Podcasts category

Joey Chestnut & Eater X on WFAN

Pat Philbin commented that Joey Chestnut was interviewed on 660 WFAN this morning. If you missed that appearance, a podcast is available. Eater X also did an interview yesterday.

WFAN will hold an on air hot dog eating contest tomorrow morning. First prize is NY Jets tickets. Second prize is more Jets tickets hot dogs.


Link Buffet: July 2, 2008

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Link Buffet: June 13, 2008

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Link Buffet: June 2, 2008

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Erik Denmark discusses MLE video game

Erik Denmark has a blog entry about his appearance on the Groz & Gas radio show today, which is available online. Erik talks about the Major League Eating video game and his compensation for it. Like Pat Bertoletti, he is not clear about the terms of the royalty agreement. He will attempt to qualify for Nathan’s in Kansas City, but makes no mention of tomorrow’s gyro contest in Houston.

There is also a press release for the MLE video game with descriptions of four of the game’s characters.


“Feast on the First” results and links

Results from the wing eating contest on the “Mike & Mike” show on ESPN radio:

1. Tim “Eater X” Janus 31 wings in 3 minutes
2. Crazy Legs Conti 23
3. Pete Davekos 22
4. Mike Golic 15

Video and audio podcasts of the contest are available. A live blog is also available on mike-greenberg.com.

The Hartford Courant has an article about the contest


Mike & Mike contest webpage and podcasts

A web page about the upcoming eating contest on the Mike & Mike show has been set up on espn.com. The page announces that the third IFOCE eater will be Pete Davekos. (from email)

A an audio and video podcast are also available. Richard Shea, who will provide commentary for the contest, appears on the audio podcast and announces that the contest will be three minutes long. The competitive eating segment of the podcast begins at the 9 minute mark with a parody of “Wing Beneath my Wings”. (Mike-Greenberg.com has the lyrics) Richard Shea says that Mike Greenberg will receive an MLE poncho to wear during the contest which will be available for sale this summer.

The video podcast consists of reading and answering emails about the contest.

On the webpage, Mike Golic describes his interest in competitive eating:

Back in the day, when Golic was playing for the Eagles, he was an avid fan of the Wing Bowl, an annual eating contest in Philadelphia. “I’m no stranger to mass quantities of food,” says Golic, “but I am a stranger to the speed I would have to eat [in the contest.]”

According to his Wikipedia page, Golic’s stint with the Philadelphia Eagles ended in 1992. The inaugural Wing Bowl took place in 1993.

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Crazy Legs interview on the Mike & Mike show

A video clip of Crazy Legs Conti’s phone interview on the April 1 “Mike and Mike” show can be viewed on ESPN.com. A graphic lists Crazy Legs’ first name as “Kevin”. That video clip is available for download.

The full interview is available in an audio podcast. Crazy Legs’ interview starts around the 30 minute mark. Crazy Legs will probably be a commentator for Mike Golic’s contest and he suggests Krystal burgers as the food. Conti says that Sonya will not defend her 2005 title at the Acme Oyster eating contest.

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“Stick to Blogging” preview ends tonight

The free preview for “Stick to Blogging” on beautifulbrian.com will end sometime after midnight and then go on sale on PayPal on March 31.

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Joey Chestnut sets Big Texan 72 oz. record

Frank Pastore, former Cincinnati Reds pitcher and current radio talk show host, reports in his blog that Joey Chestnut broke his record for the Big Texan’s 72 ounce steak and side items. Chestnut’s mark was 8 minutes and 52 seconds, breaking Pastore’s 21 year old record of 9 and a half minutes.

update A podcast of Frank Pastore’s appearance on the Hugh Hewitt show is available. Pastore’s segment starts around the 18:50 mark.

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Link Buffet: February 27, 2008

Miami Herald columnist endorses Ryan Nerz’s call for a jalapeno eating contest between Obama and Clinton to determine the Democratic nomination
Maori wins New Zealand pizza contest
Frederick Kaufman (A Short History of the American Stomach) podcast on Seattle Public Radio
Munch Madness 2008, Connecticut team “bar bite” contest w/ 4 qualifiers, first prize is 4 Opening Day NE Patriot tickets (from Jill Stoler’s blog)
Emmanuel wins Chicago Wing Fest (see picture above)
PaulieSaurus Pizza prize now over $350
Cereal Mega Bowl challenge equal to 1 box of cereal in now closed Asheville, NC cereal restaurant
Kyoto tofu contest, won by Hiroko Kurita
Podcast of “Furious” Pete’s appearance on Frank Pastore’s radio show in which they discuss their 72 ounce steak marks (from AICE news)
Denver meetup group Feb 29 Slyder contest to award $100 gift certificate

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Pat Bertoletti attends Escoffier Society dinner

In his myspace blog entry from February 20, Pat Bertoletti announced his plans for the upcoming Sunday night:

This week saw me getting a tuxedo for the escoffier(my idol and the greatest chef of yesterday) society dinner on sunday. I am going as steve dahls date( the greatest talk radio personality this city has seen). I thought about giving him a garder and emailing asking what time my mom should drop me off for pre prom pictures. I hope I can eat and drink because I will hopefully be coming back with another jalapeno title under my belt( laredo tx on saturday) . The tux is going to look great with the mohawk spiked up. I’m pretty sure having that hair will insult more chefs than I can imagine but that’s why it’s going to be such a good time.

Pat Bertoletti talked about his experience at the dinner on Monday’s Steve Dahl show. A podcast and log of the show are available. Pat’s segment begins at the 13 minute mark. Dahl calls Bertoletti a “knucklehead” after he hangs up.

Pat Bertoletti also sponsored a high school science project titled, “Music and Speed Eating” which analyzed how eating speed was affected by the tempo of music.


Joey looking for agent

(From Rhonda Evans) Joey Chestnut was interviewed by Ben & Matt on KNIX Country of Phoenix on February 13 to talk about the upcoming MLE video game. Joey is unable to provide any details about that project except for the fact that the IFOCE contract signs away video game rights. He does not disclose how much he was paid, if any, for the use of his electronic likeness but does say that he is looking for a good competitive eating agent.

Joey also says that he expects to break Badlands Booker’s matzo ball record in Houston and calls Kobayashi a “little liar” for claiming he had an injury in the 2007 Nathan’s finals.

Streaming audio of interview, Direct link to MP3 file of interview (9 MB, 9 minutes)

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BeautifulBrian.com delivers the “Male”

BeautifulBrian.com’s Wing Bowl preview episode features Dave “U. S. Male” Goldstein.

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Podcasts available for WCS qualifiers

Radio podcasts for the first two Pittsburgh Wing Championship Series qualifiers are now available on the WCS page. The finalists from the third qualifier have also been posted: Wing Kong, presumably not “Micah Collins”, (48 wings), Pitt Panther (44), and Ms. Sweet (44) .

Update: qualifiers from the previous two contests are now listed
Jan 16: Captain Butthead (68), The Snake (52) and Gone with the Wings (52)
Jan 17: Wingleberry (46) and Spiker (35)

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Rich Shea Phantom Gourmet podcast

Rich Shea’s interview on the January 5 Phantom Gourmet radio show mentioned by GJoe in a comment is available online. The interview is mainly about the buffet controversy in Louisiana, but Rich Shea does say that the next IFOCE event will be a Major League Eating program televised on Spike TV at halftime of the Super Bowl (Rich predicts that the Cowboys will be the NFC representative for that game). The program will be 30 minutes long, so “Ham & Eggs” will need to be truncated if it is broadcast.

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Paul Barlow wins radio station egg nog contest

Paul Barlow won a egg nog drinking contest held at 99x, defeating Intern Joey. A youtube video and podcast of the contest are available.

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Beautiful Brian on Cookie Jarvis feud

BeautifulBrian.com has a page on the dispute with Cookie Jarvis. I will link to a response from Cookie Jarvis if he wants to provide one.

BeautifulBrian.com also has the second music history podcast. The subject is soundalike songs.

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Crazy Legs Conti podcast & video

Crazy Legs Conti discussed his Jackson Krystal qualifier video on a Mississippi radio staion.

Youtube has a video of Conti getting his dreadlocks braided at http://youtube.com/watch?v=u6vdqlICfsE

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EatCast #5: Dale Boone & Chip Simpson

The fifth episode of eatcast is available. Chip Simpson is a guest and Beautiful Brian calls in to tallk about the Dale Boone cookie controversy (Direct MP3 link) (corrected 10:45, thanks anonymous)

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New Poll: Next eatcast guest

The new poll asks who you think should be the next eater interviewed on the eatcast podcast. Bob Shoudt is the guest on the current podcast.

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Eatcast #4 available

The fourth episode of the Eatcast podcast is available for downloading at eatcast.blogspot.com “Humble” Bob Shoudt and Brian Seiken are guest.

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Erik Denmark seeks pepper records

Erik “the Red” announces in a podcast that he wants to appear in the Guinness Book of World Records for jalapeno eating and also break the MLE record for habanero peppers.

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Eatcast #3 available

(From Kevin Carr) The third eatcast podcast can be downloaded at http://eatcast.blogspot.com/2007/08/in-this-installment-of-eatcast-kevin.html

The contents of the episode are described:

In this installment of EatCast, Kevin comes back from fun in the sun during a Caribbean cruise. He goes on about 72 oz. steaks, round-the-clock cruise eating and (mostly) hot chicks in bikinis. Co-host Neil defends his creepy behavior at Comic-Con, and Beautiful Brian Seiken brings the boys up to speed on what’s happening in the world of Major League Eating.

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Pat Philbin post-Nathan’s podcast

BeautifulBrian has a podcast of Pat “from Moonachie” Philbin on the Opie & Anthony show from early July about the Nathan’s finals.

Brian also has reports from the handless pie eating contest and the “Zen and the Art of Competitive Eating” Taste o Vision screening.


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