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Hall "Hoover" Hunt returned to competitive eating with a burrito challenge at the Hightide Burrito Co in Jacksonville, FL.

EatFeats youtube channel started

I have started a youtube channel for uploading my competitive eating television archive. The first video is Eric “Badlands” Booker’s “Attack of the Show!” appearance on the G4 network on February 21, 2006. Booker discusses his competitive eating and hiphop career with host Kevin Pereira and then takes on Brendan Hermes in a one minute 100×100 In N Out burger eating contest.

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Guinness World Records Records Weekly video wishes Leah Shutkever a Happy Birthday (May 11). Her segment starts at 3:50.
Raina Huang uploaded a video of her attempt to eat 40 tacos in 20 minutes at last night's 66ers minor league baseball game in San Bernadino, CA.

Geoff Esper wins TV Tokyo’s “King of Gluttony”

Results from the final round of today’s “King of Gluttony” program televised on TV Tokyo: (Full program video)
1) Geoff Esper 26 bowls
2) Molly Schuyler 24
3) Kawaxile 23
4) Angela Sato 19

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Korean food challenger Tsuyang attempted the "Octuple Bypass Burger" challenge at the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas. (English subtitles)
WSPA 7News has an interview with William Lyons who ate 21 hot dogs in 15 minutes to break Adam "Beard Meats Food" Moran's house record at Skin's Hot Dogs in Easley, SC.
WATE has a news video about Knoxville mayor Glenn Jacobs (WWE Hall of Famer "Kane") competing in the Ultimate Bologna Showdown in Knoxville on May 18. Joey Chestnut, Geoff Esper, James Webb and Gideon Oji are also expected to compete. (youtube video).
Dexerto has a post about accusations that Tiktok star "PinkyDoll" is faking videos of eating large amounts of food due to jump cuts. A video of her appearing to eat a 5kg burger has received almost 20 million views. PinkyDoll's previous focus was "NPC" streaming in which she acted as if she was an algorithm-controlled video game character.
Julia of Hellthy Junk Food uploaded a video of her competing in the Sweet 16 Challenge held at Jojo's Shake Bar in Orlando last month. Wayne Algenio won the local contest. Does anyone know who won the national $2000 prize? With 3 million subscribers for her channel, Julia is now the most followed youtube account for an American or European female competitive eater. updateWayne Algenio won the national contest.
Leah Shutkever and Eddie Hall, World's Strongest Man, faced off in a 100 ounce steak eating contest.

Esstik passes 5 million youtube subscribers

Esttik from Spain recently exceeded 5 million subscribers for his youtube channel, making him the first European to exceed that benchmark. I think these are the competitive eating / food challenge channels with over 3 million subscribers:

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Linda Cohn has uploaded an excerpt from Friday night's ESPN Sportcenter of her interview with Joey Chestnut and Los Angeles Chargers defender Joey Bosa about competing in Monday's pistachio eating contest in Santa Monica. Bosa says that his new head coach Jim Harbaugh hoped he would win the contest.
In a new episode of "Idiot Sandwich" on youtube, Matt Stonie faces off against two other chefs to produce a shrimp sandwich in a cooking contest judged by Gordon Ramsay held at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas Matt does not remember Joey Chestnut's Nathan's Famous record of 76 and states that the all time best is 72 hot dogs. updateGordon Ramsay has posted an excerpt on his tiktok consisting of his conversation with Matt and a him training for a hot dog eating contest.
In his latest video, Young Mantis and Joey Chestnut both attempt a single Big Ugly Burger challenge at Bub's Burgers in Carmel, IN. Joey says he wants to return and break James Webb's house record of 6 Big Ugly Burgers.
Geoff Esper offers advice on how to complete the 30 inch pizza at Nick's Place in Lexington, MA on a Chronicle 5 WCVB segement. The channel also produced a video about New England food challenges.
Ethan Gillis has uploaded "The Gravy Bowl" to youtube, a mini-documentary about Darrien "Cheese Curd" Thomas competing in the 2018 Smoke's Poutinerie eating contest in Toronto.
A video of PinkyDollReal eating a 5kg burger has gone viral, with a reposting on twitter receiving 12 million views in less than a day.
MBALE Express has a video of an eating contest held in Butebo, Uganda in which the victor reportedly ate 10kg (22 pounds of food).
In his latest video, Erik "the Electric" Lamkin attempts to break eating records set by Matt Stonie, Geoff Esper, "Furious" Pete Czerwinski, Raina Huang and Joey Chestnut.

Brady Bunch ice cream eating contest

The Brady Bunch youtube channel has posted a clip from a 1971 episode in which Bobby Brady competes in an ice cream eating contest. Hal Smith, “Otis the Drunk” on the Andy Griffith Show, played the MC of the televised competition.

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In the latest Airrack video, 50 competitive eaters were invited to dine at a Los Angeles Golden Corral buffet. Participants included Chris "Old Guy Eats" Dale, "Your Man Cody" Cody Dulaney, Naader Reda, Raina Huang, Cherish Brown, Josh Krady, Kyle Hanner, Katie Prettyman, Sean Nichols, Moh Motion, Gal Akbari, Will Morse and Teddy Delcruz. All diners were weighed before and after their meal; the aggregate weigh gain was 500 pounds. update ShastaFood has a behind the scenes video of the event.
In their latest video, the Sidemen, a UK based youtube channel with over 20 million subscribers, attempt food challenges at 3 London restaurants: Man vs Food, the Polo 24 Hour Bar and Orange Buffalo.
Kate Ovens has uploaded her first food challenge video in three years: a fry up breakfast called "The Legend".
"Airsoft Fatty" faced off against Eric "Badlands" Booker in a chug-off held at Times Square in New York City.
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