Podcasts category

WBUR has a podcast of an interview with Crazy Legs Conti, who claims that the fatality at the Custer, SD hot dog contest could have been prevented with onsite medical personel (Custer County EMTs were present at the event site according to the contest sponsor.) Conti is billed as the world record holder in string beans, pancakes, bacon, beef brisket and Twinkies; for those five foods, MLE records page only lists him as the holder for green beans, Pat Bertoletti, Erik Denmark, Bob Shoudt and Joey Chestnut have the other four records.
The subjects of the July 4, 2014 edition of the Ralph Nader Radio Hour are patriotism, political correctness and hot dog eating contests.
Kevin Carr is the guest on Brian Seiken's latest podcast. There is also a review of the documentary Hungry.
The Week has an article & podcast about Yasir Salem.
The guest on Brian Seiken's fourth podcast is Kyle "Hammer" Hanner.
Michelle "Cardboard Shell" Lesco is the guest on Brian Seiken's second podcast.
Brian Seiken has started a podcast series. His inaugural guest is Ron Koch.
StLouis.CBSLocal.com has a podcast of an interview Joey Chestnut did with KMOX about attending Saturday's Nathan's qualifier in St. Louis.  
ESPN 1100 has an interview with Rich Shea about tomorrow's Nathan's qualifier in Las Vegas. Pablo Martinez and Mary Bowers are the favorites; the only other competitors mentioned are locals John DeHaas & Mandy (Manny?) Griffin. Rich Shea says he expects Miki Sudo (who will not be at the qualifier) to easily defeat Sonya Thomas in the Nathan's finals if they compete.  Several Nathan's prediction polls have been added to the sidebar. (via Steve Cofield)
A mp3 of Miki Sudo's interview on the Testicular Difficulties radio show yesterday is available. Tampa.CBSLocal.com also has audio of the appearance of Miki Sudo and Joey Chestnut before the ice cream eating contest.
WGN Radio has a podcast of Kevin "LA Beast" Strahle's interview yesterday.He says he has yet to receive a response from Burger King about his video where he ate all the burgers available on the chain's menu.
KSTE has a podcast of an interview with author Mary Roach focusing on the competitive eating section of her book, Gulp.
NPR's Latino USA has a podcast about last month's pepper eating contest at the Jalapeno Festival in Laredo, TX won by Luis Bruni.  
BBC Radio 4 has a segment about January's Wing Bowl (starts at 23:40) mentioning Dave Brunelli's reversal. The BBC News Magazine has a transcript of the segment with a picture of Badlands Booker, who did not compete.
A top competitive eater (unnamed) is scheduled for the Nick Digiglio show tonight on WGN Radio in Chicago at 2:35 am Central. update March 11 The competitive eater was Tim "Gravy" Brown and a podcast of his appearance is available.
Molly Schuyler was interviewed by the Australian radio station Star 104.9 FM today. (direct link to podcast).
Eric "Silo" Dahl will attempt a donut eating challenge during tomorrow's episode of What' Ya Know on Wisconsin Public Radio.

2013 San Gennaro cannoli contest

update Sept 15 Tania Fuentez has a flickr gallery

update Sept 13-2 Gothamist has a gallery with full results.

update Sept 13 The NY Daily News has a report.

update Joe Depace has a video
Crazy Legs Conti has a preview for the Huffington Post that was posted after the contest was finished according to the timestamp.

Demotix has a gallery

The Top 3
1) Yasir Salem 31.75, 1st non-qualifier victory
2) Marcos Owens 31
3) Eric “Badlands” Booker 28
4) Crazy Legs Conti 20

NPR has a podcast of Eric “Badlands” Booker and Crazy Legs Conti appearing on Ask Me Another.

Comments (41)

BunchoJunk has an interview with Matt Stonie. At around the 16 minute mark of the podcast, Matt announces he will be competing in the Hillsborough Oyster Festival in Northern Ireland next month.
Bleacher Report has an interview with Joey Chestnut about competing in the Hooter's Wing finals tonight. Tampa.CBSLocal.com also has a podcast of Joey's appearance on the Fabulous Sports Babe Show yesterday.
The latest podcast of Indiana Public Media's Earth Eats has an interview with former IFOCE MC Ryan Nerz (starts at 10 minute mark), who cites "elements of unhealthfulness" as a reason he left that job. The interview makes no mention of Marijuanamerica, Nerz' latest book.
Rich Shea will be on Mike & Mike this morning at 9:15 eastern.
The In One Day podcast has an interview with Pat Bertoletti (runs from minute 87 to 120). He says that he is still taking a break from competitive eating to focus on his Glutton Force 5 food truck and Stuffed youtube program, which will run for 12 episodes with a possibly live finale in late June.
The Awkward Moments podcast did an interview with Pat Bertoletti.
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