Dale Boone category

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2007 Corndogorama July 12

Last year, the Atlanta Nathan’s qualifier and the corndog eating contest held at the Corndogorama music festival were held the same day. After participating in both events and winning the corndog contest in 2006, Dale Boone said he would choose the corndog contest over the hot dog qualifier next year. He will have to make no such decision this year since Pine Magazine reports the festival will start July 12.


Dale Boone back in India?

A friend of Dale Boone received a restaurant recommendation from him:

Before heading back to Delhi, we spent a day in Chennai. Here, we visited Chennai’s only All-American diner called “Sparkys”. This place was recommended to me by my competitive-eater friend Dale Boone, who’s a top-ranking member of the International Federation of Competitive Eating. Dale spends half the year in Chennai making movies and the other half in the States competing in competitions like NYC’s “Nathan’s Hotdog Eating Competition”. He’s a regular at Sparkys because it has an all-you-can-eat buffet on weekends.

If Dale Boone makes an annual trip to India, perhaps he is back in India now which would explain his absence from the Broadway at the Beach contest yesterday.

Chennai was formerly named Madras.

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Moses proposes baked beans battle

After he reaches his goal weight, Don “Moses” Lerman would like to compete in a baked beans showdown against Sonya Thomas, Dale Boone and Justin Mih.

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Comparison of baked bean records

With Micah “Wing Kong” Collins qualifying for the Wing Bowl by eating 3 lb 5.33 oz of baked beans in 43 or 48 seconds on Wednesday, I thought I would see how that performance compared to IFOCE record times for other amounts of baked beans:

Micah Collins 53.33 oz / (43 or 48 sec) = 1.24 oz / sec or 1.11 oz. /sec
Dale Boone 84 oz / 82 sec = 1.02 oz. / sec
Don Lerman 96 oz / 108 sec = .889 oz. / sec
Sonya Thomas 134.4 oz / 167 sec = .805 oz. / sec (thanks Luther)

The last two performances are in the IFOCE records. Dale Boone’s best performance is usually listed as 84 oz. in 1:52, but he ate that amount in 1:22 in Dawsonville, GA.

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Brian Seiken accuses Dale Boone of inappropriate myspace behavior

Brian Seiken makes allegations against Dale Boone in a recent page on his website:

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Return of the Mouth: Dale Boone wins Perry Krystal qualifier

From krystalsquareoff.com

Krystal Square Off qualifier, Perry GA
1. Dale Boone 37, triumphant return from suspension
2. Justin Mih 36, moves into last wildcard position
3. Hall Hunt 33

The wildcards with 1 contest left are Rich LeFevre, Seaver Miller, Arturo Rios and Justin Mih. Arturo Rios, Justin Mih and Crazy Legs Conti are all tied with 36, but Crazy Legs loses out on the tiebreaker since he has only done one qualifier.

updated full results have been posted. Burritos for Life finalist Michael Parlaman only finished with 14.

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Dale Boone to return to IFOCE in Perry Krystal qualifier

krystalsquareoff.com announces that Dale Boone will end his suspension from IFOCE contests at the Perry Krystal qualifier on Sunday.

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Dale Boone appears at GA Tech pre-qualifier

krystalsquareoff reports that Dale Boone appeared at the preliminary qualifier held at the Georgia Tech football stadium last night and said he would be reinstated soon.

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Possible Dale Boone family reunion

Liz has informed me that someone claiming to be Dale Boone’s cousin named Susan Henderson has recently posted a comment to the urbanhonking Digest interview with Pat Bertoletti following the Atlanta Nathan’s qualifier requesting contact information for Dale. If Dale does not read this, I assume that someone who knows Dale will see it and forward it to him and then he can decide how or if he wants to respond.

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Dale Boone reports retirement

(from Brian Seiken comment) Dale Boone reports in his myspace blog that he is retiring. It appears that he is only retiring from IFOCE contest and will continue to compete in independent (and possibly AICE) contests.

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Dale Boone wins Atlanta Frank’s RedHot wing eating contest

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reports that Dale Boone won Frank’s RedHot Battle to the Bone wing eating contest in Atlanta Saturday by eating 30 wings in 4 minutes. Boone’s victory came a day after he placed third in a rib eating contest at Harrah’s casino in Cherokee, NC.

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New Poll: reason for lack of Memphis ribs results

It has been over a week since the July 3 goldenpalace.net BBQ ribs contest in Memphis won by Dale Boone and results for that event have yet to be posted on the IFOCE website. The new poll question asks what you believe the reason for this delay is.

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Dale Boone wins Memphis BBQ rib contest

from commercialappeal.com:

GoldenPalace.net World BBQ Eating Championship, Memphis TN, Tom Lee Park

1. Dale Boone, 2.93 lb in 8 minutes, $1500
2. Loren “Bubba” Yarbrough, 2.4 lb, $1000
3. Larry “the Legend” McNeil, 1.43, $500

Dale has started a myspace site

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Dale Boone to skip 2007 Atlanta qualifier for corndogorama

Creative Loafing has an article about the corndogorama contest Dale Boone won by eating 10 corn dogs in 5 minutes just 4 hours after he took third place at the Atlanta Zoo Nathan’s qualifier. Boone said he would skip next year’s hot dog qualifier to focus on corndogorama.

Updated June 28, 1:30 pm – Loren “Bubba” Yarbrough has sent me some pictures of Boone at corndogorama. He believes that Boone’s Indian secret is wearing motion sickness wristbands.

IMG_0188.jpgMasked manDale Boone's motion sickness bands

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Boone on BB TV: Don’t trust anyone under 30

Brian Seiken has uploaded his television show featuring a phone interview with Dale Boone. Boone questions the legitimacy of the achievement’s of the IFOCE’s college age stars. Most of the second half of the interview consists of a rant about Crazy Legs Conti which is not suitable for children. Boone announces that he is going to be writing a diet book about his regimen in India which resulted in a massive weight loss.

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Dale Boone returns to the United States?

In this comment from March 5, Dale Boone says he will return in 97 days. If he adhered to that schedule, he would have returned to North American on June 10.

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IFOCE announces Dale Boone’s return

Today IFOCE put out a press release announcing Dale Boone’s return in June from India where he has been producing music videos. Brian Seiken says fans should expect anything from Boone except improved ettiquette. (Given Boone’s last experience with the “Madam of Ettiquette”, it is perhaps understandable why he has an aversion to it.)

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New Poll: Whither Dale Boone?

The new poll question asks when (and if) Dale Boone should be allowed to enter IFOCE contests after his return from India.

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Dale Boone comments

The commenter DBOONE9TH@MSN.COM sent his comments from an eastern hemisphere location. Since Brian Seiken has been in communication with “The Mouth of the South” who told him that he will return to the United States and competitive eating those comments are most likely by the actual Dale Boone. The Atlanta Nathan’s qualifier could be an interesting scene if Boone considers fellow Georgians Bubba Yarbrough and Larry McNeil “carpetbaggers” as he did Carlene LeFevre.

I will be away from the computer for most of the day, so comment moderation will be slow.

Reminder: Badlands Booker will appear on the G4 network’s Attack of the Show! at 7pm eastern

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