been updated for the first time since AICE dropped binding contracts.
(From bodybuilding.com) A trailer and website for "Furious" Pete Czerwinski's upcoming documentary are now available.
"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has started a bodybuilding.com thread about eating 20 Johnsonville sausages at Dean Blundell's Sausagefest. Director Kevin Smith was another Sausagefest guest.
An extended Fox 5 News video about last month's Z-Burger eating contest in Washington, DC has been uploaded to youtube.
In a bodybuilding.com forum thread about Man vs. Food, "Furious" Pete Czerwinski says "Sept 2010 will blow this show away"
"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has started a bodybuilding.com thread about his two record-breaking victories (Jake's Burgers & Dani's Pizza) this weekend. The thread has pictures which display Pete's new hair dye job. (Kobayashi is the only other competitive eater to change his hair color for a contest I am aware of.)
(from bodybuilding.com) A video by someone claiming to be "Furious" Pete's promoting his appearance in the Dani's Pizza finals is available.
A video of "Furious" Pete Czerwinski setting the record for a Jake's Burgers qualifier is available on youtube (from bodybuilding.com thread 1 | thread 2)
"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has emailed that he won yesterday's Jakes burger qualifier by eating 5 burgers in 1 minute and 36 seconds. Wing Bowl 17 winner John Squibb was the runner up with a time of 2:33.

Furious Pete wins Bacci Pizza

A caption for a gallery of today’s Bacci Pizza contest says the unnamed winner ate 8.5 slices. Rich LeFevre’s mark of 7.5 slices in 15 minutes at the 2005 Bacci Pizza contest is listed as an IFOCE record. update A comment for another picture says the winner was from Canada.

update # Videos and a bodybuilding.com thread are available.

Comments (12)

The Washingtonian has a video from the July 2 Z-burger eating contest containing interviews with "Furious" Pete Czerwinski, Dale Boone and Joe Menchetti.
The program where "Furious" Pete Czerwinski took on German restaurants' eating challenges was televised in Europe today and a clip of that program is available on youtube. Bodybuilding.com thread 1 | thread 2
DanisHouseOfPizza.com reports that "Furious" Pete Czerwinski set a record for their contest in the July 4 qualifier by eating 10 slices of pizza in 8 minutes, breaking "Gentleman" Joe Menchetti's record.

Canadian wins Independence Burger Contest in DC

update #3 MyFoxDC has a video – Dale Boone was second w/ 11 burgers, Joe Menchetti 3rd

update #2 WTOP has an article

update The winner of this afternoon’s Z-burger eating contest has been posted: guyfromva: burger eating contest over- won by furious pete with 14 burgers in 10 minutes… now enjoying one myself #dc

GuyFromVA is posting pictures from the Z-Burger contest. Dale Boone, and Joel Podelsky & Jay Gorman are competing.


JohnnaKnowsGoodFood.com: A Canadian will compete in the Z Burger eating contest in Washington, DC on July 2. (If Furious Pete wins, he could call it a Canada Day contest since July 2 is closer to July 1 than the Fourth of July.)

Pizza Challenges on bodybuilding.com

Bodybuilding.com Thread 1 | Thread 2: “Furious” Pete Czerwinski has uploaded a video of him consuming a 16 inch pizza in 2 and a half minutes.

Another bodybuilding.com poster is seeking teammates for the 54 inch square pizza challenge offered by Big Mama’s and Papa’s Pizzeria in Los Angeles


(from email) A promo video from Science Impossible which briefly shows "Furious' Pete Czerwinski and Will Millender (around the 45 second mark) is available.
"Furious" Pete Czerwinski announces that he will do a contest in New York City on July 4, but it will be a Dani's pizza qualifier and not the Nathan's finals or Peggy O'Neill's burger contest.

Furious Pete in bodybuilding.com magazine ad

Furious Pete has added a picture of an advertisement for bodybuilding.com to his gallery. A caption says the ad will run in the August and September editions of Muscle and Fitness, Flex and Ironman Magazine

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Competitive Eating clip from “Time Warp”

Here is the link for a video clip of the competitive eating segment on last night’s episode of Time Warp. Elizabeth Canady ate 4 large pizzas while being examined, then had a rib eating contest against “Furious” Pete Czerwinski. The hands free hot dog contest available in a clip on the program’s website was not televised.

(12.9 MB 5 min)

Some video captures from the segment are available after the jump:

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Furious Pete eats 15 lbs. of burger in 30 minutes for German TV

Furious Pete Czerwinski has posted some pictures to bodybuilding.com from the burger challenge he attempted for a German television program where he ate about half of a 30 pound burger in 30 minutes.

Comments (26)

"Furious" Pete Czerwinski's appearance on the Discovery Channel show Time Warp might be televised today. Tonight's episode is titled Goop, Goo, Glop and Germs and the subjects are bathrooms, water drops, germs, and food.
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