Podcasts category

IFOCE.com has a list of expected entrants at Saturday's Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich Eating Championship at the Isle in Biloxi, Mississppi. The eatfast facebook also announces that the MLE podcast will debut later this week.
xtrasports1360.com has a podcast of Joey Chestnut's interview yesterday (direct mp3 link)

Joey Chestnut does KNBR interview on 26th birthday

(from Paul Davis email) Joey Chestnut spent a portion of his 26th birthday today doing an interview with KNBR. A 30 minute podcast of his appearance is available. Some notes from the podcast:

  • Joey attributes his defeat at the 2009 Asparagus Festival to the first wave of the swine flu
  • Joey says he receives $30,000 – $40,000 for competing in Nathan’s
  • Joey calls Pat Bertoletti his “little brother” (Joey’s comments about Pat, Eater X, Sonya Thomas and “El Wingador” occur at the 15 minute mark of the podcast.)
  • A caller asks Joey how he compares to Eddie “Bozo” Miller

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98Online.com has a podcast of Pete Davekos' interview on Monday to talk about the Roy Rogers roast beef slider contest.
A podcast of Joey Chestnut's appearance with two Hooters Girls on the Lamont and Tonelli show Thursday is availble (Joey segment begins around the 6 minute mark). Some pictures of Joey in the studio are available on the program's twitpic page.

Steve Dahl proposes old school CE organization

A podcast of Pat Bertoletti’s appearance on the Steve Dahl show Friday is available (minutes 37-44) Pat Bertoletti says that a part of his body hurt after the jalapeno eating contest that had never previously experiences post-competition discomfort. Steve Dahl says that dunking in Nathan’s repulses him and proposes an “old school” competitive eating organization that would ban dunking.

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Eric "Steakbellie" Livingston did an interview for the How Stuff Works blog, who did a competitive eating podcast earlier this month.
Chicagoist has a podcast of an interview with Pat Bertoletti.
(Via sportsradiointerviews, which has a partial transcript) Joey Chestnut & Crazy Legs Conti were the guests ESPN Radio's Mike & Mike show and a podcast of their segment can be downloaded. A gallery of their appearance today at ESPN Cafe today is also available. update A video podcast of the appearance, which was replayed on the 6 PM Sportcenter, is also available.
BrooklynPaper.com has a podcast of a song about the 2009 Nathan's finals performed by Amos Wengler, the Bard of Coney Island.

Man vs. Food clone proposed on ESPN.com podcast

In a recent podcast, Bill Simmons of ESPN.com (not El Wingador) proposes a program called “House Record” in which his friend Joe House would travel the country and attempt to break restaurants’ eating challenge records. After being informed the concept is basically the same as Man vs. Food, Simmons calls Adam Richman “annoying” and claims his program would be better.

(“House Record” segment begins around the 32 minute mark)

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Lord of the Wings wins Wing Madness

Wing Madness top 5:

1 Lord of the Wings, 158 wings
2 6Burgh Psycho, 124 wings
3 Broken Wing
4 or 5 Brad Sciullo
4 or 5 Mark Lyle

update Wing Tut has posted a contest report

A live blog of the 1250 AM streaming follows:
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Don Lerman on NPR’s This American Life

(from Joey B comment) An audio clip of Don Lerman recalling the first eating contest he won was played on the most recent episode of This American Life on NPR. The program was a rerun that originally aired in 2005. Lerman’s segment also appeared in a 2005 episode of Morning Edition. The clip can be listened to on the StoryCorps website.

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Joey Chestnut macaroni record video

A video of Joey Chestnut’s apparance at the San Jose Stealth game on Saturday in which he set the IFOCE macaroni & cheese record is available, along with a podcast of an interview on KNBR he did the day before to promote the event. TheIFound5Dollars blog says that Saturday’s game had the seventh largest crowd in Stealth history.

A video of another Joey Chestnut appearance from January where he ate 5 burritos at a scout troop meeting can also be viewed on youtube.

update A flickr gallery of the contest with a picture of the bobble-head (see above) is available

Skinnyboy was impressed with the burrito video

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Link Buffet: January 6, 2009

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Link Buffet: December 15, 2008

update As of 1:30pm eastern, upper level Wing Bowl tickets appear to be available

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Link Buffet: November 6, 2008

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Crazy Legs on “Fat Guys at the Movies” podcast

Crazy Legs Conti is a guest on the “Fat Guys at the Movies” podcast co-hosted by Kevin Carr. (His segment begins around the 34 minute mark.) Crazy Legs mainly talks about his movie watching record attempt, but he does reveal some unconventional attire he wore during a Johnsonville bratwurst contest.

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List of 30+ Krystal personal bests

A list of all Krystal personal bests above 30 burgers follows after the jump:

A Pat Bertoletti podcast and entrants list is available on KrystalSquareOff.com

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Sonya Thomas & Hall Hunt podcasts available

Podcast interviews of Sonya Thomas and Hall Hunt are available on the Krystal Square Off blog.


Link Buffet: August 24, 2008

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Link Buffet: August 20, 2008

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Link Buffet: July 10, 2008


Link Buffet: July 8, 2008

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Link Buffet #2: July 3, 2008

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