District of Columbia eating challenges and contests category

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(All District of Columbia eating challenges and contests in database)

Haverford College's Digital Fame blog has an entry about attending the Independence Day Burger Eating Championship at Z-Burger in Washington, DC in July.
The twitter for McFaddens in Washington, DC announces it will hold a hot dog eating contest tonight awarding NFL tickets.
WTOPNews reports that "Furious" Pete Czerwinski repeated in the Z-Burger eating contest by eating 23 burgers in 10 minutes. Dale Boone came in second with 21 burgers. update News 8 has an article and video
A web page for the July 1, 2010 eating contest at Z-Burger in Washington, DC has been set up at ZBurgerContest.com. The cash purse is $4,500 ($3,000 to the winner).
JewishDC has a report on the April 15 pickle eating contest held at the Sixth & I Synagogue.
DCist reports there will be four Washington, DC area contests (wings & "Kentucky hot browns") at two sites on April 10.
Jay Gorman won yesterday's taco eating contest at the Asylum in Washington, DC by eating 17 tacos in 3 minutes and 17 seconds.

Sonya Thomas finishes 9 pound burger at BGR?

The twitter for BGR Burger Joint claims that Sonya Thomas is the only person to have finished its 9 pound challenge burger, which took her 22 minutes.

update Mar 15 Commenters have noticed that the online menu claims the burger was featured in an “I.F.O.C.” contest. (Ian Hickman won an independent 2008 contest at BGR)

The online menu also lists the total weight of the burger at 15.6 pounds, making it larger than Denny’s Beer Barrel Old 96er and the Clinton Station Diner’s Zeus challenge.

Comments (11)

Asylum DC in Washington, DC will hold a taco eating contest on St. Patrick's Day that will award a $100 bar tab to the winner.
David McGraw has a video of the hot dog eating contest for area college students at last night's Washington Capitals game. Sonya Thomas attended previous Capitals contests, but does not appear in this video.

Man vs. Food October 21 (Washington, DC) episode links

Travel Channel – episode guide | slideshow


List of Washington, DC area eating challenges in eatfeats database
List of Northern Virginia area eating challenges in eatfeats database


Sonya Thomas on WP Live available online

(via eatingcontest twitter) Sonya Thomas’ appearance on Washington Post Live can now be viewed online. Sonya says that she is considering the meatball eating contest in Las Vegas and that popcorn was her most difficult contest food.

update embedded video is available after the jump
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(via the eatingcontest twitter) Sonya Thomas will appear on Washington Post Live on Comcast Sportsnet Washington tonight at 11:30 PM
A wing eating contest will be held at the Buffalo Battle in Washington, DC on Sunday. Tickets include all you can eat wings.

Man vs. Food Washington, DC sites

mgholwill’s twitter reports that Man vs. Food is currently recording at Horace & Dickie’s in Washington, DC. Ben’s Chili Bowl was reportedly yesterday’s taping site. HometownAnnapolis has a report on Sunday’s challenge attempt (no spoiler) at Chick & Ruth’s Delly.


Man vs. Food in Washington, DC this weekend?

An entry under “Just Fans” on the Man vs. Food facebook wall by someone claiming to work for the show reports that the program will record in Washington, DC this weekend. The challenge will probably be the burger & shake challenge at Chick & Ruth Delly in Annapolis.

update The Saval Foods twitter reports that Man vs. Food will record at Chick’s & Ruth’s Delly on Sunday at 7:30.

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An extended Fox 5 News video about last month's Z-Burger eating contest in Washington, DC has been uploaded to youtube.

BBC News on Z-Burger contest

The BBC’s North American editor has a column about the end of his American assignment which mentions the Z-Burger contest at the start of last month:

On the last day we spent in our home in north-east Washington, they were holding a food-eating competition in a burger bar at the end of our street. The sight was nauseating: acne-ridden youths, several already obese, stuffing meat and buns into their mouths while local television reporters, the women in dinky pastel suits, rushed around getting the best shots.

The column also lists “Bojangles Pizza” as a hallmark of Route 17 in South Carolina.

Comments (1)

The DC Vegetarian Examiner reports that Sticky Fingers Bakery in Washington, DC will host another vegetarian hot dog eating contest on Saturday.
The Washingtonian has a video from the July 2 Z-burger eating contest containing interviews with "Furious" Pete Czerwinski, Dale Boone and Joe Menchetti.
The Washingtonian has a list of DC area (which extends from northern Virginia to Annapolis) eating challenges.

Canadian wins Independence Burger Contest in DC

update #3 MyFoxDC has a video – Dale Boone was second w/ 11 burgers, Joe Menchetti 3rd

update #2 WTOP has an article

update The winner of this afternoon’s Z-burger eating contest has been posted: guyfromva: burger eating contest over- won by furious pete with 14 burgers in 10 minutes… now enjoying one myself #dc

GuyFromVA is posting pictures from the Z-Burger contest. Dale Boone, and Joel Podelsky & Jay Gorman are competing.


Thrillist reports that two WLOCE members will compete in tomorrow's contest at Z-Burger. If Dale Boone is one of the competitors, hopefully things will go better for him that in his last Washington, DC contest when he vomited jambalaya on Sonya Thomas and needed attention from an EMT.
JohnnaKnowsGoodFood.com: A Canadian will compete in the Z Burger eating contest in Washington, DC on July 2. (If Furious Pete wins, he could call it a Canada Day contest since July 2 is closer to July 1 than the Fourth of July.)
DC.About.com: Z-burger in Washington DC will host the “Independence Burger Eating Championship” on July 2. The prizes: 1) $1500 cash, $1000 in free food & trophy 2) $750 & trophy 3) $500 & trophy.
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