San Diego eating challenges and contests
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San Diego eating challenges
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Johnnie Excel has a blog entry and video about breaking the record for the Pho 20 Challenge at OB Noodle House in Ocean Beach, California. November 21, 2010 at 7:17 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Johnnie Excel, Noodle Eating Challenges, San Diego | Permalink * Comments (4)
Stephanie Wu has a blog entry and video about Saturday's hot dog eating contest at the Americna Festival in San Diego won by Stephanie Torres. November 3, 2010 at 1:26 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:San Diego, Stephanie Torres, Stephanie Wu, Videos | Permalink * Comments (5)
Stephanie Wu reports that Stephanie Torres won a hot dog eating contest at the American Festival in San Diego by eating 14 hot dogs in 5 minutes. Johnnie Excel was the runner-up with 12. October 30, 2010 at 7:04 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Contest Results, San Diego, Stephanie Torres, Stephanie Wu, Unafilliated Contests | Permalink * Comments (19)
October 25, 2010 at 1:16 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Johnnie Excel, Omelet Eating Challenges, Orange County, San Diego, Stephanie Torres, Sushi Eating Challenges
The facebook for Johnnie Excel announces that he set two challenge records this weekend. He finished the Iron Man challenge omelet at the Broken Yolk in 13 minutes and ate 60 plates of sushi at Sushilicious.
Stephanie Torres was not allowed to attempt to break the women’s record since only one record attempt per day is allowed at Sushilicious. She will attempt the record on Wednesday and finished a 5 pound burrito in 14 minutes at La Casa Garcia in Anaheim as a replacement challenge.
A cannoli eating contest at the Little Italy Fiesta in San Diego on October 10 will award a $250 American Express gift card to the winner. October 7, 2010 at 12:27 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Prizes, San Diego, Unafilliated Contests | Permalink * Comments
Jessica "JigsawMofo" has uploaded a video of her becoming the first female to finish the the Iron Man omelet at The Broken Yolk in San Diego. She has also posted a video of her recent attempt at the B3 Burrito in Las Vegas, which she believes was considerably more massive than the listed six pound weight. August 23, 2010 at 3:52 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:B3 Burrito, Las Vegas, Omelet Eating Challenges, San Diego, Videos, Women | Permalink * Comments (14)
Red Cup Yogurt in Oceanside, CA (San Diego area) will hold an eating contest on August 28 where competitors will try to eat a gallon of yogurt as fast as possible. The contest purse is $300. August 20, 2010 at 11:01 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Prizes, San Diego, Unafilliated Contests | Permalink * Comments (1)
Jessica "JigsawMofo" announced on the Man vs. Food facebook wall that she became the first woman to complete the Iron (Wo)man Challenge 12 egg omelet at the Broken Yolk in San Diego. August 12, 2010 at 5:58 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Omelet Eating Challenges, San Diego, Women | Permalink * Comments (1)
Joey Chestnut's hot dog record attempt at Lucha Libre Taco Shop is mentioned in BlogCritics diary of the Comic Con in San Diego. August 2, 2010 at 12:16 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Hot Dog Eating Challenges, Joey Chestnut, San Diego | Permalink * Comments
VolitionTube has a video of the Guinness Mars bars record eating attempt by Joey Chestnut, Pat Bertoletti and Tim Janus. July 30, 2010 at 1:32 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Records, San Diego, Videos | Permalink * Comments (1)
OneSweetKiss, Lance Thomas and Gordon Miller report that Joey Chestnut ate 30 Tijuana style hot dogs at Lucha Libre while in San Diego for the Mars bar contest. July 27, 2010 at 10:37 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Hot Dog Eating Challenges, Joey Chestnut, San Diego | Permalink * Comments (1)
July 22, 2010 at 4:46 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Contest Results, Pat Bertoletti, San Diego
The contest should start at 2 pm Pacific, 5 pm eastern.
update The results have been posted:
1) Pat Bertoletti 38 Mars bars
2) Joey Chestnut 20
3) Tim Janus 10
This is probably Joey Chestnut’s biggest percentage margin of defeat. (Joey ate 32 HDB in the 2005 Nathan’s finals to Kobayashi’s 49)
update Pat wore the Evel Knievel costume that he wanted to wear at the Nathan’s finals.
update #2 Pat and Joey tied in the world record attempt with 3 Mars bars in a minute. This is considerably less than Bertoletti’s 7.6 bars / minute pace in the contest.
GettyImages has some event pictures.
update #3 Red Faction has a video of the record attempts
Permalink has details about the Red Faction: Armageddon Mars Bar Eating World Championship in San Diego Thursday. Joey Chestnut, Pat Bertoletti and Tim Janus will attempt to break the one minute Mars Bars Guinness record before competing in a five minute contest. July 19, 2010 at 6:40 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Contest Previews, San Diego | Permalink * Comments (30)
Joey Chestnut will attempt to break the record for the most Mars bars consumed in one minute at the Comic-Con International in San Diego on July 22. Pat Bertoletti and Tim Janus will also be present at the event. July 15, 2010 at 11:05 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Joey Chestnut, Records, San Diego | Permalink * Comments (20)
Frogger561 has more videos of the Escondido, CA Nathan's qualifier. July 7, 2010 at 10:29 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:2010 Nathan's Hot Dog Contest, San Diego, Videos | Permalink * Comments (15)
June 26, 2010 at 7:10 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:2010 Nathan's Hot Dog Contest, Contest Results, Crazy Legs Conti, San Diego
update July 1 The sports / athlete gossip blog Deadspin did a post about the controversy after receiving a tip from Dave Wagner “Sam” containing this quote from Rich Shea:
The officials at this particular qualifier reviewed Crazy Legs Conti’s eating area and determined a deduction should be made for detritus. After the deduction, Conti’s total was still enough to win the event. The ruling stands and Conti will compete in Coney Island on July 4th.
update June 30 Sammy Bee served as a contest judge and emailed a post contest picture of Conti’s plate & cups:

update June 29 Space Pirate Queen has a flickr gallery with videos of the contest
update June 28 pt 2 Runner-up Adrian Morgan has posted a comment.
update June 28 Dave Wagner has posted the uncut video to youtube Part 1 | Part 2
update #4 NC Times has an article
update #3 DL Wagner has a blog entry and video from the qualifier focusing on Crazy Legs Conti.
update #2 The OC Register has an article
update The MLE facebook has the top 5 (Part 1 | Part 2 )
1) Crazy Legs Conti 25
2T) Adrian Morgan 22
2T) Brian Subich 22
4) Damon Wells 21
5) Ron Koch 19
? Shawn Kirby 9
OCRegister has a preview of the Nathan’s qualifier in Escondido, California listing Shawn Kirby, Damon Wells, Crazy Legs Conti and Adrian Morgan as expected entrants.
Kevin Ross and Matt Cohen will also compete and did an interview on the Scott and BR show. (podcast)
The San Diego Source lists Crazy Legs Conti and Kevin Ross as expected entrants in the June 26 Nathan's qualifier in Escondido, California. June 9, 2010 at 3:24 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:2010 Nathan's Hot Dog Contest, San Diego | Permalink * Comments (20)
NBCSanDiego did an article about Michael Luong finishing a 38 ounce steak at Bully's East. May 24, 2010 at 10:22 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:San Diego, Steak Eating Challenges | Permalink * Comments
Fox 5 San Diego has a short interview with David Mills, winner of the San Diego RA Sushi Maki Madness tournament. Greg "The Floss" Moss was another finalist. March 25, 2010 at 2:36 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Contest Results, San Diego, Unafilliated Contests, Videos | Permalink * Comments (2)
Trevor Iordanides has a blog entry about competing in December's Jose's Flauta Eating Championship in La Jolla, California. March 11, 2010 at 8:00 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Contest Results, San Diego | Permalink * Comments (1)
RA Sushi in San Diego will hold a Maki Madness sushi eating tournament on March 21. March 1, 2010 at 8:05 am by
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Kimberly Carrasco and Brianna claim to have seen Adam Richman attempting the omelet challenge for an upcoming episode of Man vs. Food at the Broken Yolk yesterday. February 15, 2010 at 4:43 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Man vs. Food, Omelet Eating Challenges, San Diego | Permalink * Comments (2)
A facebook and twitter comment claim that the challenge for Adam Richman in San Diego will be the iron man omelet at the Broken Yolk Cafe. The date of the challenge is not listed. February 14, 2010 at 8:08 am by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Man vs. Food, Omelet Eating Challenges, San Diego | Permalink * Comments
February 12, 2010 at 3:04 pm by
ojrifkin · More posts about:Man vs. Food, San Diego
Dining Out SD has more information about Man vs. Food recording at Phil’s BBQ in San Diego Tuesday.
update The facebook post has been removed without explanation. It is still on the DiningOutSD twitter. Commenters in a yelp thread say there will be no recording Tuesday.
update #2 An email was sent out to members of Phil’s mailing list and the event is mentioned in another yelp post. It is not clear if members of the general public will be allowed to attend.
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