“Furious” Pete Czerwinski category

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Furious Pete & numbers dropped from AICE rankings

(via email) The AICE rankings have been redone and “Furious” Pete Czerwinski is no longer listed. According to an email from Pete, no reason was provided for his delisting. Numerical rankings have also been dropped in place of a two-tier system. (Cached previous AICE rankings)

With the removal of Pete Czerwinkski, 3 (also Joe Menchetti & Ian Hickman) of the AICE top 5 at the start of 2009 no longer appear in the AICE rankings. Ian Hickman, winner of a cupcake contest Saturday, remains listed in the Hall of Fame.

update Furious Pete has started two forum threads on bodybuilding.com about his ejection (Thread 1 | Thread 2) which report that AICE contracts have started.

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Furious Pete to do the “Time Warp” tomorrow

“Furious” Pete Czerwinski announces that his appearance on Time Warp will be televised tomorrow on the Discovery Channel. A slow motion video clip of Pete competing in a hands-free hot dog eating contest against a dog is available on the program’s website.

Furious Pete will also appear in the Canada vs. USA Philthy McNasty burger contest on the Canadian channel TV Tropolis on Friday. His next television program will be a tour of German restaurants.

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"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has uploaded a video of him eating almost 6 pounds of ramen noodles in 5 minutes.
"Furious" Pete Czerwinski ate a pound of butter and posted a video of his challenge to youtube.

Fox Sports Science CE episode debuts tonight

A viewer of tonight’s episode of Fox Sports Science reports that a competitive eater (probably “Furious” Pete) ate 20 meatballs in 2 minutes. The episode, titled Busted Guts will be rerun several times over the upcoming week.

update Furious Pete has uploaded a clip from the show.

In more televised competitive meatball eating news, Badlands Bookers twitter reports he recorded a program for Swedish TV and set a meatball record.

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Battle of the big burrito videos

“Furious” Pete Czerwinski announces that he has uploaded a video of him eating a 4 pound burrito recorded for a documentary

That video is embedded below with the Burritozilla video uploaded earlier this week to Joey Chestnut & Pat Bertoletti’s yardbarker blog.

update The video is not from the documentary

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"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has started two bodybuilding.com forum threads (Thread 1 | Thread 2) on the article about him on beautifulbrian.com
The new poll asks how many hot dogs & buns you think "Furious" Pete Czerwinski could eat in a 10 minute contest using IFOCE rules.

Furious Pete bites through ear on Sport Science

“Furious” Pete Czerwinski’s appearance on Fox Sport Science has been uploaded to youtube. Pete bit through a pig’s ear to determine the amount of force required for Mike Tyson to bite off a piece of Evander Holyfield’s ear.

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Furious Pete eats 4 lb. burrito in 40 sec for documentary

“Furious” Pete Czerwinski reports he ate a four pound burrito in 40 seconds in a bodybuilding.com forum thread. The feat was recorded for a documentary about his life.

Another poster
in the thread says he saw Joey Chestnut and three friends (probably funnel cake competitors) eat Burritozillas at Iguana’s last night. The fastest time was 1:39.

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24hrs.ca has a preview of the upcoming season of The TV Made Me Do It which contains quotes from Pete Czerwinski
"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has announced that he will not defend his title at the Collegiate Nationals because it would interfere with his exams and delay graduation by 6 months.
Furious "Pete" Czerwinski is looking for a Columbus, Ohio eating challenge to do this weekend.

Furious Pete eats all Value Meals in 28 minutes for charity

“Furious” Pete Czerwinski announces in a bodybuilding.com forum thread that he will attempt February 13 a stunt in which he eats all Extra Value Meals available at McDonald’s, including fries and drinks, in under 30 minutes. A page on furiouspete.com has been set up to accept donations. Proceeds will go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada and Toronto Sick Kids Hospital. A video of the attempt will be recorded and uploaded later.

update A new forum thread containing a poll has been started

update #2 Video of the attempt and a forum thread about it have been posted

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USA vs. Canada team burger contest preview

The Burlington Post has a preview of the burger eating contest between teams from from Canada and the United States at Philthy McNasty’s today. “Furious” Pete Czerwinski’s eating the 1.5 lb Showdown Burger under three minutes inspired the restaurant’s manager to sponsor the competition.

update Feb 8 Results have been posted. The US team won 83 – 82.33 burgers. Furious Pete ate the most burgers with 36 and also won an individual contest at the end of the team contest. Pete Maurizio lead the United States team with 31.

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Furious Pete eats 3 lbs. of burgers in 3 minutes despite injury

“Furious” Pete ate two 1.5 pound burgers from Philthy McNasty’s in 3 minutes to promote the upcoming US vs. Canada burger eating contest Sunday. A video of this challenge is available on youtube. Pete accomplished this feat despite suffering a (non-gastrointestinal) injury during recording for the National Geographic network on Friday. The film crew thought Pete’s blood was ketchup.

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National Geographic Network CE show filming today

“Furious” Pete Czerwinski reports in a bodybuilding.com forum thread that he traveled to the United States to record a program for the National Geographic Network today. Customs agents did not believe his job description of competitive eater. Will Millender says in his twitter that he will also appear on the program. The working title of the program is Science Impossible.

Pete also says that his Value Meal charity stunt might appear on the Canadian network Global TV.

update Will Millender has uploaded a picture from the filming

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FuriousPete.com launched

“Furious” Pete Czerwinski has started a web page at FuriousPete.com. On his news page, Pete says that the Sport Science: Competitive Eating program he appeared in will be televised in March and that he will also be recorded for a special on the National Geographic channel. There is also a page about his upcoming charity stunt.

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Link Buffet: December 30, 2008

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Furious Pete sets up charity web site

“Furious” Pete Czerwinski has set up a website which accepts about his upcoming attempt to eat 12 Extra Value Meals on the McDonald’s website at http://furiouspete.synthasite.com/

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Link Buffet: December 26, 2008

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Furious Pete to eat all McD’s value meals for charity

“Furious” Pete Czerwinski has announced that he will attempt to eat all 12 McDonald’s Value Meals in 30 minutes in early February to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada and the Toronto Sick Kids Hospital.

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Link Buffet: December 23, 2008

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Furious Pete wins Zan’s Deli latkes

Newsday reports that “Furious” Pete Czerwinski won the National Potato Latke Eating Championship held at Zan’s Deli. Czerwinski’s total of 46 latkes in 8 minutes broke “Goose” Gilbert’s previous record of 31 latkes. Will Millender came in second with 29 latkes. A caption in the picture gallery reports that “King” George Van Laar came in third with 26 latkes in what may be his farewell performance.

update The article about the contest has been picked up by the AP and is currently one of the most viewed Odd News articles on yahoo.com. The contest was mentioned by NPR this morning and Healthy Comedy also has a blog entry about Furious Pete’s victory.

update #2 The video in the Newsday article can be viewed on youtube and Torontoist has a portrait of Furious Pete

update #3 A contest video has been uploaded

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Link Buffet: December 21, 2008

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