Australia eating challenges and contests category

PressReader has an article about Australian ocmpetitve eater Mimi "the Mini Monster" Zhang.
Courier Mail has an article about the burger challenges at the Nindigully Pub, the oldest pub in Queensland, Austraila which go up to 25kg in weight. The restaurant uses 100kg of meat a week just for its challenge burgers. has a profile of Australian competitive eater Mimi "the Mini Monster" Zhang, who appeared on the latest episode of the "I Swear I Never" podcast.
Mimi Zhang ate 44 Carolina Reaper wings in 10 minutes to win the first prize of $680 in a contest held October 23 at Yard Doggs in Valley, QLD.
Simon Says in Morley, West Australia will hold a burger eating contest on November 22 awarding $1500 to the winner. Entrants need to qualify; the top 12 times will make the final.
Daily Mail has an article about former Australian Rules Football star Sam Newman claim that Michelle Lesco had gender-reassignment surgery after failing to qualify for the men's division of Nathan's Famous hot dog eating contest in 2019. (She has competed in the women's division of the competition since 2011.)
Mimi Zhang won today's hot dog eating contest held at Fat Freddy's on the Gold Coast of Australia.
Australian food challenger Cal "Hulk Smash Food" Stubbs has been locked out of Western Australia by Covid-19 regulations and has been forced to quarantine at the Perth airport Travelodge until he can leave the province. The trip was intended to be part of a tour of Australia to find the country's best burger.
While doing a radio interview, Cal "Hulk Smash Food" ate a 2x2 blue cheese "smash" burger in 21 seconds.
Australian bodybuilder Vince Mantovani set the record for the parmigiana challenge at the Criterion Hotel in Rushworth, VIC. He says he has done 332 restaurant challenge. has a list of Melbourne, VIC restaurant challenges.
Mimi "The Mini Monster" Zhang ate 70 hot wings to win the first prize of $500 at a contest held at The Pizza Palace in Browns Plains, QLD, Australia.
MrT Burgers and Fried Chicken in Croydon, VIC, Australia will hold a burger eating contest this weekend. The fastest male and female will both receive $200; runners-up will win $100.
Mimi "The Mini Monster" Zhang ate 32 pancakes in an hour to win a eating contest held at the Pancake Manor in Brisbane, QLD. She also won another pancake eating contest held this weekend at the restaurant's Garden City location.

British Eating League awards

The British Eating League has started announcing its awards for 2020:
Best Australian Female Eater – Mimi Zhang
Best Turkish Male Eater – Yakup Balikci
Best Tiktok Eater – Raina Huang
Best Team Eaters – Nick Wehry and Miki Sudo

update December 22 awards
Best Australian male – Cal “Hulk Smash Food” Stubbs
Best Czech male – Radim Dvoracek
Best UK female – Leah Shutkever
Best Instgram eater – Jesse “Food Coma” Freeman

update December 23 awards
Facebook eater of the Year – Randy Santel
Best Online Team Eaters of the Year – Molly Schuyler & Dan Kennedy
Best UK Eater – Adam “Beard Meats Food” Moran
Best Youtube Eater – Matt Stonie
Hall of Fame – Randy Santel

Comments (11)

Serbian-Australian Milly Ivanaov has started a youtube channel with her attempt at the 2kg pancake challenge at Milky Beograd in Belgrade.
Golden Wok Australia is holding a video dumpling eating contest awarding $1000/$500/$200 vouchers. Entrants need to submit videos of themselves eating 9 dumplings be September 29.
Men's Health has a video interview with Australian food challenger Jesse "Food Coma" Freeman.
The Studio 10 facebook page has an interview with Mimi "The Mini Monster" Zhang, Australia's top ranked female competitive eater. has an interview with Mimi "The Mini Monster" Zhang, billing her as Australia's "biggest female eater".
Kate Ovens appeared on "The Morning Show" in Australia. has a video and a transcript of her interview.
The Daily Mail has an article about Australian Mimi "The Mini Monster" Zhang.
Mimi "The Mini Monster" Zhang, Australia's top ranked female competitive eater, has started a youtube channel. update Mimi has posted her first food challenge video, the St. Patrick Day's Schnitzelmeister Challenge. Nela Zisser did the challenge at another location.
Mimi Zhang won two pancake eating contests at the Pancake Manor in Brisbane, QLD this past weekend.
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