Matt Stonie category

Matt Stonie announces he will compete in the Phantom Gourmet Food Festival frozen yogurt eating contest in Boston on Sunday.
update Sept 15 The Sunday Times has an article titled "Gulp all you like, Megatoad, the world oyster-eating crown is mine" The Rake & Herald has a contest report Top 3 from Rake & Herald 1) Colin Shirlow 212 2) Matt Stonie 203 3) Bob Shoudt 174 Claire Marie Graham reports that Colin Shirlow has defended his title at the Hillsborough (Northern Ireland) Oyster Festival, defeating Matt Stonie and Bob Shoudt. The winning total was 212 oysters. Matt Stonie says he was second with 203 Gallery
Belfast Daily & U.TV have articles about Matt Stonie & Bob Shoudt competing in the Hillsborough Oyster Festival.
The facebook page for the Hillsborough Oyster Festival in Northern Ireland announces that Matt Stonie and Bob Shoudt will compete in an oyster eating contest on September 7. has an article asking "Can Matt Stonie Bring About a New Golden Age in Competitive Eating?"

Joey Chestnut wins 2013 Nugget Ribs Contest

update August 29 has an article and video. Scott Ruen has a video

Top 5 | Rest
1) Joey Chestnut 13.76 lb in 12 minutes, new record
2) Matt Stonie 11.2 lb, would have broken old record (9.8)
3) Miki Sudo 7 female record
4) Juan Rodriguez 6
5) Steve Hendry 4.67
6T) Don Brown 3.9
6T) Douglas Ken 3.9
8) Anthony Melchiorri 3.85
9) Drake Nelson 3.4
10) Melissa Vojtko 1.87
11) Lee Hantzsche 1.8

update Joey Chestnut has won the contest with a record 13.76 pounds has a transcript of today’s chat session with Joey Chestnut, who says he is going to [expletive] Matt Stonie. has has a contest preview.

Matt Stonie produced a rib training video.

Comments (16)

Matt Stonie has uploaded a video where he attempts to eat a 9 patty T-Rex Burger from Wendy's in a faster time than it took three members of Wreckless Eating to complete the challenge.
Takeru Kobayashi's update: former< /b> manager is Don Povia, who is a co-founder of The HHReynolds twitter accused MLE of fixing the gyoza contest to promote Matt Stonie as Joey Chestnut's rival and also asked Joey Chestnut how much money did he bet against himself in that competition.

Joey Chestnut vs. Matt Stonie head to head results

A listing of head to head results for Joey Chestnut vs. Matt Stonie follows after the jump. They are tied in their past six contests after Joey finished ahead in the first 10 meetings.
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Comments (15)

Matt Stonie wins 2013 Day Lee Gyoza contest

update August 23 Rake & Herald, Rafu Shimpo and last place finisher Chris Erskine have contest reports. Matt Stonie has a video

update August 19 #2 TMZ, Deadspin and USA Today have reports

update August 19 Stephanie Snipes, Tifftanstic and Tom Maciejewski have videos

The LA Daily News has an article

Results Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

1) Matt Stonie 268 gyoza record
2) Joey Chestnut 251
3) Miki Sudo 204
4) Jeff Butler 160
5) Juliet Lee 155
6T) Michelle Lesco 142
6T) Juan Rodriguez 142
8) Pablo Martinez 141
9) Rich LeFevre 139
10) Steve Hendry 117
11) Dax “The Ginger” Swanson 93
12) Chillin Peng 75
13) Neslie Ricasa 59
14) Mary Bowers 53
15) Ms Takei 34
16) Mr. Erskine 30

Rich LeFevre has won the auction for the final spot and will be competing.

John McCoy has some videos on Joey Chestnut is hoping to break 260 and Mary Bowers’ goal is to hit triple digits.

Joey Chestnut guest hosted The Sports Special with Liz Habib with NBA player Matt Barnes on KTTV.

Comments (14)

Joey Chestnut will appear tonight on E! News at 7 and 11:30 to promote tomorrow's gyoza contest. Matt Stonie has uploaded a video of his training for that event.
The gyoza contest facebook page has interviews with Juliet Lee, Matt Stonie and Miki Sudo.
BunchoJunk has an interview with Matt Stonie. At around the 16 minute mark of the podcast, Matt announces he will be competing in the Hillsborough Oyster Festival in Northern Ireland next month. on Joey Chestnut vs. Matt Stonie has a blog entry calling Joey Chestnut vs. Matt Stonie competitive eating’s next great rivalry.

The new poll asks who you think should be #2 in the next MLE top 50. A listing of head to head results over the past year for Tim Janus, Matt Stonie and Miki Sudo follows after the jump.
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Comments (27) has a video about Matt Stonie.
A team of Matt Stonie and Kevin "LA Beast" Strahle will face off against Food for Louis and Chris Wreckless in an episode of Fear Pong at Vidcon 2013 in Anaheim on Saturday.

Matt Stonie upsets Joey Chestnut in Slugburgers

update July 16 Main St. Corinth has a video of the whole contest

Rake & Herald has a contest report

update #2 WCBI has an article and video

update WTVA has an article and video

Official results Part 1 | Part 2

Ronnie Hartman has the top 4:
1) Matt Stonie 31
2) Joey Chestnut 30
3) Juan Rodriguez 17.5
4) Ronnie Hartman 13
5) Matt Raible 9
6) Damien Boykin 8.75

Leslie Lewis reports that Matt Stonie defeated Joey Chestnut

Casey Greene reports that Joey Chestnut has yet to show up at the contest site. The contest start time is 4:30 central. upddate Joey Chestnut is at the contest site

Comments (19)

Joey Chestnut and Matt Stonie are expected to compete in the Slugburger eating contest in Corinth, MS on Saturday. Contest spots are still available.
Thrillist has an interview with Matt Stonie and Dr. Connor O'Brien of Stanford about the best strategies for finishing eating challenges.

2013 Nathan’s Boston qualifier

update June 24 Full results via Bill Myers
1st 47 Matt “Megatoad” Stonie San Jose, CA, personal best
2nd 21 “Buffalo” Jim Reeves Buffalo, NY
3rd 15 William “Wild Bill” Myers Breinigsville, PA
4th 12 Joao Paulo
5th 8 Pete Twiraga
6th 7.25 Robert Mulhausen
7th 6 Stuart Angus while wearing a hot dog costume.
8th 5.75 Thom Beck

1st Neslie Ricasa 13
2nd Terri Reeves 7

1M) Matt Stonie 47 personal best highest of 2013

1W) Neslie Ricasa 13

Richard Shea announced that Mia Davekos was the only woman to register as of March 20. Jim Reeves’ wife Terri will also be competing today.

Comments (19)

A fake Matt Stonie twitter has been started at The real one is at
Matt Stonie announces that he will compete in the Boston Nathan's qualifier on June 22 and expects to face Tim Janus. If that matchup occurs, the runner-up will probably receive the men's wild card. Matt also has a new training vlog.
Matt Stonie has uploaded a video from his "Double Dog Dare You" 12-14 pound burger challenge he attempted at Lumpy's Diner in April 2011.

Matt Stonie defeats Joey at Asparagus Festival, Miki Sudo 3rd

update May 1 Matt Stonie has posted a video

update April 28 Matt Stonie has a facebook gallery has an article

Official results: (Part 2)
1) Matt Stonie 9.5 lb. first victory over Joey Chestnut in 11 contests
2) Joey Chestnut 8 lb.
3) Miki Sudo 7.5 lb.
4) Steve Hendry 4
5) Jesse O’Con 2
5) Dax Swanson 2
7) Tony 1.75
8) Ken Douglas 1.5
9) Michael Stephenson

update Matt Stonie reportedly won the contest. (picture)

Joey Chestnut has a five contest winning streak. Miki Sudo has at least a 6 contest winning streak.

Comments (39)

Matt Stonie previews competing in the Stockton Asparagus Festival on Saturday. He has also posted his second question & answer video.
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